Published at 11th of May 2022 05:07:25 AM

Chapter 1933

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after the call, froda directly dropped the phone on the ground. Fortunately, it was a wooden floor, otherwise the mobile phone would be torn apart.

"It's stupid. It's stupid." Come on, Elvis, yell.

The future of Xiao Yunhai's Yunqing network company can be said to be bright. There are no 10000 or 8000 companies that want to buy his shares. But all along, most of the shares are in Xiao Yunhai's hands, and other people have no way at all.

Now it's a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. It's stupid of Elvis to offer such a offer.

Think of the new intelligent special effects technology to cloud clear network company to bring huge profits, Fu Luoda some envy. For him, it is the best thing to get a foot in.

Hope to succeed.

Froda took a deep breath and sighed.

At 10 a.m. the next morning, Christie arrived at the headquarters of Citibank with several members of her team. In the president's office, Christie met with flora Bessie.

"Mr. Bessie, thanks for the relationship between our two families, we really appreciate your time." Christie said politely.

Froda waved his hand and said with a smile, "Ms Christie, there are no eternal enemies in the market, only eternal interests. I'm a businessman. I value profit. "

"I'm very happy that Mr. Bessie can say that, and so will Mr. Shaw," Christie said

Seeing froda so talkative, Christie has basically determined that one of the people who eavesdrop on their conversation should be him.

Otherwise, froda would not have such an attitude.

Froda, of course, did not know that his business had been revealed and asked, "Ms Christie, yesterday you said on the phone that there was a big deal to talk about. Don't you know what it is?"

Christie said, "loans. Do you know if Citibank will take it

Froda was so happy that he pretended to be unaware of it and said, "you are really joking. As the world knows, Mr. Xiao is the richest man. Even the Chinese government wants to borrow money from him. I can't believe my ears when you tell me he wants a loan

I have to admit that froda's acting skills are really in place. If Christie didn't know that the other party had already eavesdropped on their conversation, maybe she would have believed froda's lies.

"Mr. Bessie, it's normal that everyone is short of money. We can't disclose the specific reason. We just want to ask you, can you lend us $5 trillion? "

Froda said solemnly, "it seems that Ms. Christie is very serious. But what do you use as collateral

"Yunqing oil and gas company," Christie said. Its market value is second only to your TCP energy company. You can rest assured if you use it as collateral? "

Froda nodded and said, "don't worry, of course. But I'm not very interested in the energy industry. "

"What are you interested in?" Christie asked

"Yunqing network company," Fu Luoda said with a smile

Christie's face changed and said: "Mr. Bessie, because of the new network technology, Yunqing network company has become Mr. Xiao's most valued industry. It will never be used as a mortgage loan. Mr. Bessie, we are not short of money. We are short of time. It only takes us one year to pay back the five trillion dollars. It doesn't matter which company we use as collateral. "

Froda said, "Miss Christie, I think you may have misunderstood me. I'm not talking about mortgage, but buying shares in Yunqing network company. "

Christie stood up directly and said angrily, "Mr. Bessie, it's better not to play such a joke."

Froda laughed and said, "Miss Christie, you are too sensitive. There are no companies that money can't buy? Our Citibank has made a lot of money recently, and there is no problem with us $5 trillion. Our terms are very clear. If you sell us the shares of Yunqing network company, we will give you loans. Otherwise, we will not agree. "

"Mr Shaw has a very good reputation, and it's not just Citibank that is willing to lend to us," Christie said. Want cloud clear network company's share, you are really fantastic. "

"Ms Christie, five trillion dollars is not a small sum, even Swiss banks can't give it," froda said. Otherwise, how could you come to me? "

"But don't forget, there's the Anderson family, who also made a lot of money in the European economic crisis," Christie sneered

"Then you can try it," froda said

Christie got up and said, "see you later."

In order to make froda believe them completely, Christie did not agree, but left the headquarters of Citibank angrily.

After Christie left, froda immediately called the person who monitored Xiao Yunhai and asked him to pay attention to Xiao Yunhai.

Half an hour later, Christie returned to the headquarters of Yunqing network company and entered Xiao Yunhai's office."Mr. Xiao, Citibank has no sincerity at all." Christie said.

Xiao Yunhai said: "this is what I expected. What does he want? "

"As we guessed, he wanted to buy a stake in Yunqing Christie said angrily.

Xiao Yunhai sneered: "think very beautiful."

"I'm really sorry, Mr. Shaw," Christie said. "I shouldn't be in such a hurry to set up in Europe."

Xiao Yunhai waved his hand and said, "it's not your fault. The main reason is that the previous opportunities are so good that they are missed, and they may not be repeated in ten years. Well, I'll call Apollo and hope they'll bring me good news. "

With that, Xiao Yunhai stretched out his tongue to Christie, took out his mobile phone and called Apollo.

Christie is sitting on the sofa, smiling at Xiao Yunhai's acting.

"What? 30 percent. Oh, Apollo, you are more cruel than froda

"Don't even think about it. Cloud clear network company is my foundation, you have accounted for 10%, if you sell you 30%, then I am not digging my own grave. I can't, it's a big deal. I'm going to sell oil fields. "


Xiao Yunhai put down his mobile phone and said angrily, "they are all bastards who only recognize money but not people."

Christie advised, "Mr. Shaw, you don't have to be so angry. This has always been the case with these capitalists. With 30 percent of the shares, the Anderson family is more ruthless than the Bessie family. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "it seems that we are in big trouble. It's only a week before the payment date of the people's Bank of China. It's really not possible. Let's sell some shares of Yunqing oil and gas company. "

Christie said, "well, I'm going to release the news. I believe there should be a lot of people interested in this on Wall Street."

Xiao Yunhai said, "go."

After Christie left, Xiao Yunhai scolded: "shit, this is no bullshit." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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