Published at 11th of May 2022 05:06:59 AM

Chapter 1952

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seeing Xiao Yunhai devouring without any scruples, everyone couldn't help laughing.

Zhang Feng said, "please slow down. We are not in a hurry anyway. Mr. Xiao, I'd like to ask you, what happened to the last stroke? Many netizens on the Internet have said, "are you using the public to enrich the private?"

Xiao Yunhai took a sip of water and said, "I have answered your question several times. Before I came, the chief asked me if I could take advantage of my position to get this opportunity for myself? My answer to him was that I was a football goalkeeper and qualified to light the Olympic flame. The answer is still the same. "

Zhang Feng said with a smile, "are you going to sing the Olympic theme song" I and you "with Miss Zhao? Why did you suddenly change people? "

Xiao Yunhai sighed and said, "no way. Such a large-scale performance can't do without my live conductor. If I go to sing, I need to prepare half an hour in advance. In this way, the whole program is out of order. "

"Compared with you and Miss Zhao, are you satisfied with the performance of Miss Chen Huan and miss Brey Meister?"

Xiao Yunhai nodded: "quite satisfied. Mr. Chen Huan, I know very well that his voice is very suitable for this song. I decided early on, and then based on his timbre, I looked for singers all over the world to see who could match him, and finally chose Miss Meister. I have to admit, their performance is better than me and Wanqing. "

"Are you a little modest?"

"It's not modesty, it's telling the truth. The central idea of this song "you and I" is to live in harmony and be one in the world. Wan Qing and I are very good at singing, and our tacit understanding is much higher than that of Mr. Chen and miss Meister. Only the sound is not particularly appropriate, can not express the artistic conception of the song incisively and vividly. That's one of the reasons why I gave up. "

As soon as Xiao Yunhai's words came out, the audience under the stage would be fried.

"After the cloud is clear, it is the first in the world."

"After the cloud is clear, it is the first in the world."

Xiao Yunhai put his hands together and bowed: "thank you for your support. Just now, I'm telling you the truth. You don't have to care. "

Zhang Feng said: "Mr. Xiao, we heard that you received this directing task two months ago? Is there enough time? "

Xiao Yunhai shook his head and said, "lack of time is our biggest problem. At that time, I actually refused. You think I didn't have any experience in directing large-scale parties, and the time was so short that the program was not even determined. I really didn't want to accept it. "

"I heard that, too. After Mo's illness, the government has sought many directors, but none of them has received it. So why did you go on in the end? Don't you worry that if something goes wrong, you'll lose your reputation? "

Xiao Yunhai said: "I want to say some high sounding words. You will not believe it. Actually, I never thought I couldn't do this party well. It's just that my biggest problem is that I don't have free time. I know that once I take this job, it means that I can't get out for the next two months. At that time, my "Forrest Gump" was going to be released, and my company had a lot of things to do. When they called me, I refused without thinking. Later, the Ministry of culture, the Ministry of publicity, the General Administration of sports found my uncle, and he also found Wan Qing. Under the pressure of my wife not to let me go to bed, I have to take this job


"Ha ha ha."

The audience, both on the spot and in front of the TV, couldn't help laughing.

Zhang Feng didn't expect Xiao Yunhai to say this, and said with a smile, "Mr. Xiao, we are now broadcasting it. When answering questions, it's best to pay attention to them. "

Xiao Yunhai shrugged his shoulders and said, "it's just a joke."

Zhang Feng went on to ask, "I heard that after you put the task to the next stage, you will be in power. In only two days, you have determined all the programs. The theme song has not been censored by anyone, so it has been written directly, right? "

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "yes. I couldn't help it. It's only two months left, the show is uncertain, and thousands of people are waiting. If we conduct further research and deliberation, we will simply do nothing. In an extraordinary period, we must use extraordinary methods. In fact, I am not willing to do it without seeking advice. If you don't do it well, don't you think it's all on me? "

Zhang Feng nodded and said, "yes. Mr. Xiao, you are under great pressure. Fortunately, the opening ceremony was a great success. What is the biggest difficulty for you, apart from time? "

Xiao Yunhai said: "of course, it is. Almost all the programs we see need to cooperate, and the actions must be consistent and coordinated. In some cases, the time of 0.1 second can't be worse. You can't do it without practicing day and night. "

Zhang Feng asked, "I like the Chinese Kung Fu very much. More than 2000 people were practicing Taijiquan. The scene was absolutely shocking. The key is that they seem to have a relatively large range of movements. They should have done a lot of hard work? "

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "of course. They were soldiers of similar height, with good physical fitness and discipline, not to mention. Only in Taiji movement need to practice hard. In the past two months, they got up at six in the morning and rested at ten in the evening. Apart from eating and sleeping, they all stayed in the stadium and played at least a hundred times a day. No, they didn't have a bruise tonightZhang Feng nodded and said, "it's really not easy. What did you think of the first timer, the corona

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "the corona is an ancient timer, including the idea of countdown, which I want to be different from the conventional way before. Since I'm a director, of course I have to have our own national characteristics. "

Zhang Feng asked, "what impressed me was another song" singing the motherland ". Did you also write it

Xiao yunhaidao: "singing the motherland" is a song full of positive energy. Although the melody is simple and the lyrics are not complicated, it can well express everyone's love for the motherland. "

"Why do you want a little girl to sing? Are you not afraid that on such a large occasion, the little girl will have an accident? "

Xiao Yunhai said: "singing about the motherland" is written for children. They are simple and have no distractions in their hearts. The feeling of singing is quite different from those famous singers. As for the little girl, she was very gifted, as if she were born to hold her own. There may be some tension before not singing, but once singing, the whole person will enter the mood of the song. This is a talent. As long as you educate yourself well, I believe this child will be the top singer in the future

Zhang Feng said with a smile: "it seems that you are very optimistic about this child. Mr. Xiao, a large part of today's performance is concentrated on that painting. Is that really special effects or paper? "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "of course it's not true. It is a picture of more than 140 meters long and 27 meters wide composed of LED. It has high technology content and can be moved up and down. This is... "

next, Zhang Feng put forward a variety of questions to Xiao Yunhai, and Xiao Yunhai answered them fluently.

Half an hour later, Zhang Feng said, "Mr. Xiao, the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games has been recognized by the whole world. Are you satisfied with it?"

Xiao Yunhai said: "it is impossible to be completely satisfied. Whether directing the film or the scene, there is always a slight deviation in what the director thinks and does. A good director can minimize the deviation, while a bad director will enlarge the deviation. I watched the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games backstage and found a lot of problems. Some of them appeared during rehearsal and some appeared during live broadcast. However, from the perspective of the audience, these errors are very small and can be almost ignored. "

"I am very happy that the opening ceremony of this Olympic Games can be enjoyed by all of you. This is not to say how much fame and honor I can get from it, but our hard work is not in vain, and the sweat of the actors is not in vain. In my heart, they are all the best actors. "

"Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa."

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