Published at 11th of May 2022 05:07:19 AM

Chapter 1937

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After counting the time, it should be 2 p.m. in the United States, Xiao Yunhai dials Raul's phone number and asks him to check the number of brie Meister's agent.

Within ten minutes, Raul texted the number to his cell phone.

Xiao Yunhai did not say a word, directly called the past, the mobile phone quickly connected.

"Hello, this is Adele Breman, bri mester's agent. Who's calling, please?"

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "Hello, Ms. Breman. I'm Xiao Yunhai."

"Xiao Yunhai?" Adele breeman was familiar with the name and hesitated, "are you from China?"

Xiao Yunhai was stunned. He didn't expect that the agent didn't even know himself. He said, "of course I'm from China. People abroad call me Kung Fu Xiao. "


as soon as Xiao Yunhai's voice dropped, Adele breeman's scream was heard in his mobile phone, which seemed incredible.

After a long time, Breman said, "Mr. Shaw, I'm sorry, I just lost my temper. Bree and I are both your super fans. I'm excited to hear your name

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "as long as you don't doubt me. Ms. Breman, I'm calling to ask if Miss Meister has time to come to Yanjing these two days? "

Breman didn't even think about it, so he said, "yes. What can I do for you, Mr. Xiao? "

"I'd like to invite her to audition the theme song of the Olympic Games," Xiao Yunhai said

As soon as Bregman heard this, he was happy and suppressed his inner joy. He said, "OK, I'll tell her right away. I'll take a plane to Yanjing this evening. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "Ms. Breman, don't get excited. We're auditioning this time. We don't necessarily choose Miss Meister. I hope you can understand. "

Breman said: "understand, of course we understand. Mr. Xiao, thank you for giving us this opportunity. I'll call her right away

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "thank you."

After hanging up the phone, Adele breeman was not so elegant and dignified as usual. She jumped up with joy.

Let's go. Let's go. Let's go.

At this point, brie Meister was in a terrible mood.

As a second-line singer, Meister's status in the United States is not high, often bullied by some stingy big singers.

She and Adele Breman came to Warner TV to record a party, and she needed to be on stage to sing a song.

According to the time, it should have been her turn to make up. But as soon as she entered the dressing room, before she could sit down, a group of people rushed in, led by Robbie, a big star in a company with her.

Robbie had repeatedly harassed her and asked her to go to bed with him. However, Meister didn't pay any attention to him, which made him bear a grudge and often tried to find Meister's trouble.

This time it must have been intentional.

But I know that he is not as good as he is, and the TV station will not make decisions for himself.

After a fight, Meister was depressed and invited to a small dressing room by the TV staff.

Breman searched for a long time before he found the dressing room.

Seeing Breman come in, Meister said discontentedly, "Adele, how did you come. I just got kicked out of that Robbie bastard

Breman said: "I'm sorry, I just got a very, very important call. Robbie, you son of a bitch, we don't have time to talk to him right now

Meister frowned slightly and said, "a very important phone call? How important is it? It won't be any show, will it

Breman said excitedly, "No. Bree, there's a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity that's in front of you. Do you know about the Olympics

"Of course I know. My idol Mr. Xiao is the director of the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games. What does it have to do with me? Don't say that Mr. Xiao is going to invite me to perform. It's a fantastic story. "

Breman smiles, doesn't say a word, but looks at mester with a very special look.

Mester was stunned. Her beautiful eyes were shining with disbelief. She tried to resist the excitement and asked tentatively, "Adele, really?"

Adele Breman shook her head and said, "of course not."

Seeing the disappointment on Meister's face, Adele Breman continued, "but the phone call just now is from Mr. Shaw himself. He invited you to audition the theme song of the Olympic Games. If he is satisfied, you can sing in front of billions of people at the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games

Meister stood up with a bang, her delicate lips trembling slightly, and her tears flowed down.

The emotion is beyond words.

Breman knew how difficult it was for Meister to enter the entertainment industry. He went up to her, patted her on the back and said, "Bree, I'll book a ticket to Yanjing right away, and I'll leave tonight. Remember, just because you have a rare opportunity now, it doesn't mean that the theme song will be sung by you. What you need to do is to prepare well and try to win the song, understand? "Meister dried his tears and nodded heavily.

With Xiao Yunhai's invitation, Meister does not pay any attention to Robbie robbing her dressing room. Even if Robbie walks past her in front of her deliberately, she has no reaction.

Compared with the audition of the Olympic theme song, the things here are really too small to be small.

Robbie looked like a clown and didn't pay any attention to him.

That night, Meister and his party went to Yanjing by plane.

After arriving at the airport, two Olympic workers picked them up in a luxury business car.

"Where are we going now Asked Adele Breman.

"Go to the Olympic Stadium. At this time, there should be rehearsals. "

Meister asked, "is Mr. Shaw here, too?"

"Of course. He's a director, and he's the last one to leave every day. "

"Do you know who I will sing the Olympic theme song with?"

"It was originally sung by Mr. Xiao and Miss Zhao. But that day, Mr. Xiao was very busy as a director. He didn't have time, so he changed to you and Mr. Chen Huan. "

"It turned out to be Miss Chen Huan. Great. I like his voice very much

In the chat, the car quickly arrived at the Olympic Stadium.

As soon as they entered, mester and his party were attracted by the more than 2000 young people in white training clothes.

"It's spectacular." Breman opened his mouth wide and exclaimed in disbelief.

Meister nodded and said, "yes. With so many people relying on music, the movements of Taijiquan are just like one. It's so shocking. "

"Two, Mr. Xiao is right ahead. I'll show you."

Following the staff, mester and Breman meet a serious Xiao Yunhai.

"Hello, Mr. Shaw. This is mester. This is my agent, Breman."

Xiao Yunhai turned his head and looked at them with a smile on his face and said, "Miss Meister and miss Breman, thank you for coming all the way to Yanjing to audition for the Olympic theme song."

Meister shook hands with Xiao Yunhai and said, "Mr. Xiao, I should like to thank you for giving me such a rare opportunity. But I don't understand why you choose me because there are so many singers? "

Xiao Yunhai was stunned and said with a smile: "I checked the second-line and above American singers on the Internet. I thought that your voice and Chen Huan's teacher would have a great feeling, so I called Miss Brightman."

Meister nodded and said, "so it is. Mr. Xiao, when can I audition? "

Xiao Yunhai thought for a moment and said, "at nine o'clock tomorrow morning, I'll have someone pick you up to see Mr. Chen Huan. The song is there. As for what way to sing, you has the final say. Tomorrow night, I'm going to listen. "

Meister nodded, a little dignified, and said, "OK."

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "the hotel has already been reserved. You can have a good night's rest and count the time difference. Xiao Wang, take Miss Meister to the hotel

Xiao Wang agreed and left with mester and his party. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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