Published at 11th of May 2022 05:07:23 AM

Chapter 1934

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The dialogue between Xiao Yunhai and Christie soon reached the ears of froda and Elvis.

Elvis called Allen Anderson without thinking about it.

After introducing the situation, Elvis said, "Alan, Kung Fu Shaw is in trouble. I know you're interested in Yunqing. So is our Bessie family. Kungfu Xiao wants to sell the shares of Yunqing oil and gas company to raise funds. I absolutely can't allow it. "

Alan Anderson knew Xiao Yunhai's plan for a long time. He pondered and said, "you want to stop him, don't you?"

"That's right." "I want you to join me in a statement that forbids any company or individual to buy," Elvis said. I believe that with our deterrent power on Wall Street, no one dares to disobey our orders. "

"What can I get?" Alan sneered? Apollo told me that Kungfu Xiao could not sell us shares in Yunqing network company again. If I do this with you, we will get nothing but offend Kung Fu Xiao. "

"You already own 10 percent of the shares, and Kung Fu Shaw will not sell them again," Elvis said. Well, as long as this is done, I can open up the arms markets of several countries in the south-east of China. "

Alan snorted and said, "you really know how to do business. I will give Iran's arms market to me. "

"You have too much appetite," Elvis said

After some bargaining, they finally reached an agreement.

In the afternoon of the same day, Xiao Yunhai, who got the news, called Apollo and played a drama of "fierce quarrel".

Next to Christie was stunned and admired Xiao Yunhai's lines and Kung Fu.

After quarreling with Apollo, Xiao Yunhai said angrily, "Ms Christie, what should we do now? That's ridiculous. "

Christie said with a wry smile: "Mr. Shaw, this time the Anderson family and the Bessie family have united to threaten Wall Street, not to mention those companies, but the government is afraid to buy. Can you discuss with the Chinese government to postpone the payment time by half a year? "

Xiao Yunhai didn't have a good temper and said, "if I can, do I still need to be in such a hurry? Huaxia is engaged in the great development of the western region and is waiting for my money to go to the pot. "

Christie pondered and said, "Mr. Shaw, it seems that we have to go to Citibank again."

Xiao Yunhai suddenly laughed and said, "it's really fast to repay the debts in June. This time I'm afraid we'll be punished by the Bessie family once. "

Christie said: "it's impossible. It's better than having the Anderson family control 40 percent. Mr. Xiao, what's your bottom line? It's good that I know when I negotiate. "

Xiao Yunhai thought for a moment and said, "I finally know how hard it is to live without money. In this way, loans are still the main means. No matter how many shares Citibank buys, the loan money must not be less than three trillion dollars. As for the shares of Yunqing network company, my bottom line is 25%. The price can't be lower than the current share price. Of course, the less shares you sell, the better. "

Christie nodded and said, "OK, I get it."

Soon, Christie and her team returned to Citibank's headquarters to meet froda Bessie.

"Mr. Bessie, you are a good man."

Froda Bessie said with a smile, "shopping malls are like battlefields. In order to achieve the goal, sometimes we have to use some small hand pieces. Please don't be angry with Mr. Xiao. "

Christie took a sip of coffee and said slowly, "Mr. Shaw is broad-minded, but he is not angry."

Froda almost laughed when he heard it.

From the recording, he had heard the quarrel between Xiao Yunhai and Apollo for a long time. Christie said this, which was a lie with his eyes open.

Froda, with a strange smile, said, "really? I really admire Mr. Xiao. If I were to be the worst, I would scold him

Christie's face turned to normal and said, "Mr. Bessie is laughing. After Mr. Xiao's serious consideration, we can sell part of the shares of Yunqing network company to Citibank. "

Froda said happily, "that's great. Just how much is this part? "

And the bottom line, Christie, has to be a 20 percent premium

Froda laughed in his heart. Without thinking about it, he refused.

"No. MS Christie, if this is Mr. Shaw's sincerity, it would be too much to meet our requirements. "

Christie frowned and said, "Mr. Bessie, we need money, but we don't have to. You... "

Froda made a stop sign and said, "you are a bit of a liar. How could you have come to our Citibank twice if it wasn't for a rush of money. "

Seeing that Christie's face was a little ugly, froda felt very comfortable and continued, "I can tell you our bottom line directly. The price of 30% shares is 10% lower than the market price."Christie shook her head and said, "it's impossible. You have too much appetite, Mr. Bessie

"Is it? I think it's normal. Can you ask Mr. Xiao? "

"Don't ask, Mr. Xiao certainly won't agree. Well, let's take one step, 20% of the shares and 10% of the premium. "

"Ms Christie, you "

fifteen minutes later, Christie was livid, looked deeply at froda Bessie and said," Mr. Bessie, you seem to know our bottom line. "

Fu Rhoda Bessie laughed and said, "25% of the shares are at the market price, which is the requirement of the patriarch. I don't have the skill to know your low price. "

Christie said: "this is my most cowardly negotiation, and Mr. Bessie is worthy of being the first successor of the Bessie family. The value of the shares you bought is $460 billion, plus the $3 trillion we borrowed, the total is 760 billion. We can sign the contract now, but you have to get the money ready in three days

Froda Bessie said with a smile, "there's no problem. Ms. Christie, can you tell me what Mr. Shaw wants for so much money

Christie said coldly, "no comment."

Froda Bessie shrugged and said nothing more.

An hour later, Xiao Yunhai came to Citibank, calm face and went through all the procedures.

Before leaving, Xiao Yunhai said, "Mr. Bessie, you are better than your uncle. I lost this time, but I will win next time. "

Fu Rhoda Bessie said: "Mr. Xiao, you have made a loan of $3 trillion and sold the shares of Yunqing network company for $460 billion, which can be said to be a complete victory. How can you lose? "

Xiao Yunhai looked at him deeply, and suddenly a smile appeared on his face and said: "to win is to win, to lose is to lose. I'm not a person who can't afford to lose. Unfortunately, if your uncle could be more open-minded, maybe the Bessie family would not be like this. "

Froda Bessie, with a slight movement of the corner of her mouth, said, "Mr. Xiao, you don't need to sow discord. The relationship between my uncle and me is not something that outsiders can understand."

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "do you need me to provoke your relationship? Goodbye. "

"Goodbye," said berroth , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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