Published at 11th of May 2022 06:03:04 AM

Chapter 194

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Hong Tiancai then left. Cheng Ye looked at Xiao Yunhai with a smile and said, "Mr. Xiao, our next move is very simple, as long as you That's it. You see, is there anything else you don't understand? "

Cheng Ye's voice is loud and clear, and his explanation is also very detailed. Especially in terms of safety, he gives Xiao Yunhai a lot of good suggestions.

Even Xiao Yunhai, who had been on the set all his life in the previous life, didn't hear any flaw. It seems that he is telling Xiao Yunhai drama with all his heart.

But Xiao Yunhai didn't believe him. Cheng Yeyue was like this, the more uncomfortable he felt. Especially, his eyes were always hiding themselves intentionally or unintentionally, unwilling to look at themselves, which made Xiao Yunhai feel that he was not on the right track.

Xiao Yunhai secretly said: "if the ancients want to take it, they must first deal with it. This Cheng ye should show himself and other actors in the play, so that he can get rid of the responsibility when he has problems later

In my heart, he said, "I'm grateful for the teacher's mistakes, but I don't appreciate it."

Cheng Ye waved his hand and said with a smile, "yes."

At this time, Cheng Hongchuan has no voice

Xiao Yunhai said, "no problem."

"All right, take your place. We're ready to shoot."


surrounded by some ministers, Dong Zhuo, dressed in a royal robe, walked to the main hall in high spirits. When he arrived at the hall, he suddenly saw Wang Yun come out with the imperial edict in his face and began to read the will.

The actor, who plays Wang Yun, is 75 years old this year. His lines are very good. His voice is great and his voice is full of vicissitudes, which is in line with Wang Yun's image.

After Wang Yunxuan finished reading the edict of arresting thieves, a group of soldiers who had been arranged for a long time came out of the palace with a roar, which was very frightening.

Zhao Chongxu's acting skills are not really covered. Seeing such a scene, he first showed a look of panic. At a loss, he suddenly seemed to think of something. His eyes showed a glimmer of hope, and he yelled: "where is the first one?"

Wang Guoan, Li Xun, Wu Jun, etc. in front of the monitoring screen saw Zhao Chongxu's wonderful performance and quietly praised him.

"This old guy seems to be stimulated by Lv Bu, and he is very involved in the performance."

"He's showing his true ability."

"It goes without saying that the boy's acting is so good that he can't stimulate Zhao?"

"Don't talk about him. I'm sure I'll do my best in the next part of the show, so as not to be overshadowed by the limelight of Xiao Yunhai, Lv Bu, and our predecessors will not die." Sun Yanjun said with a smile.

"Look, Xiao Yunhai is on the stage."

Xiao Yunhai was wearing armor, carrying a Fangtian painted halberd, riding on a red rabbit horse. His eyes were cold as iron, and his whole body was awe inspiring. He yelled: "kill the thief under orders."

Even Hong Tiancai, the director in front of the monitoring screen, was shocked.

"What is the first expert of the Three Kingdoms? This is it."

After four or five feet, the red rabbit crossed more than 20 steps and rushed to the main hall. Just a dozen meters away from Zhao Chongxu, Xiao Yunhai suddenly pulled the reins, the horse hissed, and the front hooves soared. Xiao Yunhai's halberd in the sky was like a poisonous dragon going out to sea and stabbed Zhao Chongxu, who played Dong Zhuo.

Xiao Yunhai will Lv Bu horse's majestic performance incisively and vividly.

"So handsome." A maiden dressed up as a group of female performers with stars in their eyes.



Red with excitement, Hong stood up and clapped his hands.

Then, the crew cheered and clapped. Both the film emperor and the group gave the highest praise to Xiao Yunhai's performance.

It has to be said that Xiao Yunhai's several movements really make people feel the flavor of an iron and blood general. Every move is extremely powerful. Especially when he works with the red rabbit horse, he is a Lv Bu alive.

Hong Tianqiao waved his hand and yelled, "OK, let's continue to shoot the second shot. Are blood bags and stand ins ready? "

"It's all ready."

"Good. Yunhai, you ride your horse to the stand in and point Fang Tian's Halberd at the blood bag on his chest. When I start to shout, you will puncture the blood bag and Dong Zhuo will spit blood and fly backward. Do you understand?

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "I understand."

This is the way to shoot this kind of drama. Xiao Yunhai has just stabbed him out. In fact, the gun head is still a long way from Zhao Chongxu. Only in the next shot, let Xiao Yunhai and Dong Zhuo face to face, later a little bit of splicing, can achieve good results.

After all, you can't let Xiao Yunhai rush to Zhao Chongxu on horseback. If Xiao Yunhai makes a mistake, it will be a matter of life.


as soon as Hong Tianqiao's voice fell, Xiao Yunhai, who had already set up his modeling, made a little effort, and Wu ti's "Hua" on the opposite side spewed out a large mouthful of blood, and his chest flowed out like a spring. With the help of Weiya, the whole person threw himself back seven or eight meters, and finally fell heavily on the ground.Xiao Yunhai leaped on the horse with a long halberd, and his whole body exuded a powerful momentum. He exclaimed, "the emperor's benediction is to kill only Dong Zhuo, and the rest will not care. If you don't put down your weapons, you will be obedient to the Lord. "

The sun shines on Xiao Yunhai's robe, which makes him more powerful and domineering.

"Long live, long live."

The soldiers who had followed Dong Zhuo put down their weapons and knelt down.

"After." Hong Tianchi exclaimed happily.

"So soon?"

"Before he Hucheng's time, I remember taking a full two days to complete."

"I'm worthy of being my idol. I'm really a bull."

Sun Yanjun, who was beside the monitoring screen, said with a smile: "how about it? Lao Wang. What do you feel? "

Wang Guoan sighed and said, "Lao Zhao is right. The waves behind the Yangtze River push the waves ahead. There is nothing wrong with our choice. Among the people, Lu Bu is really played by him. "

Cheng ye, who has been hiding in one side, hears the voices of all the people, and his face is gloomy and wants to wring water out.

Although he is only an action director, after more than 20 years in the production team, Cheng ye can still tell the difference between the good and bad performances.

Xiao Yunhai's performance is undoubtedly the film emperor level. Even he himself was amazed by the wonderful performance of Xiao Yunhai, let alone other people.

Although Wang shangqun is good at acting, he still has a long way to go compared with Xiao Yunhai.

Cheng Ye is very clear that the better Xiao Yunhai's performance is, the less chance Wang shangqun will have.

"No, no matter what, I will let shangqun get the role of Lv Bu." In the eyes of Cheng, the cloud is shining.

After shooting these two plays, Xiao Yunhai's perfect performance let everyone down, especially director Hong Tiancai was finally relieved.

Back at the Hulao pass, Xiao Yunhai saw more than 1000 soldiers, all wearing different types of armor, with their chests and belly closed, standing in front of the city gate with manly courage, motionless.

In this kind of large-scale historical war drama, the director's favorite is the army. Although they are very expensive, and the price of one person can almost catch up with four group performances, the strict discipline of the Army soldiers can save the director a lot of heart and time, and it will not be easy to shoot because of a group performance problem The lens is scrapped.

Hong Tiancai looked at the black army in front of him with satisfaction and said to the deputy director Hu Ming: "let them stand in accordance with their respective positions."

Hu Ming agreed and went down to make arrangements.

"Yunhai, your make-up is a little light. Go to the make-up car to make up for it. It's better to be a little thicker."

Xiao Yunhai promised that he would give the red rabbit horse to a field service nearby, and went to mend her makeup quickly.

"Brother Xiao, long time no see."

Xiao Yunhai turned his head and saw Wang Cheng, dressed in a black silk down jacket, came face to face.

Xiao Yunhai's face suddenly showed a brilliant smile, gently punched Wang Cheng in the chest, said: "half a year no see, your boy is quite strong."

"Hey, you can't be strong if you follow the cast. Brother Xiao, I just watched your performance over there. It's really powerful. "

"Come on, give me less sweet soup. You should have finished your part, right? Why are you still here?

"I finished my acting two months ago. Anyway, I didn't go back to work. I had to work as a field worker. I went to the studio to watch the Movie Masters and learn something

Hearing this, Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "this is a good place to steal teachers. In the whole of China, it is estimated that none of the cast members can catch up with here. Brother, I need to make up right now. I can't talk to you for long. There's no part for me tonight. Let's go and have a drink

Wang Cheng listened and said happily, "well, there's a Chongqing hot pot shop that's really authentic. It's better to go there and eat."

"OK, let's call in the evening."

Xiao Yunhai finished, patted Wang Cheng on the shoulder and left.

When Xiao Yunhai went far away, he noticed that several staff members here Hula surrounded Wang Cheng.

"I said," brother Wang, I didn't expect that you really knew the emperor. I thought you were bragging A field worker in his twenties was very envious of Wang Cheng.

"That's right. The relationship between me and brother Xiao is absolutely unfair." Wang Cheng said triumphantly.

In the cast, it is very popular to have a big name as the backstage.

Just as the relationship between Wang Cheng and Xiao Yunhai was exposed to the public, Wang Cheng's status immediately rose to countless levels. It was estimated that he would not be needed to do the heavy and dirty work of the crew in the future.

"Brother Wang, if you can be a brother with the famous emperor Yun, you will not be far away from the day when you are prosperous. When you are developed, you can't forget our bitter brothers. "

" don't worry, if there is such a day, I will never forget you. "By the time Xiao Yunhai comes to the studio after making up her makeup, the group performers have already stood up. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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