Published at 11th of May 2022 05:07:09 AM

Chapter 1945

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After chatting for about half an hour, Xiao Yunhai got up and left.

Before leaving, Xiao Yunhai said, "you two came to Yanjing. I should have done my best to be a host. But I have a special identity. As soon as I go out, I will be photographed by reporters. It would not be good if the meeting of the three of us got to Elvis

Apollo said with a smile: "we just came to watch the Olympics. Tomorrow, the Bessie family will come, and after the opening ceremony, you can invite all of us to dinner

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "this is a good idea."

Looking at the car slowly leaving, Apollo's eyes shot a bleak light and said, "parson, what do you think of Mr. Xiao?"

A smile appeared on Parson's face and said, "it's better to meet than to be famous. Mr. Xiao is really good. Unfortunately, he doesn't seem to understand the tricks in the market

Apollo nodded and said, "yes. Kung Fu Xiao is developing too fast. It's easy to break if it's too hard. If it goes on like this, it won't take ten years for our two families to be trampled on by him. This is absolutely not possible. "

"Kungfu Shaw moved the bank's savings to raise $15 trillion," parson said. For us, such an opportunity is too rare, and only once. If we can't grasp it, we can only watch him soar. "

Apollo said: "the trees show in the forest, and the wind will destroy them. He used Citibank to get $760 billion, which in turn hit the Bessie family. And we can use his 15 trillion dollars to attack him. Oh, it's interesting. It's so interesting. "

Parson looked at Apollo, who was smiling a little grimly, with an implicit smile on his face.

When Xiao Yunhai returned home, he changed his slippers. Before the lights were turned on, he sat on the sofa with his eyes closed. He recalled his conversation with Apollo and Parkinson, as well as the tone, movement and expression of their conversation from beginning to end.

During the discussion, he felt that there was something wrong with the two men. Now he thought about it carefully and found that they were trying to avoid talking about Barker bank.

Especially when they talk about using the bank's savings money, they even lowered their heads and their heart rate increased. This kind of performance can only happen when they suddenly hear something particularly beneficial or harmful to them.

The use of Barker's savings, of course, will not have any bad effect on them, so the rest is only good for them.

Unless they have their own ideas in mind, otherwise it will not happen.

Zhao Wanqing had heard the sound of opening the door outside, but after waiting for a long time, she did not see Xiao Yunhai looking for her, so she came out of her bedroom and turned on the light.

Seeing Xiao Yun's sea surface as heavy as water, he closed his eyes and sat on the sofa. He couldn't help asking, "husband, what's the matter with you?"

Xiao Yunhai opened his eyes and said without any concealment: "today, I met with Apollo and parson of the Green family and discussed some things, which made me feel very uncomfortable. My wife, I suspect that they may kill me as well as the Bessie family

Zhao Wanqing was stunned. Her expression suddenly became dignified. She sat down beside Xiao Yunhai and said, "are you sure?"

Xiao Yunhai shook his head and said, "No. It's just that it's a strong feeling, and I believe it. "

Zhao Wanqing knew that her husband was very keen on danger. She thought about it and said, "in fact, it's not hard to understand. Husband, you've grown so fast these years that you've touched the interests of the Anderson family, the Bessie family and the Green family. If you don't beat you down, it won't take long for you to stand on top of them. "

As soon as Xiao Yunhai's eyes brightened, he put his arm around Zhao Wanqing's shoulder and said, "wife, you are so smart. I've just been thinking about their motives for me. That's right. That's enough. "

"What are you going to do?" asked Zhao Wanqing

Xiao Yunhai laughed and said, "wife, there is something I haven't told you. Before, in order to ensure the absolute safety of our attack on the Bessie family, I have prepared 30 trillion dollars. In addition to the 15 trillion yuan needed to be handed over to them, the other 15 trillion yuan is enough for me to survive any crisis. If they don't come, I'll let them go forever. "

Zhao Wanqing was surprised and asked, "where did you get so much money?"

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "besides the government, where can we go. No matter. I'll talk about it after the Olympics


The next day, the Bessie family also arrived, including froda and Wesley, the two enemies fighting for the position of patriarch.

China is the safest country in the world and will not be flooded with guns like Europe and the United States. Therefore, the security level of froda, Wesley and Apollo is much lower than that in the United States.

Xiao Yunhai did not ignore the Bessie family because of his hatred. Instead, he sincerely invited them to a hotel with Apollo and parson.

The four largest families in the world are full of contradictions, but they are peaceful at the banquet, and the guests and hosts enjoy themselves.Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "I always feel like a cow, but a few days ago, I was sent to the pit by Luo da. What is the concept of 25% shares of Yunqing network company? In the next year, at least 600 billion will be lost. "

Fu Luoda was very proud in his heart, but his face was still. He said, "Mr. Xiao, are you going to start a teacher to investigate the crime?"

Xiao Yunhai waved his hand and said, "no, I admire you. It's normal to win or lose in the mall. You let me taste the defeat for the first time. Ha ha, it hurts my heart. However, I want to thank you, originally blind and arrogant, after this incident, I completely eliminated this bad problem. I promise you the Bessies will never have a second chance. By the way, froda, it's all over the place anyway. Can you tell me honestly, did you install those two bugs in my office? "

Froda laughed and said nothing but nodded.

Xiao Yunhai raised his thumb and said, "I'd like to propose a toast to you. Thank you for teaching me a lesson."

Apollo and parson, who knew the truth, admired Xiao Yunhai's performance. When he said this, he would not believe to kill froda. Everything was in Xiao Yunhai's calculation.

Fu Luoda and Xiao Yunhai had a drink and said, "I admire Mr. Xiao's bearing. I'm afraid it's hard to drink if I have this kind of thing

Apollo said, "yes. From this we can see that Mr. Xiao is better than all of us here. "

Mo Hai shook his head. It's nothing. Wesley, I heard that your TCP energy company has purchased a super large oil and gas field from the government. Ha ha, it's not a small price? "

Wesley just saw Xiao Yunhai praise Fu Luoda repeatedly, which made him feel very uncomfortable. Now Xiao Yunhai asked about this matter and knew it was time for him to express himself. He said with a smile: "yes. It took us $630 billion to get the oil field, and it was a one-off payment that almost emptied our books. "

Apollo said with a smile, "what? Didn't you ask for instalments? "

"If it's paid in installments, the government won't sell it to us at all," Wesley said. If you get to the auction, you can definitely sell at a higher price. "

Apollo nodded and said, "that's true."

Xiao Yunhai sighed, "your Bessie family is rich enough. Forget it, tomorrow is the day of the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games. My task is very heavy and I have no time to take you to play. I'm sorry to tell you in advance

"Mr. Xiao, I wish you a great success in the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games."

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