Published at 11th of May 2022 05:07:15 AM

Chapter 1940

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"Yunhai, you did a good job. I'm very satisfied." Xiao Chongyang said as he walked.

Xiao Yunhai's face showed a pair of complacent expression, with a kind of indifferent tone, said: "it's a small matter, it's no big deal."

"Well, that's not what you said. Originally I thought you had changed sex, knew humility, did not expect is still the same as before. "

"Isn't that for everyone? Uncle, to tell you the truth, I'm really exhausted this time. I haven't been so tired in making movies. No wonder director Mo will enter the hospital. The pressure is too great. "

"If you don't feel the pressure, we won't let you come."

After a while, they came to the parking lot.

Xiao Chongyang was about to get on the bus when he suddenly thought of something. He stopped and turned to Xiao Yunhai and said, "I have something to ask you alone."

Xiao Yunhai nods.

When they came to a corner, Xiao Chongyang asked, "Yunhai, a few days ago, you suddenly sold the shares of Yunqing network company to the Bessie family. Are you ready to start?"

Since Xiao Yunhai told the Xiao family about the four sides' joint efforts to kill the Bessie family during the Spring Festival, Xiao Chongyang has been very concerned about what happened in America.

He knows his young but crafty nephew very well. He can't believe that he will sell shares of a company with annual income of at least two trillion dollars in the future. The only explanation is that they are going to do it. Xiao Yunhai's doing so is nothing more than transferring their funds to prepare for the next crackdown.

Xiao Yunhai shook his head and said, "I can only say it's fast. When to start, Lyle, they didn't give a timetable. Anyway, my job is to provide funds for them, and I don't manage the rest. "

Xiao Chongyang said: "have you ever thought that once the Bessie family has withstood your joint suppression, it will not take advantage of you."

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "I can't bear the child, but I can't hold the wolf. Yunqing network company 25% of the shares are in Citibank, even if they avoid, but during that period, Citigroup's share price will inevitably fall. When they're at the end of their tether, I'll go to them secretly and buy Citibank shares. At that time, whether it is the shares of the network company or the loan of $3 trillion will not be paid back. After eating my food, I will make them vomit out with interest and capital. "

Seeing Xiao Yunhai's confident appearance, Xiao Chongyang said with a smile: "your boy is more and more powerful. But I'm afraid you will be under a lot of financial pressure. "

If you want to do what Xiao Yunhai said, you need a lot of financial support.

Xiao Yunhai provides them with 15 trillion US dollars. If we add the Citibank business, it will cost at least 20 trillion.

A family like Anderson is not worthy of trust. If they turn the gun to deal with Xiao Yunhai after they succeed, Xiao Yunhai will be in great trouble.

Therefore, he has to reserve funds in advance to block the attack, just in case.

In this way, he originally needed 25 trillion yuan of funds, which will be raised to 30 trillion yuan.

But Xiao Yunhai has only raised 17 trillion yuan by selling iron from the pot, and he has only done it by emptying the whole bank of Barker. The other 13 trillion yuan has no place at all.

It can be said that when they started fighting against the Bessie family, Xiao Yunhai was the weakest. In case of any problems in cooperation, it would be a big problem.

Xiao Yunhai said: "uncle, can the government help me? I can use the whole Yunqing oil and gas company and 60% of the Yunqing network company as collateral to lend us $13 trillion. When the Bessie family is over, I can pay 20% more interest. "

Xiao Chongyang frowned and said, "Yunhai, you know that the Chinese government can't take out the money at all."

Xiao Yunhai said with a bitter smile, "yes. The government really does not have the capacity. "

Don't you think the incident is very dangerous? Originally, your intention was to stand on the sidelines and laugh at the storm. But now, you seem to be in the game

Xiao Yunhai's eyes narrowed slightly and said, "what I thought at that time was really a little simple. After going through Citibank, it occurred to me that if I gave them 15 trillion dollars, what would they do with me? "

Xiao Chongyang nodded and said, "yes, this has to be prevented. You have to strictly monitor the use of these 15 trillion dollars and distribute them in installments. Stop as soon as you find a problem. The Chinese government has no money, but the people's Bank of China can help you. I went to the No. 1 chief executive and said that he used state-owned assets to secretly borrow money from other countries' governments. If there is more than that, there should be no problem with eight trillion dollars. However, you need to pay the interest on the loan and give the people's Bank of China a 5% bonus fee. "

Xiao Yunhai's eyes brightened and said happily, "no problem. When it's done, I'll pay back the money and give 400 billion dollars to the people's Bank of China. However, uncle, the whole incident must be carried out in secret. "

Xiao Chongyang said with a smile, "I understand. Sea of clouds, be careful. "

Xiao Yunhai nodded heavily.After Xiao Chongyang left, Xiao Yunhai fell into deep meditation.

If uncle can bring him 8 trillion US dollars of loans, then Xiao Yunhai's total funds can reach 25 trillion US dollars. As long as there is no big deal, the money is enough to ensure that they are safe.

The attack on the Bessie family will inevitably cause a violent shock on Wall Street, and no one knows what kind of impact it will have.

If we can continue to raise five trillion US dollars, no matter how the current situation changes, Xiao Yunhai will be able to win an invincible position and even make a lot of money.

Thinking of this, Xiao Yunhai called Christie.

After talking about his own consideration to her, Xiao Yunhai said: "the first thing we need to ensure is the safety of our company, and the second is to obtain the maximum benefits. Citibank is what we have to win, as long as it does not exceed five trillion dollars, that is our victory. "

Christie pondered, "Mr. Shaw is very thoughtful. It was my fault and I didn't plan for the worst

Xiao Yunhai said: "I'm just in case. If it's worrying, it's the best. However, I am not used to putting my life and death in the hands of others. It doesn't matter if you pay a very high price for it. Five trillion dollars, Ms Christie. What you're thinking about now is how to raise that money secretly in two months? "

"With the strength of our company, five trillion dollars is not difficult," Christie said. Just leave it to me. "

Xiao Yunhai nodded his head and said with a smile: "it's really the art industry that specializes in it. With your words, I can rest assured. "

After a busy day, with Xiao Yunhai's physical condition, he felt a little tired.

Farewell to those big stars, Xiao Yunhai back home, see Zhao Wanqing, can't help but be surprised to say: "wife, when did you come?"

After they gave up singing the Olympic theme song, Xiao Yunhai wanted to change a song for Zhao Wanqing, but Zhao Wanqing refused.

Xiao Yunhai doesn't play, and she doesn't have any interest in performing. She might as well take her children to watch it. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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