Published at 11th of May 2022 05:07:26 AM

Chapter 1932

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Hearing Apollo talking about the European economic crisis, Locke's face flashed a trace of anger, and said: "you know that you have to deal with the Bessie family, and you have to do this kind of thing. It's really lifting a stone to hit your own feet."

In other words, most of the euro's economic losses can be greatly affected by the euro crisis.

"Let's not talk about the past," Lyle said. Mr. Shaw, the Anderson family and the Locke family have a good business, but they have little appeal to the Bessie family. Only your network company is what everyone wants. Our government has decided to sell a super large oil field sealed by the Bessie family at a price of $5 trillion. As long as you transfer out more than $5 trillion again, we can completely destroy them economically. It's a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. "

Old Locke said, "yes. Mr. Xiao, the president and the Anderson family have joined hands in politics and military affairs, which is enough to create a crushing situation. It's not the only thing that helps us

Allen said, "Mr. Xiao, the preparatory work is going on in an orderly way. The key is up to you."

Xiao Yunhai took a look at Christie. Christie understood and said, "gentlemen, if we sell the shares of the company to the Bessie family, what can you guarantee our interests? If something went wrong with the plan and the Bessie family was not destroyed, wouldn't it become a shareholder in our company? Furthermore, even if we succeed and the Bessie family is destroyed, what should they do with their shares? "

Several people fell silent at Christie's words.

After a while, Lyle said, "there are some risks you have to take if you want to do something big."

"But the risk is proportional to the benefits," Christie said. Why don't we have to take a big risk? "

Lyle's pupils shrank slightly and said, "what do you want?"

Christie laughed, "it's easy. If it's successful, we'll take back the shares again at 50% of the Bessie family's offer. If we fail, we want to compensate. "

Apollo said: "in this way, it is not all the crisis into our head."

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "I didn't want to participate in this plan. You have to pull me up. Now, 15 trillion dollars need your guarantee, not to mention the shares of my company. With the strength of the rock family and the Anderson family, should this matter be ok? "

Lyle pondered for a while, and said, "there is a saying in China, which is called bowing without turning back.". At this point, there is no way out. If it can succeed, then the Bessie family will own the shares in your company, and I can sell them to you again. If we fail in the end, we can't give you any reply. After all, no one can be sure what will happen. Mr. Xiao, there are some risks that you have to take. This is the price of great benefits. Compared with us, your commitment is actually very small. "

Xiao Yunhai took a deep look at Laier and said in his heart, "it seems that he is most anxious. Is it certain that he will get rid of the Anderson family at the same time

Xiao Yunhai changed his mind and thought about his gains and losses and said, "OK. I'll do my best. "

Hearing Xiao Yunhai's words, the four people on the screen also showed a smile.

Apollo asked, "Mr. Xiao, how can you sell them shares of the company as a matter of course?"

Xiao Yunhai said: "you can rest assured that I have a plan, but I can not guarantee that I will succeed."

Old Locke said: "Mr. Xiao, whether the crackdown can be carried out in the second half of the year depends on whether you can transfer out the money from Citibank."

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "I understand."

"Let's talk about other details next," Lyle said

When Xiao Yunhai and others held a secret meeting, froda and Elvis were also on the phone.

"Uncle, I have received reliable news that Kung Fu Xiao has a financial problem." Froda road.

Elvis was stunned and said, "froda, how did you get the news?"

What a coincidence, Xiao Yunhai office eavesdropper, is the two of them to install.

Even if froda doesn't make the call, Elvis will call him.

As long as it is against Xiao Yunhai, they are absolutely the best allies.

"Uncle, listen to your tone, it seems that you also know this matter," froda said in surprise

Elvis said: "that's right. I installed a little thing in Kung Fu Xiao's office. "

Fu Luoda was stunned and said with a smile: "we are really tacit, so am I

Elvis pondered, "froda, do you think it's Kung Fu Xiao's trick again?"

Froda said, "uncle, I've been thinking about it all afternoon, and I don't think it's true. In the past year, Kung Fu Xiao has made a lot of investment. I've asked people to calculate it. It's almost more than one billion dollars. Secondly, the people's Bank of China suddenly announced that it would form a strategic alliance with Barker bank. Originally, I was still surprised why they did so. Now I understand that it was bought by Kungfu Xiao with several trillion dollars, which is completely logical. Finally, his Internet company is so attractive. If we can buy 20% of the shares, what if it's his trick? "Fu Luoda felt that Elvis was scared by Xiao Yunhai. He was afraid of something.

Elvis nodded and said, "you're right. Anything can be fake, only shares can't be fake. But why didn't he ask for help from the Anderson family? In contrast, the Anderson family has a much stronger relationship with him than we have

Fu Luoda said with a smile: "uncle, you forget that the Anderson family owns 10% of the shares in Yunqing network company. If I were Kung Fu Xiao, I would not sell it, so as to avoid the situation of dove occupying the magpie's nest in the future. Uncle, according to their arrangement, Christie will come to our Citibank tomorrow to discuss this matter. I need your authorization. "

Elvis pondered for a while and said: "it's OK for him to borrow three trillion dollars, but the premise is that he must sell us the shares of Yunqing network company, and it must not be less than 20%. Naturally, the lower the price is, the better. The highest price can not exceed the market price. Now he is asking us, understand? "

I have to admit that froda is really excellent, but the relationship between them is already in the same boat. Elvis has put forward such harsh conditions, but he did not mean to give Rhoda a a difficult problem.

Fu Luoda at the other end of the mobile phone frowned and said: "uncle, do you think Xiao Yunhai will agree to such a condition? You know, we are not the only one who has the ability to buy shares in Yunqing network company. "

Elvis said: "you don't have to say more. If Xiao Yunhai does not agree with such conditions, let him find another person. "

Elvis was the head of the Bessie family. Although fuloda was the first successor, he had no choice but to agree. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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