Published at 11th of May 2022 06:03:05 AM

Chapter 193

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Xiao Yunhai smile, took the reins, gently stroked his hair on the head of the red rabbit with his right hand, and said, "ma'er, ma'er, we are going to fight side by side these two days."

Li Xun came quietly and asked in a low voice, "Yunhai, can you do it? Don't let the horse get hurt for your own sake

Xiao Yunhai patted the horse's back and said, "a man can't say he can't As soon as his voice fell, he turned over and mounted his horse. His movements were agile and fluent, which made Lao Hu's eyes bright.

Together with Lao Hu's action guide, Cheng Ye sees Xiao Yunhai on the horse, with a contemptuous smile on his face.

It's really young and full of vigor. This horse can't even be subdued as an expert in equestrian skills. Lao Hu should be watching every time he shoots, not to mention Xiao Yunhai, a big star.

"It would be perfect if the kid got hurt and quit." Cheng ambition way.

"Cloud sea, you have to be careful, don't fall down," Hong said

As soon as he finished his words, the red rabbit horse seemed to feel a stranger on his back. His eyes were red. Suddenly, he hissed and his front hooves soared, trying to throw Xiao Yunhai down.

Around the big stars suddenly scared back to hide, to this crazy red rabbit left a lot of space. Only Lao Hu stood still, quietly watching one man and one horse.

"Lao Hu, don't let it stop quickly," Hong said sharply. Xiao Yunhai is in trouble. I have to trouble you. "

Before Lao Hu answered, Xiao Yunhai immediately burst into laughter.

He grasped the reins tightly with both hands, and his legs encircled the horse's belly like an iron hoop. Instead of showing any expression of fear on his face, he showed an extremely excited appearance, and his body could not jump up and down with the red rabbit's tumbling.

"Brother, you are too weak. If you work harder, you will soon get me down."

Xiao Yunhai's Kung Fu has made great progress in terms of strength, physical strength and explosive power. Compared with his strength, this horse is really no match for him.

Seeing Xiao Yunhai teasing the red rabbit like a joke, everyone is shocked and can't close his mouth.

Zhao Chongxu, who knew red rabbit's temper well, showed an incredible look on his face and murmured: "is this teasing the horse?"

Wang Guoan nodded and replied, "yes, it seems to be teasing. It's really .

he couldn't find any words to describe his mood.

Among all the crew members, the biggest reaction is the action director Cheng Ye. His face is full of "don't believe it". His mouth is wide open and he can't close it. His eyes are about to jump out of his eyes.

He is very clear about the red rabbit's strength. If he can bear it for half a minute, he is already very good. However, Xiao Yunhai seems to be able to handle it easily. How strong is his strength.

Cheng Ye felt for the first time that the young man in front of him seemed not so easy to deal with. Fortunately, he had been prepared.

On the court, the red rabbit's movements are more and more big, and there are more and more tricks. It can be said that he has tried his best. But Xiao Yunhai, like a tiger skin plaster, sticks tightly to its back, but he can't throw it off.

Even later, after Xiao Yunhai adapted to his movements, he still had time to free his hands, gently stroked the head of the red rabbit, and said with ease: "brother, if you're tired, you can rest for a while. It's really meaningless to make such a show. We must strive to be a good boy. "

Xiao Yunhai's words made the crew speechless.

Fifteen minutes later, maybe he saw that he had no choice but to take Xiao Yunhai. The red rabbit finally stopped, breathing heavily in his mouth. It seemed that he was very tired.

Xiao Yunhai felt that he was almost done, so he jumped off his horse.

Lao Hu timely handed Xiao Yunhai some horse material and nuzzled to the red rabbit.

Xiao Yunhai understood, took the horse material, went to the red rabbit, left hand stroked its head, right hand put the horse material to its mouth, said: "brother, if you are tired, eat some."

The members of the crew around did not make even a little noise. They all looked forward to the reaction of the red rabbit horse.

Red rabbit horse looked at Xiao Yunhai, suddenly put out his tongue to lick Xiao Yunhai's arm, and then ate it.

The whole crew cheered for a moment.

"That's great. I didn't expect that someone could actually subdue this horse."

"The emperor of clouds is the best in the world. It's not for nothing

"From today on, Xiao Yunhai is my idol."

"What are you looking at? What's good to see. Don't work for me yet. " Hong Tianqiao burst out a drink, scared people to rush to work.

Hong Tiancai quietly found the Palmer Li Yonggang and asked in a low voice, "how about Lao Li? Have they all been recorded? "

Li Yonggang is his old man, smell speech smile way: "I work son you still don't rest assured. It's all inside. It's clear. "

Hong Tiancai patted Li Yonggang on the shoulder and said with a smile: "that's good. When we publicize it, put it directly on the Internet, and it will definitely become popular. "Li Yonggang nodded and sighed: "the Lv Bu you are looking for is really powerful. He Hucheng is just a scum in front of him."

With a smile, Hong Tiancai went to his own business.

Lao Hu went to Xiao Yunhai, gave him a thumbs up and said, "you are the only one who can subdue it except me. It's amazing. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "Miss Hu, I'm flattered."

"Well, I won't have to follow the crew every day. It is very human. Since I recognize you, I will listen to you. You should treat it well these days. "

"Don't worry, Mr. Hu. I'll treat it well."

After Lao Hu left, Wang Guoan, sun Yanjun and other talents came up and congratulated Xiao Yunhai one after another.

Sun Yanjun praised: "you boy, you really have the demeanor of Lv Bu and red rabbit in horse. I really do

The rest of us couldn't stop admiring.

"Well, several teachers, all departments are almost ready, and we are going to film soon. Please return Lv Bu to me. " Hong Tiancai comes with Cheng ye and says.

In the crew, the world is big and the filming is the biggest.

As soon as Hong Tiancai's voice fell, all the people left without saying a word, leaving only Xiao Yunhai and red rabbit horse.

"Yunhai, you'll have an action play about riding over more than 20 steps and killing Dong Zhuo with Fangtian drawing halberd. Now, you and director Cheng have a good communication, and don't have any accidents. "

"Yes, Miss Cheng. I'm sorry to trouble you."

Even though Xiao Yunhai doesn't like Cheng ye, his kung fu is perfect.

Cheng yepi said with a smile: "Mr. Xiao himself is good at Kung Fu and has such good equestrian skills. As long as you pay attention to it, it will be OK."

Hong Tiancai nodded and said, "well, I'll go to clear the court first, and you can discuss it"

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