Published at 11th of May 2022 05:06:49 AM

Chapter 1959

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Half an hour later, two hands holding hands, came to the hall on the second floor.

There are more than 300 actors and workers in the whole "painted skin" crew. Zhao Wanqing did not just invite the main creators, but called all the people here.

Seeing Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing, everyone stood up to greet them.

"Yunhai, we've been here for two days. You just came here today. It's hard for us to face Zhao da."

After Xiao Yunhai sat at the table of the chief creator, Yu Yuexian began to set up a teacher to investigate the crime.

Xiao Yunhai said: "you are all the leading roles, but I am just a small lizard who loves fox spirit secretly. The lines add up to only a few hundred words. What's the use of coming early?"

Yu Yuexian said, "if you come early, you can help Wanqing. She's very tired these days

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "sister Yu, do you think she will let me help you?"

Zhao Wanqing said: "this is my film. He is not allowed to interfere."

Xiao Yunhai shrugged his shoulders and said, "have you heard me? I am the best soldier

"Ha ha ha."

The crowd burst into laughter.

After three rounds of wine and five flavors of food, Zhao Wanqing stood up, took up a glass of wine, and said, "dear teachers, thank you for joining our" painted skin "crew. I am a new director. "Painted skin" is the first play in my life. For me, it is very, very important. I don't ask how much box office this play can win. I just ask that its performance and reputation after its release can be worthy of our efforts. Come on, let's drink a toast to the success of "painted skin"

"Cheers. "

everyone, including Xiao Yunhai, stood up and drank all the wine in the glass.

Seeing Zhao Wanqing's face slightly red, Xiao Yunhai poured her a drink and said in a soft voice, "this is wine. I thought it was water."

Zhao Wanqing took a sip of juice and said, "how could I drink water on this occasion?"

Beside Yu Yuexian said with a smile: "do you see, what is pain wife. Determined, old man, learn a little. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "I'm worried that if she drinks too much, I'll have to wait on her tonight, and it will be miserable. "

" hahaha. "

Zhao Wanqing pinched Zhao Wanqing's hand against his thigh. Xiao Yunhai gave him a look of begging for mercy, and Zhao Wanqing let him go.

As a director, the following people naturally want to toast.

Zhao Wanqing doesn't drink at home. The amount of alcohol is not much. Xiao Yunhai is responsible for stopping the wine.

No matter who it is, I'll give you a cup of noodles.

The richest man in the world does not have the slightest airs. If you fight with others, you will enjoy yourself.

It wasn't until ten o'clock that the banquet was over.

Back in the room, Zhao Wanqing quickly made a cup of tea for him and said, "husband, why do you drink so much wine? "

Xiao Yunhai drank almost eight Jin of wine this evening. If he was an ordinary person, he would have been poisoned by alcohol and sent to the hospital.

Xiao Yunhai touched her cheek, which was more delicate because of drinking, and said: "this is your first play. I don't think the people below will convince you. I drink so much wine, give them so much face, they are bound to work hard. Otherwise, there's no place for your face. "

Zhao Wanqing was moved and said," thank you, husband. "

Xiao Yunhai scraped her nose and said with a smile," fool. These wines, to me, are no different from water. I'll go and spit it all out. "

after entering the bathroom, Xiao Yunhai took a deep breath and suddenly vomited.


the wine in my stomach was all spouted out, and the smell was so bad that I rushed down with water.

Out of the bathroom, Xiao Yunhai's face did not have the slightest sense of wine, said: "wife, how about?"

Zhao Wanqing said with a smile, "you are good."

With a smile, Xiao Yunhai suddenly picked up Zhao Wanqing and said, "there are more powerful things to do next. "

Zhao Wanqing put her arm around her husband's neck, her face was as beautiful as a flower, and she said in a soft voice," be gentle, there are still things to do tomorrow. "

Xiao Yunhai said:" I know. "

next, it is natural that the whole room is full of spring.

The next morning, at the entrance of the hotel of "painted skin", reporters from various major media were gathered.

Zhao Wanqing's work as a director to make a film has long been spread in the outside world. Except for knowing the name of the film "painted skin", no other information has been disclosed.

"Painted skin" is going to hold a press conference, of course, they will not let it go.

"Did you hear that someone photographed the emperor of cloud driving to Hengdian yesterday. "

" is expected. Can the emperor of cloud protect the movie after it's clear? I just didn't expect him to come so late. "

"The script of" painted skin "is written by Emperor Yun. It is said that there is still a role to play in it." "

" Luo Tianxiong, the leader of the Luojia class, came with dozens of backbone members a few days ago. There is absolutely no problem with the martial arts part. "When I was idle, we all chatted about "painted skin".

At nine o'clock sharp, the hotel opened, and reporters swarmed in, without any politeness.

I'm kidding. I'm afraid they can't keep their jobs if they don't have a good position and can't get a good picture.

In less than ten minutes, the reporters were all ready.

At 9:30, a service personnel opened the door of the meeting room. Zhao Wanqing, dressed in a black professional suit, came in with a smile.

Then followed by Xiao Yunhai, Yu Yuexian, Meng Xuewei, Yin Ruiyi, Kai Shuwen and Luo Tianxiong.

"Wow, they're all actors from Hanhai film and television investment company."

"I don't know. Fertilizer and water do not flow into the field. When you make a movie after sunny days, you have to take care of the people in your company. "

"The lineup was a bit unexpected. I was thinking about how to get more than a dozen movie stars to support the scene, but I didn't expect to have only a few. "

While the reporters were talking about it, the main creators of painted skin had already sat down.

Zhao Wanqing said some polite words and said: "this" painted skin "is an ancient costume love magic movie, and the screenwriter is Mr. Xiao Yunhai sitting next to me."

"Ha ha. "Everyone laughed.

Zhao Wanqing continued: "this play borrows from Pu Songling's strange tales of a lonely studio". Of course, the plot has been greatly changed. It can be said that it has completely turned into another story. All of you are old acquaintances. Except for Mr. Luo Tianxiong, who is an action director, the rest are the leading men and women in the play. What questions can I ask you? "

A reporter said, "Miss Zhao, why did you suddenly want to make a movie?"

Zhao Wanqing said with a smile: "since my child was born, I have spent more time at home. When I'm free, I'll read some books about directors. I think I'm almost there, so I want to try to make one. "

"Miss Zhao, Mr. Xiao started his filming with micro film, then TV series and movies, gradually establishing his reputation as the world's first director. Do you find it hard to shoot movies as soon as you come here? "

Zhao Wanqing said: "it was because his accumulation was not enough that he had to accumulate experience by shooting TV series. After such a long time of study, I have also played a lot of plays. I have enough experience. I think I can make a high-level film. Besides, I hope you can call me director Zhao today, not Miss Zhao. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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