Published at 11th of May 2022 05:07:34 AM

Chapter 1925

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Great Wall Motor is said to be a private enterprise. In fact, the government holds 35% of the shares in it. Because of its high wages and good welfare, many leaders will put their children and relatives in it. As time goes on, more and more people will eat dry food, which leads to the deterioration of the Great Wall.

Wu Yong looked in his eyes and was anxious in his heart. He could not help but give him ten courage and dare not expel these people.

Xiao Yunhai said, "but what does this have to do with your investment in my automobile company?"

Wu Yong said: "I want to start a new business. Although great wall motor has various problems, it has mature automobile technology. If you want to build a car factory and start from scratch, it's impossible without five or six years. I am willing to use all the technology of Great Wall Motors to take a stake in your Changjiang motor company. At that time, you can use it directly or continue to study on this basis. This will save you a lot of time, Mr. Xiao. What do you think? "

As soon as Xiao Yunhai's eyes brightened, he said with a smile: "this is a good idea. How many shares are you going to take, Mr. Wu? "

Wu Yongdao: "40 percent."

Hearing this, Xiao Yunhai burst into laughter and said, "Mr. Wu, you really know how to joke. Forty percent is absolutely impossible. Let's say that, even if we don't have great Wall Motors technology, we can still rely on our strong financial resources to buy those auto companies, and then, like Yunqing network company, we can employ countless engineers, experts and technicians to develop new technologies with high salaries. With our ability, in less than two years, I will be able to build Changjiang motor

Wu Yong didn't have the slightest doubt about Xiao Yunhai's words. He frowned and asked, "how much does Mr. Xiao think fit?"

Xiao Yunhai shrugged and said, "I don't know. If you really want to, I will let the new CEO of Changjiang Motor Company contact you after he takes office. I basically don't care about these things. "

Wu Yong nodded and said, "OK. I hope we can have cooperation opportunities in the future. "

Xiao Yunhai laughed, picked up a cup of tea, and said, "let's take tea instead of wine and wish the future together."

As time went by, Xiao Yunhai was very busy every day. He went out at seven in the morning and came back at ten in the evening. He spent every day in the Olympic Stadium and watched the rehearsals.

During this period, Xiao Yunhai brought four excellent songs from the previous life of the 2008 Olympic Games, and selected four good works from the world to form eight songs. As the program of the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games, more than 100 singers participated in the singing, almost all the singers above the first line in China were captured.

While Xiao Yunhai is busy with the Olympic Games, his "Forrest Gump" will finally be released in Europe and America.

In an interview at the Golden Cup International Film Festival, Xiao Yunhai once said that Forrest Gump would win the best actor, director and film of next year.

His confident words soon spread all over the world, and the fans who had been looking forward to Forrest Gump were looking forward to it even more.

The publicity of Forrest Gump was carried out by David Harnett from the beginning to the end. It cost no more than 50 million US dollars. In order to maintain the mystery, even Xiao Yunhai only made the trailer for half a minute, shorter than the movie Zhuxian.

Fans don't pay much attention to this. They think Xiao Yunhai is lazy, and even some malicious companies let people spread rumors that Xiao Yunhai doesn't respect his fans.

Fortunately, the Propaganda Department of Marvel cartoon company is not a vegetarian. It directly uses thunder to solve the problem.

According to statistics, from April 8 to 6 p.m. on April 12, 45 million people in Europe and the United States have pre purchased tickets for Forrest Gump, which has been able to ensure that the venue is full four days ago.

In order to attract everyone to the cinema, Xiao Yunhai set the price of Forrest Gump in North America at $22.

Europe has just experienced the economic crisis, and the price is lower. As long as it is only 15 euro, that is, 18 US dollars.

Yanhuang cinema naturally attaches great importance to Xiao Yunhai's films, and directly vacates 80% of 2D cinemas.

The remaining 20% of theaters only show four 2D films that are not afraid of death. They are all works of unknown directors and actors. The purpose is not to make money, but to become famous.

As for those directors who want to make money, they have already adjusted the schedule to other times, far away from it.

At 8 p.m. on April 12, countless fans from Europe and the United States came into Yanhuang cinema in an endless stream.

Marvel Comics did not hold a grand premiere ceremony for Forrest Gump, but invited many Hollywood directors, artists and filmmakers to watch the movie in a luxurious studio of Yanhuang cinema.

"Bickervin, have you seen this movie your boss made?" Peter kaparty, the Hollywood director, asked bikvin next to him.

Bickervin shook his head and said with a smile, "if I had seen it, would I still need it?"

Peter said with a smile: "many directors said that Mr. Xiao's words at the Jinzun Film Festival were provocative in the guide industry. In Huaxia's words, it's a hornet's nest. Do you think Forrest Gump can really succeed?"Bickervin thought for a moment and said, "Mr. Xiao never fights a battle that is uncertain. David and I talked about it this afternoon. Although he didn't give me a definite answer, he said Forrest Gump was the best film he had ever made. In the external interview, he would add one, but when he told me, he did not. The whole person looks confident. "

Peter said with a smile: "the first literary film made by the king of commercial films can get such evaluation from the film emperor. Then I will enjoy it."

Other filmmakers also whispered there, until the logo of Marvel Comics company appeared and the film officially started, which stopped and focused their eyes on the screen.

"Forrest Gump" at the beginning of the story is a white and light feather in the vast blue sky slowly floating, landed on Forrest Gump's shoes full of mud.

Steven's eyes lit up and said, "what does this white feather mean? Does it signify purity? "

"Very likely." The five-star film critic suddenly said, "David's character is a fool with low IQ. Only a fool's heart is the purest. Oh, it's interesting

Forrest Gump with a face of dementia picked up the feather on the ground, put it in the book, and said a word full of philosophy to a middle-aged woman who got out of the car.

"Life is like all kinds of chocolates. You never know which one belongs to you."

Soon, Forrest Gump fell into the memory.

Forrest Gump was born mentally retarded when he was a child, and his legs had some problems, which needed to be corrected with metal brackets. Although the starting point is much lower than that of normal people, he has a very good mother who has been constantly encouraging him.

Many schools don't want such people. Forrest Gump's mother tried her best to send him to a normal school.

Forrest Gump's mother lives by renting a house. Forrest Gump likes one of the tenants who plays the guitar and sometimes learns to dance with him. Soon after, Forrest Gump read in the newspaper that the tenant was already a big star. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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