Published at 11th of May 2022 05:07:18 AM

Chapter 1938

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At noon the next day, Xiao Yunhai was having a meal when Chen Huan called him.

"Yunhai, this miss Meister you are looking for sings really well."

Xiao Yunhai laughed and said, "so you are satisfied with her performance?"

Chen Huan said, "yes. Her voice is long and long, full of a humanistic atmosphere, which is very suitable for this song

Xiao Yunhai said: "the key is to see the cooperation of the two of you. Mr. Chen, you will audition this evening. If there is no problem, it will be settled. The day after tomorrow, all the stars will arrive, and we will rehearse from beginning to end. "

Chen Huan nodded and said, "OK, no problem."

It has to be said that Xiao Yunhai has a good eye. Although Chen Huan and mester were only given one day, their performance in the evening was definitely world-class.

Xiao Yunhai clapped his hands and walked up to them and said with a smile: "wonderful, wonderful. The central meaning of "you and I" is "one family in the world". Their songs express this meaning incisively and vividly. Compared with me and Wanqing, they are much more infectious. "

Chen Huan said with a smile, "you can't say that. We can't afford it."

Xiao Yunhai said: "I am not the kind of person who belittles himself and elevates you."

Meister asked, "Mr. Shaw, did my audition pass?"

Xiao Yunhai gave a thumbs up and said, "you are the only one to sing this song."

Meister said happily, "thank you. Thank you, Mr. Xiao, for choosing me from singers all over the world. This opportunity is just too important for me

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "it's your own strength, which has nothing to do with me. However, you and Mr. Chen still need to be well run in. "

Meister nodded heavily and said, "I'll stay in Yanjing for 20 days, and I won't go anywhere."

Xiao Yunhai said, "that's good. I'm afraid I haven't enough time for you to continue drinking this evening

Chen Huan waved his hand and said, "don't be so polite. Meister, come on. I'll treat you to Quanjude roast duck

Meister said, "thank you, Miss Chen."

What they didn't expect was that the photos they took to Quanjude the next day were spread all over the place, and all the major websites reported on it one after another.

Chen Huan is the godfather of Chinese music. He has always been clean and has never been involved in gossip. Now suddenly in the evening invited a foreign beauty to dinner, naturally caused everyone's speculation.

Although the network media did not speak directly, but inside and outside, are hiding that kind of ambiguous flavor.

This is they have scruples, but netizens do not matter.

"Damn it, I read it right. What's the rhythm of Chen Huan having dinner with a beautiful woman at ten o'clock in the evening? "

"That foreign beauty seems to be very beautiful and has a good figure. A typical old cow eats tender grass."

"Teacher Chen Huan has fallen. However, there is no way. The hero is sad and the beauty pass is well known to all. "

"Well, the entertainment industry is a mess. Even Mr. Chen Huan can't control himself, let alone others. "

Chen Huan and Meister, who started the work, did not know about it and went to practice singing early in the morning.

Xiao Yunhai called him in the middle, and the two saw the scandal.

Chen Huan couldn't laugh or cry. Pointing to the photo on his laptop, Chen Huan said to Meister, "look, we have several people to eat, but we are photographed by reporters as two people alone. These reporters are so good at reversing black and white. "

Meister said, "Mr. Chen, I'm sorry to trouble you. Do I need to explain it? "

Originally, the scandal between men and women may have a greater impact on women, but Chen Huan is a man of family. Compared with the two, it undoubtedly has a greater impact on Chen Huan.

Chen Huan waved his hand and said with a smile, "don't worry about them. This scandal may be a good thing, at least it can make you famous in China. Let's not be disturbed and keep practicing

Meister nodded and said, "OK."

In the afternoon, Chen Huan and Meister came to the Olympic Stadium.

Today is the day for the stars to gather. When they arrived, many people had already come, all of them were big Chinese singers.

When ye Yongren saw Chen Huan, he immediately met him and said, "good old Chen, you took down the theme song of the Olympic games quietly. We didn't even know it. It's great. It's amazing. "

Chen Huan said: "that's because I'm old and can't sing for a few years, which gives me such a chance. Well, I'm sorry to say that

Yao Na said with a smile: "Miss Chen, Yunhai not only gives you a chance to sing, but also gives you a chance to get on the hot search. Is this our heroine Miss Meister

Before coming to Yanjing, Meister had a deep understanding of the music circle in China. He recognized Ye Yongren and Yao Na at a glance and said, "Mr. Ye, Mr. Yao, I'm glad to meet you."You said it in Chinese. I just joked with Mr. Chen just now. Please don't mind. "

Yao Na thought Meister didn't know Chinese, so she said a joke. She didn't expect that people could understand her, which made her a little embarrassed.

Meister said with a smile, "it doesn't matter."

Several people laugh for a while, Chen Huan entrusts Meister to Yao Na, and she enters to greet her old friends.

Half an hour later, Xiao Yunhai appeared in the gymnasium. He took a microphone from the staff and said, "dear teachers, brothers and sisters, thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to come to the Olympic stadium to participate in the rehearsal. All the songs have been sent to you. In addition to the theme song sung by two singers, there are at least four other singers. Even some singers only sing one or two sentences. To be honest, I feel a little embarrassed. But no way, this is the Olympic Games, not an ordinary concert, can only let you suffer some grievances

Ye Yongren called out, "director, you don't have to say these polite words. The significance of singing in the Olympic Games is far greater than the reality. They say, don't they? "

"Yes." They all answered in unison.

Xiao Yunhai said, "thank you. Because of the time shortage, we will sing one by one according to the program list. In the evening, we will hold a rehearsal in strict accordance with the real opening ceremony. I hope you can attach great importance to it. Well, Miss Chen and miss Meister, you will come first

If we are all critics, please point to us

With that, he and Meister walked into the meeting hall and boarded the big ball with a height of 24 meters.

More than 60 actors are going to dance on the ball. They are very beautiful.

After singing, the singers clapped and cheered.

Ye Yongren said in surprise, "Yunhai, the theme song you wrote is very different from the previous Olympic Games."

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "the theme songs of the previous Olympic Games were all songs with a faster rhythm and a more exciting one. This time, I did the opposite and showed the Olympic spirit of great harmony in the world. What do you think? "

Bao Ling Rong said, "very good. Mr. Chen's voice is bold and unrestrained, and Meister's voice is gentle and graceful. Although it is a little extreme, it seems to have found a balance point, which is very good

Baolingrong wrote two songs before, and delivered them to him, but the result was drowning in the sea.

After Xiao Yunhai became a director, she found one of her songs from hundreds of songs and invited her and her three singers to sing, which made her very happy and grateful to Xiao Yunhai.

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "this song is not just an enjoyment of hearing. In the evening, you will find that this big ball will become the shape of our earth. Visually, it will definitely bring you incomparable shock. OK, the next song is "stand up.". Mr. Ye, you go. "

Ye Yongren sighed and said, "we are so poor. Lao Chen sings in the sky, but we can only sing on the ground, day by day. The gap is too big. "

Chen Huan, who had just come down, heard Ye Yongren's words and said with a smile, "go up and try. Twenty four meters. My legs are shaking now. "

Ye Yongren raised his hand and said with a smile, "sorry, I'm afraid of heights."

There are some problems in the following songs because the singers have not cooperated with each other before.

In particular, the chorus of more than 60 people was arranged for an hour and sung seven or eight times. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!