Published at 11th of May 2022 05:06:42 AM

Chapter 1965

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Xiao Yunhai was right. After Franklin's incident, Elvis immediately called Wesley over and started a video call with Vanessa Bessie on a big screen.

"Vanessa, you've been in Los Angeles. What's going on?" Although Elvis's words used a tone of doubt, but in his heart is in doubt that this matter is the daughter of the ghost.

Franklin is paramount's CEO. Unless he is a fool, how could he suddenly do such a thing.

And Vanessa and Wesley's exchange of duties, which is the matter of these two months, is it possible that she is behind her back, so Franklin does this.

Elvis is, you know what I mean by a woman

Wesley, who was beside him, looked very ugly and said, "sister, isn't it you? Are you trying to get me down and head the Bessie family. I tell you, don't say this thing can't help me, even if I go in, you don't want to be the patriarch. "

Elvis frowned and said, "Wesley, how can you talk to your sister. Vanessa, your brother is in a terrible mood now. I hope you don't mind

Vanessa shook her head and said, "of course I don't mind. Wesley, as you said, this thing can't do for you. Do you think I'm stupid enough to attack you with it? Even if I have to trouble you, I can't do it with my people, not to mention the CEO of paramount. "

Hearing Winnie's words, Elvis pondered and said, "Vanessa, what you said is very reasonable, but I don't understand why Franklin did such a thing all of a sudden? What's more, will he have any backhand? "

Vanessa thought for a moment and said," I feel like this is a conspiracy. It seems that a net is attacking our Bessie family. Franklin's practice was obviously instructed by others. But this other person should have the handle that causes Franklin to die, Franklin has no choice, will do so. I believe that they must have backhand, but it is not clear what kind of backhand it will be

It has to be said that winnissa was able to become one of the heirs to fight for the head of the Bessie family, and her ability was really outstanding. She was right at all.

Wesley also calmed down at this time. His eyes narrowed slightly and said, "is it Kung Fu Xiao?"

"I don't think so," said Vanessa. Kung Fu Xiao is a star and won't do such things. I guess it's the Anderson family. "

Elvis snorted and said, "Vanessa, I agree with you. At present, the whole country has already known about this matter. Since Franklin dared to sue, it was obvious that there was evidence. We can't be led by the nose by them, and we can't leave them time for hype. Wesley, when did you give such an order? "

Wesley thought for a moment and said, "I really don't remember what I said."

"Did paramount evade taxes?" Elvis asked

"An hour ago, I had someone check it out, and it was a problem," she said. It's not a lot. It's only 500 million dollars. "

Elvis frowned and said, "five hundred million dollars is a very high amount for a film company. So, if they sue Wesley, let's go and Sue Franklin and say that all these things are his conspiracy to seize Wesley's words and frame him up. "

As soon as Wesley's eyes brightened, he said, "uncle, you're really good. In this way, we can turn away from the guest. Even if I say something inappropriate, I can say it's drunk. I don't know anything about paramount. "

"That's it," Elvis said. Wesley, you go to a lawyer

Wesley nodded and walked away.

Elvis looked at the calm face of Vanessa and said, "my daughter, do you particularly hate Wesley?"

"If you put the future of the Bessies in his hands, I'm 100% sure that the Bessies will go down," said winnissa

Elvis sighed and said, "Vanessa, if only you were a man. Your intelligence and ability are better than Wesley. Unfortunately, you will get married in the end. I can't let outsiders into the Bessie family. What's more, Wesley is young and young. After years of training in the sea of business, I believe he can become a talent. "

Vanessa sneered: "he can't be Apollo's opponent again. If you really choose a patriarch who is most beneficial to the Bessie family, you might as well choose Rhoda. "

"I will never allow froda to be the patriarch," Elvis said angrily

"Why?" winnissa asked

Elvis has never wanted to see froda, which is something everyone in the Bessie family knows, but no one knows why.

Elvis said: "it's time for you to know. Because it's probably not the Bessie blood in froda

"What? How could it be? " Vanessa was shocked."There's nothing impossible," Elvis said. At that time, after your uncle died, the private doctor who had been serving him secretly issued to me a medical bill for your uncle's infertility. I found a lot of experts to have a look, the probability of childbirth is 0. "

Vanessa, with her sexy lips open, seemed a little incredulous. After a long time, she said, "so froda is probably a wild seed of Auntie and other men?"

Elvis nodded and said, "yes. It's just that your uncle is dead, so we can't have a paternity test. But no matter how good froda is, I won't risk handing over the Bessie family to him, understand? "

In foreign countries, big families are more conservative and pay more attention to blood.

Vanessa said, "I see. Father, Wesley can't be so simple. There must be some conspiracy we don't know. You should be careful. "

"I know," Elvis said

After turning off the video, Elvis called Alan Anderson.

"Alan, did you do it?" Elvis asked.

Alan Anderson said with a smile, "Elvis, what are you talking about?"

Elvis snorted, "you don't have to pretend here. Don't you think it's boring, Alan

Allen said, "Elvis, I really don't know what you're talking about. If there's nothing else, I'll hang up. "

Elvis said coldly, "Aaron, I'm warning you, don't make me anxious. Otherwise, the consequences will not be borne by your Anderson family. "

Allen was silent for a moment and said, "Elvis, I'll take what you just said as a declaration of war against me."

Elvis laughed and said, "so you've already planned. Wesley is just the beginning, isn't it? Well, I'll wait for you. "

With that, Elvis hung up.

Although he said hard, it seemed that he didn't care about the Anderson family, but in fact, he had a very big sense of crisis in his heart.

He felt that the Anderson family had probably found their flaws, and the key to the problem must be Citibank.

It's just that he doesn't know why Alan has to deal with Wesley alone?

We should know that Wesley is only a college student who graduated a few years ago, and has been in charge of the company for only one year.

Elvis can understand if it's froda or Vanessa, but Wesley's is really confusing. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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