Published at 11th of May 2022 05:06:54 AM

Chapter 1955

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Yunqing TV station and manwei TV station as the live TV stations of the Olympic Games, the harvest is even more frightening.

The average global audience rating is 10.35%, which means that one in ten people in the world watches their TV programs.

After all the expenses, Xiao Yunhai made a net profit of 38.6 billion US dollars.

The average global audience rating of CCTV is only 3.24%, and the advertising profit is only 13.6 billion US dollars, which is very far from Xiao Yunhai.

After the Olympic Games, Xiao Yunhai came to the government office to attend a celebration.

From the opening ceremony to the closing ceremony of the Olympic Games, there were no problems in the process, which won the unanimous praise at home and abroad.

As a director, Xiao Yunhai has made great contributions.

At the meeting, Xiao Yunhai also met with the National Teacher Mo Kaixuan.

This made him very surprised. If it was Xiao Yunhai, he would never come.

After the commendation meeting, Xiao Yunhai and others attended the lunch.

Those who worked with Xiao Yunhai came to toast one after another. Xiao Yunhai did not put on airs. No matter who came, it was a cup, showing his Dionysian demeanor.

These people have got the achievements they want through the Olympic Games, which is of great benefit to their future. Naturally, Xiao Yunhai is very grateful.

After three rounds of wine, Mo Kaixuan came to Xiao Yunhai and said, "Mr. Xiao, can you speak with me?"

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "of course."

Mo Kaixuan recovered from his serious illness. He was pale and listless, and his hair turned white.

When they came to a corner, Xiao Yunhai said, "teacher Mo, you should take care of yourself."

Mo Kaixuan reluctantly showed a smile and said: "I'm old, I can't bear my body bones. I may really retire in the future. "

Xiao Yunhai a Leng, way: "teacher Mo, you don't shoot the film and television drama?"

Mo Kaixuan nodded and said, "if I continue to take pictures, I can't live for ten years. After filming for a lifetime, it's time to rest. I know that although my personality is not very good, the wind in the circle is not good, but I am still very concerned about the Chinese film and television circle. Mr. Xiao, it's a blessing for the industry to have a filmmaker like you. "

Xiao Yunhai looked at Mo Kaixuan's haggard appearance and knew that he had been hit hard this time. He said, "Mr. Mo, you don't have to be too pessimistic."

Mo Kaixuan said with a smile: "I am not pessimistic, but happy for the future of Chinese films. Mr. Xiao, the opening and closing ceremonies of the Olympic Games directed by you are very wonderful. Even if there is no other person's constraint, I can't do your level

Xiao Yunhai said: "teacher Mo, you flatter me."

Mo Kaixuan said: "it's ridiculous. At the beginning, your movie box office surpassed me. It was impossible for me not to be annoyed. I just wanted to be able to suppress your sharpness. Later, you became the richest man in the world. The box office of each film was higher than that of one film. You became the best director in China and even in the world. No one could stop you. I just gave up the idea. Hehe, think about the past, I was really stupid. This time I have the cheek to come here, but I want to take this opportunity to say a few words to you. Mr. Xiao, in the last sentence, you are the Chinese filmmaker whom I admire most

With that, Mo Kaixuan nodded to him and left the party smartly.

Xiao Yunhai looked at his back and didn't know what to say.

Mo Kaixuan made many excellent films in his life, and became the symbol of Chinese films. However, he was not flattered. Sometimes he even resorted to any means to achieve his goal.

Few of them can be friends with him.

Now that this person retired, Xiao Yunhai suddenly felt a little uncomfortable.

In any case, Mo Kaixuan's contributions to Chinese films are greater than his demerits.

At the end of the banquet, Xiao Yunhai was just about to leave when a staff member suddenly came up to him and said, "Mr. Xiao, chief one, please go over now."

Xiao Yunhai eyes a bright, nodded, followed him out.

"The man who seems to be the No. 1 chief is not to say that the chief one is looking for him."

"Mr. Xiao is so good. We don't know how difficult it will be to meet chief executive No. 1. He'd like to see him whenever he wants. "

"People are more than people. We are not at all comparable to him. "

Soon, Xiao Yunhai came to the office of No. 1 chief executive.

"Chief, is the loan business done?" After the secretary went out, Xiao Yunhai asked.

The No.1 chief officer laughed and made a gesture to let Xiao Yunhai sit down and said, "yes. Eight trillion dollars are already in the people's Bank of China. You'd better take it now. "

Xiao Yunhai thought about it and said, "chief, can I change these money into Chinese currency?"

Christie and Xiao Yunhai once conducted an in-depth analysis of these funds, and felt that once there was a movement in the United States, it would inevitably affect the US dollar. At that time, the US dollar may depreciate.In this way, Xiao Yunhai suffered a lot.

The No.1 chief executive frowned and said, "eight trillion US dollars is not a small sum. I'm afraid the people's Bank of China can't eat all the eight trillion US dollars in Chinese currency."

Xiao Yunhai said: "I know. I mean, in the name of the country, can we go abroad to digest it. I'm a pauper in the eyes of the Bessie family. If I suddenly take so much money to exchange, there must be something wrong

The first chief nodded and said, "well, I can help you. However, the exchange rate between us dollar and Chinese currency is different every day. You have to be prepared for this. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "I understand."

After talking about the capital, the first chief executive changed his topic and talked about the Olympic Games.

"Yunhai, the opening and closing ceremonies of the Olympic Games, you boy, are really very good. Let us China by the international general recognition, but also push the Chinese culture to the world. BOCOG, the president of the Olympic Committee, praised the program well. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile:" I don't want to be meritorious, but I want nothing wrong. As long as everyone is satisfied. "

The No.1 chief officer laughed and said, "this is what I appreciate most about you. No matter how much honor you get, you will be indifferent. In two months' time, the Paralympic Games will begin. You...

Xiao Yunhai listened and said, "chief, we don't want to play like this. I really don't have time. Next month, I'm going to film. When the Paralympic Games started, I think it was already in America. Don't mention the director. "

An Olympic Games made Xiao Yunhai tired and didn't go home for two months. If there was another Paralympic Games, it would be better to kill him.

The No. 1 chief officer glared at him and said, "I haven't finished yet, you'll give up."

Xiao Yunhai said with a bitter smile: "I really have no time. The Bessie family matters to my future, and I can't take it lightly. "

Chief one said, "whatever you want." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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