Published at 11th of May 2022 05:07:05 AM

Chapter 1948

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At 7:55, in the warm applause of the whole audience, six leaders of Huaxia, President of the International Olympic Committee (IOC), and dozens of national leaders stepped into their positions.

A minute later, more than 2000 strong men with a height of 1.75 meters formed two square arrays and walked in front of an instrument like a drum with neat steps.

"These two huge squares are so magnificent! Mr. Wang Tianming, do you know what instrument is in front of them Yin Rui asked in surprise.

Wang Tianming, a man who knew the traditional culture well, picked up a telescope, took a look at it and said, "it's fou. It's a very old traditional musical instrument in China. I didn't expect that director Xiao used it all. "

"What's the use of it?" Cheng Haiqiong asked.

Wang Tianming shook his head and said with a wry smile, "the idea of director Xiao has always been a flying horse. How could I have guessed it?"

Backstage, Xiao Yunhai is wearing a sportswear, sitting in front of the monitor, looking very serious. There were many staff nearby, but no one spoke.

Xiao Yunhai looked at his watch. It was half a minute before 7:58.

Xiao Yunhai picked up the walkie talkie and said in a loud voice: "all units are ready! 10、 Nine, eight, seven... "

All the staff were dignified. When Xiao Yunhai called to 0, almost all the lights in the Olympic Stadium were extinguished and fell into darkness.

Both on-site and in front of the television audience, we all know that the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games will begin soon.

Sure enough, a string of fireworks lit up on the wall above the stadium, around the stadium, and then emitted a dazzling light, hitting an old timer - sundial.

"Ah "."

"woo "

the stadium was surrounded by huge cheers, and no one expected that the opening would be so beautiful.

More than 2000 fous began to beat, and bright lights flickered on the fou surface, accompanied by a strong rhythm of sound, regular light.

On the spot appeared a huge light and shadow number "60", everyone was shocked.

"My God, this is counting down with fou array."

The commentator gave a timely explanation, which caused a sudden exclamation.

Before the opening ceremony, many people were speculating about the difference between this year's countdown and that of previous years. Various versions have sprung up one after another. However, no one expected that Xiao Yunhai would count down with fou array, which was just incredible.

"Great, great. In any case, I didn't expect director Xiao to count down like this. "

"He is the world's number one director. He can even think of this method."

"The creativity of genius is not what ordinary people can predict."

"Fifty, forty, thirty ... "

with the appearance of the numbers, the audience couldn't help shouting.

"Ten, nine, eight..."

The last ten figures completely ignited the enthusiasm of the audience. The cry of 100000 people was just like the earth shattering. It seemed that the ground was shaking.

"Three, two, one!"


The stadium rang out with a loud bang, and the brilliant fireworks burst into the sky, lighting up the whole night.

Backstage, Xiao Yunhai deeply breathed a breath. Although he practiced countless times, he was still very worried, mainly because of the time. A second earlier or a second later is not appropriate.

This time, all of us have lived up to expectations, and the time control is not bad at all.

After the first session, the stadium lights went out again. But soon, the big stage slowly rose a brilliant five rings, extraordinary dazzling.

"It's beautiful."

"It's beautiful."

When the Olympic rings rose to half empty, the stadium once again lights up.

A little girl appeared on the stage. She was young, lovely and beautiful, with bright eyes. She was the joy of Jiahong martial arts school. The singing song is "singing the motherland" which was sung by men, women, old and young in previous generations.

The pure and pleasant voice, accompanied by beautiful melody, resounds through the gymnasium.

"The five-star red flag flutters in the wind, how loud the victory song is; singing about our dear motherland, from now on to be prosperous and strong

at the restaurant of Jiahong martial arts school in Feicheng, more than 600 children were excited at the appearance of Xinxin.

"It's Xinxin. It's the joy of our class. "

"That's great. It's a great song."

"It's great to be on the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games."

Seeing Xinxin sing so well, Chen Jiahong's eyes were red, and her pride was beyond words.

In the song, 56 children in various colors of clothing, hand in hand, holding the Chinese national flag, went to the flag raising place and handed it to the flag bearer of the national flag guard class.

The flag bearer took the flag and tied it up.

"Singing about our dear motherland, from now on to be prosperous and strong."The national flag is ready, and the singing of "singing the motherland" is over.

"Ladies and gentlemen, please stand up, raise the Chinese national flag and play the Chinese national anthem!" A solemn voice sounded in the stadium.


All the people on the scene stood up, especially the Chinese citizens, one by one solemn and solemn, looking at the national flag closely, pride and pride filled their hearts.

Soon, the solemn national anthem sounded in the stadium, and all the Chinese people, including several leaders, sang along with the music.

Tens of thousands of Chinese people, not only on the field but also outside, sang the National Anthem loudly.

At least 120000 people sang the same song. The voice was rolling like thunder and roaring nine days. The whole Yanjing seemed to shake at this moment.

I don't know how many people shed tears.

Finally, the national flag slowly rose to the highest point, and the National Anthem came to an end.

The whole stadium instantly turned into a sea of joy. The applause and cheers were deafening, which fully showed the cohesion of the Chinese nation.

After the national anthem, the introduction of printing appeared on the four super large screens of the stadium. As one of the four great inventions, printing is definitely one of the greatest contributions China has made to the world.

The paper was quickly made, and the picture returned to the stadium. A huge scroll appeared in front of the audience.

"This scroll is too big."

"It won't be the artists on the spot, will they? That would be boring. "

The scroll unfolds slowly from right to left. On top of it is a huge landscape painting, lifelike and lifelike. However, it is surprising that there is a blank in the center of the painting, which makes the whole painting become incoherent and has no artistic conception.

"I'm not ready, am I?"

"What do you mean? Is this for someone to paint on it? But the problem is how much time there is. "

In the VIP compartment, Xiao Changfeng fixed his eyes on the paintings and said: "painters spend a lot of time and energy in painting. If you want to make a good painting, you can't do anything without favorable conditions, places and people. Wanqing, what is the cloud sea doing

Zhao Wanqing said with a smile, "Dad, don't worry. You'll know soon."

The sound of the instrument curled up. In the eyes of the audience, a man in black walked barefoot on the picture. His clothes were very special, with long ribbons and dancing in the blank space of the painting.

Graceful dance, natural and elegant, and the perfect integration of piano music together.

"What is this?" asked Borg

No. 1 leader said with a smile: "painting. Chinese music, chess, calligraphy and painting have a long history. In ancient times, painters used brush. In modern times, there are more tools for painting. Now what they're doing is combining dance, piano sound and painting, using the body as a tool

As soon as the first chief's voice dropped, the dancing man had drawn a landscape outline under his feet. It turned out that all his clothes were covered with black ink.

"It's amazing," said Borg. It's the first time I've heard of such a big painting. Is this Mr. Xiao's idea? "

The first chief nodded and said, "yes. All the shows we watched were basically invented by him. "

"The number one director in the world really deserves his reputation," he exclaimed

Not only Borg, but everyone was shocked by this fantastic way of painting, with their mouths wide open and their eyes full of incredible expressions.

After about a minute, more people in black stepped into the blank area of the painting and danced on it.

Almost two minutes later, the sound of the piano slowly disappeared and the dance of these people was finished. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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