Published at 11th of May 2022 05:07:04 AM

Chapter 1949

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When this picture created by Oriental body art slowly rises, the whole scene erupts with warm exclamations and cheers.

Everyone can't help but stand up and applaud.

Even Berger stood up, his eyes fixed on the landscape painting, clapped his hands and said, "great, this is the best dance and landscape painting I have ever seen."

Chief executive 1 smiles. In fact, he is as surprised as Borg when he is watching the rehearsal.

"God, it's amazing that a simple dance can create such a wonderful painting."

"Broad and profound, it is worthy of being the only ancient civilization country in the world. This opening ceremony is much better than the last one. No, it should be stronger than all the opening ceremonies of the Olympic Games."

Numerous foreign audiences have been amazed, which makes the Chinese audience who hear them very proud and proud.

Xiao Leshan said: "how does Yunhai's brain grow? You can even think of this way of painting. "

Zhao Wanqing heard that even Xiao Leshan, who had never boasted about others, was convinced that he was proud of himself.

When the painting scroll was in mid air, the lights of the whole stadium slowly went out. Only a dozen seconds later, the lights were on again. 3000 scholars with high crowns and ancient Hanfu appeared in front of the public.

They hold bamboo slips and recite aloud. At the same time, they do all kinds of neat and uniform movements. The strong lineup makes the audience in front of the TV set and the scene stunned.

"My God, it's spectacular."

"Do they represent the three thousand disciples of Confucius?"

"Yes. The opening ceremony of emperor Yun is much better than before. It's very powerful. "

Three thousand disciples stopped in a neat square array. At this time, a huge bamboo slip appeared in the middle, and Chinese ancient characters appeared from time to time.

Three thousand disciples sat on the ground, chanting the famous words of the sage Confucius. Both the sound and the visual effects were very powerful, and the audience was shocked beyond measure.

Especially those foreigners who don't understand Chinese civilization open their mouths as if they saw miracles.

"My God, is that the Great Wall?" A foreigner who only visited the Great Wall yesterday pointed to the shape of bamboo slips.

"Yes, it's the Great Wall."

Along with the singing sound of ancient rhyme, bamboo slips put out a variety of shapes, causing bursts of cheers.

When the people under the bamboo slips appeared at the scene, everyone was stupid.

"God, it's a man operating underneath."

"How did they do it? It's amazing. "

Half way through the opening ceremony, audiences around the world don't know how many exclamations have been made.

After three thousand disciples sang, what appeared in our eyes was the treasure of China Opera!

As in previous generations, there are problems in the inheritance of Chinese opera. More than 95% of young people do not like this form of performance, but no one can deny the status of opera in Chinese history.

The introduction of Chinese culture, in any case, can not miss opera.

Xiao Yunhai invited Yue opera, Huangmei Opera, Pingju opera, Henan Opera and other opera masters to perform for one and a half minutes, and selected the most popular works.

At the end of the performance of the opera, more than a dozen beautiful women with graceful figure and silk clothes appeared in the mid air of the gymnasium, dancing like Fairies in the sky.

"Wow, what a beautiful picture."

"Is this the fairy of China? It's like watching a movie. "

Bai binglu looked at the actors flying in the air and said, "this kind of silk clothes are really beautiful."

Bai Huijie nodded and said, "yes, it's really beautiful. I wonder if we can buy it outside? I like that red dress very much. "

Huang Bo said with a wry smile: "I heard that their clothes were made by famous global fashion masters, and they certainly didn't sell them outside. However, after the opening ceremony, we can go to the third brother to see if he can find a way to get us a set. "

The two beauties nodded together.

Even women like Bai binglu have not resisted the charm of these clothes, let alone those foreign women.

After the Silk Road, more than 2000 people in white training clothes appeared at the scene with light steps, forming a huge circle.

In the middle of the circle, there is a high platform where several kung fu masters can perform Chinese Kung Fu.

Originally, Xiao Yunhai only planned to let more than 2000 people practice Taijiquan once, but later he thought that there were so many schools in China that Taijiquan could not be fully represented. So he added a three minute Kung Fu performance. Naturally, all the martial arts experts were invited.

"It's Xingyiquan. I seem to have heard it. "

" that's gossip, and the pace is so fast. "

"It should be Yongchun boxing that hits wooden man pile."

"It's Baji boxing. It's tough and domineering. It's incomparable.""This is Hongquan......"

a total of 12 representative boxing techniques were performed. After the performance, more than 2000 people began to practice Taiji.

This set of Taijiquan is made up by Xiao Yunhai. It is easy to move, rigid and soft. It is like flowing clouds and flowing water. It is beautiful and beautiful. Although the practical effect is unsatisfactory, it is very handsome in the vision.

The sound of the piano has become bold and unconstrained when they go on the stage. In addition, they shout from time to time, and everyone feels the blood boiling. The impact of this scene on them is not given by TV or movies.

"Taijiquan, great."

"Good, I took it. I really believe it."

"It's too strong to be neat and uniform, just like one person."

While these people were practicing boxing, a group of lovely children suddenly came out, drawing and drawing on the ground, and their mouths seemed to be reading the text.

After the recitation, more than 2000 actors have finished their Taiji Exercises.

They roared, ran, changed a few nine palace eight trigrams formation, and left with the children.

Turning to the middle of the gymnasium stage, a giant painting scroll slowly rises into the air. It is the landscape painting that caused a sensation before. It was ink painting at that time, but now it is painted by children.

"Well, there's a beginning and a finish. This is a great idea." Bog patted his thigh and exclaimed.

The No.1 chief executive laughed and was very satisfied with the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games directed by Xiao Yunhai.

as like as two peas of a ball, the ball was rising in the middle of the stadium, and a bunch of lights were playing on it, just like the earth.

"Wow, this is our earth."

"Look, there are still people up there."

"It's beautiful, my God. There's no danger."

The audience was excited one by one, and huge cheers rang through the stadium.

At the same time, a beautiful melody sounded.

"You and I live together in the global village. For dream, travel thousands of miles, meet in Yanjing.

Come on, friend. Hold out your hand. I and you, heart to heart, always a family. "

Chen Huan's loud and clear voice has reached the ears of audiences all over the world. It is the theme song "I and you" of the previous 2008 Olympic Games.

The melody of this song is very slow, the lyrics are very short, only 42 words, but the mood expressed by the song is very good, there is a feeling of the world.

"Is this the theme song written by Emperor Yun?"

"The emperor is so brave. In the past, the theme song of the Olympic Games basically chose songs with relatively strong rhythm, but this Olympic Games chose such a relatively slow song, which is really innovative

"But I think it sounds good. Harmonious development, the world is one, that's what it means

“ YouMeFromoneworld.WearefamilyTraveldream

at housandfiles meeting in Yangjing cometogethershare the joy fly....

brie Meister's flexible singing is no less than Chen Huan.

Later, two very different sounds were mixed together to make a very good chemical reaction. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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