Published at 11th of May 2022 05:07:13 AM

Chapter 1943

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The following days, Xiao Yunhai has been busy with the rehearsal of the opening and closing ceremonies of the Olympic Games.

During this period, "power" has all been broadcast, with an average audience rating of 19.57%, which is slightly more than 20%.

The second day of the replay at noon, the average audience rating reached 10.38%.

"Power" has no doubt become the number one in the two periods. The advertising revenue alone brought Yunqing TV station 3.2 billion US dollars, which shocked the whole world.

Other parts of Asia are also highly praised, and the ratings are rising. According to the current situation, more than 5 billion US dollars has become a certainty.

On the evening of the end of "power", netizens made comments one after another.

"After more than a month's" power "has finally been broadcast, I am really reluctant to part with it."

"Although the Secretary of the political and legal commission played by Emperor Yun is hateful, it has to be said that he has great courage. Who can really do it. The emperor Yun is a good actor

"Almost all kinds of officials described in power can be found in reality. In particular, there are too many people who occupy their seats and do nothing. "

"The success of this TV play lies in its true reproduction of officialdom, without blindly trying to please. Good play, worth reviewing 20 times. "

" the actors in power are too strong. Pull out any one, is the performance of the movie emperor class. I don't know how many actors will be shortlisted for next year's golden cup TV Festival. "

"I hope there will be more TV dramas like" power "in the future, and Huaxia film and TV will refuel."

The actors of "power" have also posted on the home page.

Wang Guoan: it's over at last. I saw from the beginning to the end and found that I didn't do a good job in many places. Thank you very much for enjoying the play.

Zhao Wanqing: it's very enjoyable to play this play. I learned a lot from the teachers. I am grateful to all the staff and cast members of "power", and to all the audiences who like the play.

Yin Ruiyi: power is my first starring play in my life. It is also a rival play with more than 20 movie stars in the entertainment industry. Hard as it was, I survived. Thank you for your help in the crew, Hanhai's support and love, and the audience's love for power.

Ge Wuyou, sun Yanjun, Wu Jun and other dozens of famous stars have all posted their posts on the home page, but Xiao Yunhai, who is so busy that he doesn't even know the end of power.

Three days later, the movie "Forrest Gump" shot by Xiao Yunhai went offline from the cinema, with more than 800 million viewers, and the global box office broke through the $9 billion mark.

If the ticket price is not set at a low level, breaking through 10 billion is just a piece of cake. Even now, as long as the film is put on the Internet, it can also exceed 10 billion dollars.

Sure enough, "Forrest Gump" soon appeared on Xiao Yunhai's mobile app and Xianyue movie online the next day after the movie was painted.

In just two days, more than one billion people downloaded from the world.

Fans who don't get into the cinema naturally don't let go of such a film, and those who have already entered the cinema can't help but review it again and collect it.

So far, "Forrest Gump" broke through the 10 billion mark.

The whole world of entertainment is crazy.

From the birth of the film to now, there has never been a literary and artistic film that can get such a terrible box office.

"Kung Fu Xiao niucha. The first literary film cost ten billion dollars. I almost doubted my own eyes. "

"With Forrest Gump, Emperor Yun has proved to the world that he is not only the king of commercial films, but also the king of literary films."

"I checked the scores given to Forrest Gump by movie review websites all over the world. Most of them are above 9 points, and no country is below 8.5 points."

"The classic of a classic is born like this, no film can compare with it."

Xiao Yunhai's "Forrest Gump" has been recognized all over the world.

That night, Xiao Yunhai finished a day's work and returned home.

See the bedroom light on, open the door to see, it is his wife Zhao Wanqing.

These days, she has been living in Huairou. Xiao Yunhai doesn't even know when she will arrive in Yanjing.

"Wife, why don't you tell me when you come back?" Xiao Yunhai asked with a smile.

Zhao Wanqing glanced at him and said, "I'll tell you. Are you free to pick me up? '

"it's really not available."

Xiao Yunhai smiles and comes to Zhao Wanqing's back. He puts his arm around her neck and takes a deep breath.

Zhao Wanqing seems to have taken a bath, and her body still exudes a gentle fragrance. Xiao Yun Haydn couldn't help it, and her hand reached into her arms.

Zhao Wanqing quickly pressed, discontented said: "don't you see I'm busy?"

Xiao Yunhai took out his hand, took a look at the document on the table and said, "this is the script of" painted skin ". Are you going to do split shot? Don't say, it's pretty good. "Zhao Wanqing complacently said: "I have worked hard on the industry of director. In addition to cooperating with so many directors, I have learned a lot. On the starting point, I am much better than you."

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "my wife is still good. When are you going to make this film? "

Zhao Wanqing said with a smile, "of course, it's after the Olympic Games. However, I have to set the role before I start. Then, during the Olympic Games, I have people prepare the set according to what I draw. Of course, the special effects in the movie have to be done ahead of time, especially the human skin, which must be done vividly

Hearing Zhao Wanqing's words, Xiao Yunhai said: "wife, you cow. Hehe, you came here today for the sake of painted skin. "

Zhao Wanqing nodded and said, "tengyang and Jinyu are so attached to me at home that I have no free time to work at all, so I can only come to you to hide myself."

Speaking of this, Zhao Wanqing turned her head and asked, "husband, the three scripts you told me about are undoubtedly the most difficult to shoot. Do you think I'm a little out of control? "

Xiao Yunhai, with a smile, said, "are you worried about gain or loss?"

Zhao Wanqing did not hide, said: "a little bit."

Xiao Yunhai said: "this is normal. When I made my first play, I was worried about here and there, just like you, for fear of missing something. And still in the heart constantly asked, can I film and TV play well? He he, wife, are you the same as me at the beginning?

Zhao Wanqing nodded and said, "yes. I have a similar mentality. What to do? "

Xiao Yunhai shrugged his shoulders and said, "there is no good way. It's just too much pressure and no confidence in yourself. After all, "painted skin" is your first play, some pressure is normal. I'll give you an idea. You'd better find an experienced filmmaker to be your deputy director and help you take care of those messy things. And you put your heart and soul into the shooting. "

A film, the director needs to be busy not only shooting, but also a lot of messy things outside the shooting, such as the crew's food and accommodation, the actors' life and work, the use of funds and so on..

If Zhao Wanqing is a novice, she may feel upset if she is distracted by these chores, which will affect the quality of the film.

This is the main reason why Xiao Yunhai has to find a reliable deputy director every time he makes a film.

Zhao Wanqing nodded and said, "I think so. By the way, husband, can you play a role in painted skin after the Olympic Games

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "of course. But it's better to have fewer parts. You know, in the second half of the year, big things are going to happen in America. I don't have much time on the set. "

Zhao Wanqing, of course, was aware of the four forces' attack on the Bessie family, and Wen Yan said, "I know. I want you to play Xiaoyi, a lizard in love with Xiaowei. What do you think? "

Xiao Yunhai thought about the role of Xiaoyi, but he didn't have many parts. He nodded and said, "no problem. Wife, do you think about the other stars? "

Zhao Wanqing shook her head and said, "not yet. To tell you the truth, I like the role of fox spirit Xiaowei. I'm thinking about whether to play it or not

Xiao Yunhai said: "forget it. If it's a movie like "if love has the will of God", you can direct and act yourself without any problem. Because the character is almost no challenge to you. But Xiaowei is different. If you want to play this role well, even if you are a movie queen, it is not an easy thing

Zhao Wanqing sighed and said, "I knew you would say that. Actually, that's what I think. Well, I'll think about it again

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "wife, it's so late, let's go to have a rest. Don't forget, staying up late is the natural enemy of women. "

Zhao Wanqing, with a charming white look on his face, said, "first wash away the sweat smell on your body."

Xiao Yunhai got up, saluted and said, "yes."

Only ten minutes later, Xiao Yunhai took a bath and the water was not dried. He went to the master bedroom with Zhao Wanqing in his arms. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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