Published at 11th of May 2022 05:07:30 AM

Chapter 1928

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"Cloud sea, congratulations. The true story of Forrest Gump has been well received in the West

"Yunhai, is it time to treat? The true story of Forrest Gump is so wonderful. No wonder you dare to say such big words. "

"Forrest Gump still has five days to show in China. It's so slow that I can't wait. Yunhai, can we have a little film first? Let's study hard. "

In the entertainment industry, countless directors and actors have called Xiao Yunhai for congratulations.

Xiao Yunhai is naturally constantly thanking.

The success of Forrest Gump's true story did not surprise Xiao Yunhai, but it was unexpected that it could cause such a big stir.

The most shocking thing is that American president Lyle even joined the party and took his wife and children to Yanhuang cinema to have a look at Forrest Gump.

In an interview, he praised the film and regarded Forrest Gump as a symbol of American spirit.

The heads of government in Europe could not sit still, so they went into the cinema and praised Forrest Gump.

Xiao Yunhai has become a shareholder of more than 40 super large companies, which has a huge impact on the European economy. Of course, they are willing to do this kind of icing on the cake.

After seeing their interview video on the Internet, Xiao Yunhai felt a little embarrassed.

With the endorsement of the European and American governments, "Forrest Gump" is even more popular. Even people who never go to the cinema to see a movie want to know what this film, known as the representative of the western spirit, looks like.

Since then, more people have watched the film. There are 1.5 billion people in Europe and the United States. According to statistics, the number of movie fans who buy tickets through various channels is as high as 300 million, reaching one fifth of the total population. Some even watched it three times. The box office broke through six billion dollars, and all of them were full within three weeks, setting almost all records.

You know, the average ticket price of this movie is only 20 dollars. If it's 3D, it's easy to surpass Zhuxian.

All the actors who appear in Forrest Gump's true story are in a mess. Even a small supporting role has become a second-line star.

With the wonderful interpretation of Forrest Gump, David Harnett has been the film emperor among the film emperors by the media, which is more powerful than ever.

But the film director Xiao Yunhai has not appeared, as if "Forrest Gump" has nothing to do with him.

According to a reporter, Xiao Yunhai goes to the Olympic Stadium at 7 o'clock every day, and comes out of it at 10 o'clock in the evening to rest.

So dedicated, let Xiao Yunhai get more praise.

This afternoon, Xiao Yunhai made the first trip out of the gymnasium and took a car to the headquarters of Yunyi shopping network.

When he walked into the president's office, he saw Wu Yifa. Xiao Yunhai said bluntly, "Lao Wu, I'll give you the bottom line. I want money now. If I want my life, I'll do it as you see fit."

Wu Yifa was stunned and said with a bitter smile, "Lao Xiao, am I such an image in your heart?"

Xiao Yunhai sat on the sofa and said, "I know you and George have reached an agreement to buy his supermarket. But I really can't make up my mind about the money. "

At the Golden Cup International Film Festival dinner, Xiao Yunhai introduced George to Wu Yifa.

Wu Yifa is very interested in George's Walson supermarket chain. If we can take it, together with the newly opened Yunyi supermarket, we can cover all over Europe.

After half a month of negotiation, the two sides reached an agreement.

Xiao Yunhai and Wu Yifa bought George's Walson supermarket in major European cities for $338 billion.

But where does the money come from? Needless to say, the source must be Xiao Yunhai, the richest man in the world.

Wu Yifa said, "don't come. Now the richest person in the world is you. If you say we don't have money, we are poor. "

Xiao Yunhai sighed and said, "Lao Wu, I won't lie to you. Now I really don't have money. Or I have money, but I have other uses. "

Although Xiao Yunhai has been holding the Olympic Games in Yanjing, Christie has been watching for him from the American side.

According to various signs, the plan to crack down on the Bessie family is expected to take place in the second half of the year.

What Xiao Yunhai and Apollo said was to tell him a month in advance, so as to set aside the opportunity for him to prepare funds. But in fact, Xiao Yunhai started to prepare after he had finished the big European companies.

It is not easy for Xiao Yunhai to raise 15 trillion US dollars. What Xiao Yunhai wants is not 15 trillion, but 25 trillion, to prevent accidents.

So much money, even with all the savings of Barker bank, can not be raised, let alone spare money to Yunyi supermarket chain.

Wu Yifa was surprised and asked, "is there any other use? Lao Xiao, what is more important than our Yunyi supermarket chain? "

Xiao Yunhai looked into his eyes and solemnly said, "even a hundred Yunyi supermarket chains are not as important as what I want to do. Mr. Wu, tell me the truth, all the investment has stopped in the last month. "Wu Yifa's eyes narrowed slightly and said, "Lao Xiao, what's the matter? Talk about it. I promise I won't talk to a third person. "

Xiao Yunhai disdained to say: "you forget it. If you don't tell a third person, you can tell a fourth person or a fifth person that I won't be fooled by you. What's more, you can't get involved in this matter. I'm going to New York in a few days. You can solve the problem of money by yourself. "

Wu Yifa cried and said, "with so much money, how do you want me to solve it?"

Xiao Yunhai shrugged his shoulders and said, "this is your business. You're responsible for $338 billion anyway. I won't give a cent. At the most, I'll ask Barker to subtract $169 billion from it. "

From annexing stell business network to now, Wu Yifa still owes Xiao Yunhai hundreds of billions of dollars. Although Wu Yifa has made great contributions to the development of Yunyi shopping website, Xiao Yunhai's support is also the most critical point.

That is, Xiao Yunhai, if he changed someone else, he could not be urged to repay all day.

Wu Yifa sighed and said, "OK. I went to Huaxia commercial bank for a loan. I think I need to mortgage all my remaining shares in Yunyi shopping website. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "I wish you success. Next, I also need to find a bank loan. "

Wu Yifa was stunned and said, "are you not ill. Where you need to borrow money from other banks. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "the strength of our bank is really good, but it does not have the function of printing money. There are so many transfers that the bank can't support it. "

Wu Yifa said helplessly, "you are really good."

From Wu Yifa, Xiao Yunhai returned to the Olympic Stadium.

By now, all the links of the opening ceremony have been finalized. In addition to the star performances, all the actors have to rehearse three times a day in the morning, noon and evening to achieve the best effect.

During this period, Xiao Yunhai made a division of labor and let every cadre below be responsible for a program.

Good guy, the enthusiasm of these people is even higher than Xiao Yunhai. They almost eat and live in the gymnasium. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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