Published at 11th of May 2022 05:07:06 AM

Chapter 1947

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The four have not yet gone out 10 meters, a great wall nanny car in the protection of two cross-country, slowly stopped in the gap in front of them.

"Well, isn't that the license plate number of the third brother?" Huang Bo recognized the car at a glance.

Sure enough, the door opened, Zhao Wanqing got out of the car, and then took the two children down.

After a while, Mr. Xiao, Xiao Changfeng and Zhao Mingsheng got off the bus.

Huang Bo four people originally want to go up to say hello, see Master Xiao is also there, just stepped out of the leg and stopped.

Zhao Wanqing has already seen four people in the car, but they are all wearing sunglasses, for a time did not recognize.

Zhao Wanqing waved to them and said, "neck, Xiangyang, binglu, Huijie, are you just here?"

Huang Bo said, "that's right."

The four men came near and said to Mr. Xiao, "Hello, chief."

Xiao Leshan laughed, waved his hand and said, "I've been retired for more than ten years. You don't want to be called by the chief."

Seeing that the four men were somewhat restrained, Xiao Leshan said, "Wanqing, let's go first. You can talk to them for a while."

Zhao Wanqing nodded and said, "OK, grandfather."

After Xiao and others left, Huang Bo took a deep breath and said, "I was almost too excited to breathe just now."

Zhao Wanqing said with a smile: "neck, I can't see that after marriage, your courage is getting smaller and smaller."

Chen Xiangyang said with a wry smile: "Wanqing sister, don't say Bo Ge. I was nervous just now."

Bai binglu and Bai Huijie also nodded.

Zhao Wanqing also understood that when her parents first met the old man, she was not so.

She changed the subject and said, "don't you have a VIP box?"

Huang Bo cried and said, "yes. Third sister-in-law, we need to get in line quickly, or we won't be able to get in. "

Zhao Wanqing said: "originally, your third brother wanted a big box to let you in. But there are too many people who come to watch the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games. They just don't keep the tickets. You can only feel aggrieved. However, queuing is not necessary. Let's go. I'll take you straight to the VIP channel. "

Chen Xiangyang said happily, "great. As we are, we are worried about how to queue up. If fans recognize it, it's a big problem. It's just that we don't have tickets. Are they allowed in? "

Zhao Wanqing said: "Yunhai is a director. If you can't even do this, it's useless."

Came to the VIP channel, Zhao Wanqing called Xiao Yunhai, and soon, five people walked in.

To the inside of the stadium, it is already a sea of people, noisy.

Zhao Wanqing sent them in and went to find their family.

It took the four about ten minutes to find their seats.

Their tickets were all sent by Xiao Yunhai, so they basically sat together.

"Oh, Mr. Ge and Mr. Wang, you two came very early."

Seeing that GE Wuyou and Wang Guoan are already sitting there, the four quickly go up to say hello.

Ge Wuyou touched his bald head and said, "this time, it's a sea of clouds. There's such a good seat. Are we all in this area? "

Huang Bo nodded and said, "it should be. The third brother is reliable in doing things. If you put us and the fans together, it would be a big problem. "

"Have you ever seen the Olympic opening ceremony directed by Yunhai?" Wang asked? I listen to teacher ye, wonderful to the extreme. But how a wonderful method, he will not say

Bai binglu said, "we know as much as you do. It must have been Mr. Xiao's strict order not to divulge the program. "

Wang Guoan said with a smile, "I'm really looking forward to it."

Several people chatted and waited for the Olympic Games to begin.

After a while, the artists of Hanhai film and television investment company and Xiao Yunhai's friends in the circle all sat on their seats one after another.

Sure enough, all of them are acquaintances.

It's rare to have such a good opportunity to get together. Everyone is talking and laughing. It's very lively.

Before Xiao Yunhai became a director, he once proposed that his own TV station and CCTV should live together. Within three days, the relevant agreement had been completed.

Due to the fire of "power" in the early stage, relatively speaking, most Chinese viewers habitually watched Yunqing TV station.

As for foreign countries, Xiao Yunhai's marvel is definitely hanging on CCTV. I can't help it. CCTV's programs are too formal, far less than Marvel's variety.

In an ordinary residential building in modu, Zhang Beibei and his family are watching in front of the TV, waiting for the grand occasion of the upcoming Olympic Games opening ceremony. It is Yunqing TV station that turns on.

"Good evening, everyone. It's 7:40 Chinese time. It's only 15 minutes before the opening of the 30th Olympic Games.""We can see that there are already a lot of people outside the stadium, these people are fans who don't buy tickets, and they will watch our TV station live in front of eight big screens here. And all the people who bought the tickets have all entered the stadium. "

"The opening ceremony of the Olympic Games is directed by Mr. Xiao Yunhai, a famous director of our country. We only know that this is a feast to publicize Chinese civilization, and we have no idea about anything else. I heard that the leaders were very satisfied after watching the rehearsal! "

…… The host of live commentary is Zhang Feng of CCTV, aged around 30 years old and has been in CCTV for two years, and has strong ability to preside over.

Chen Zhan had intended to push the host of his own TV station by this platform, and he was strongly rejected by CCTV.

This time, Yunqing TV station has taken advantage of the big bargain, Chen Zhan is not good to get further.

"Now let's connect with CCTV reporter Zhang Xue to see what's going on in the stadium!"

The camera quickly turned to a beautiful and elegant face.

"Hello, Zhang Xue. Can you tell us something about the stadium?" Asked Zhang Feng.

Zhang Xue said in a loud voice, "of course. Good evening, everyone. This is Zhang Xue, CCTV. I am in the Olympic Stadium now. I believe that we should see that the atmosphere on the scene is very warm, the red flag is everywhere, cheering and cheering are deafening. You hear, many people are shouting long live in China, and others are singing national anthem. "

Zhang Feng asked, "how are you in a mood? I just seemed to see Mr. Wang Guoan and Mr. Ge Wuyou in the lens. "

Zhang Xue smiled: "yes. All the stars in China are sitting next to me. Let me interview them. "

"Hello, Mr. Ge, can I interview you for two sentences?"

"Of course," he said with a smile

"Mr. Ge, today is the opening ceremony of our Olympic Games. How are you in a mood now?"

Ge Wuyou said: "excited, excited, proud, proud This is the second time that we hold the Olympic Games in China. Last time, I was sorry. Because of the filming, I didn't come to the scene. Today, it was finally mended. "

"Do you have any expectations for the Olympics?"

"I hope that Chinese athletes can play their own level, play their own style, and play their best."

"Thank you, Mr. Ge."

…… "Hello, Ms. baibinglu. What is your mood now? "

White ice dew out a perfect smile, said: "I feel sincere pride and pride for the prosperity of the motherland."

"What are your expectations for the opening ceremony that you have come to?"

"I hope to be able to have more programs to promote Chinese culture."

…… "Mr. Huang Bo, you haven't come out for a while. We all know your relationship with Mr. Xiao. He is the director of the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games. Have you ever mentioned it to you? "

Huang Bo shook his head and said, "he is a very principled person, how can he disclose it to me? However, I heard people in rehearsals say that this opening ceremony is the most shocking opening ceremony ever, none of which. I am very looking forward to this and hope to be able to have a full eye. "

…… Zhang Xue interviewed several famous stars in succession. When he saw that the time was almost almost, then he would do it. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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