Published at 11th of May 2022 05:06:41 AM

Chapter 1966

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In the afternoon of the same day, Wesley Bessie sued Franklin for taking advantage of his position to deliberately evade taxes and frame himself.

For a while, the case became complicated, and the whole wall street was quietly watching the development of the situation.

"What's going on here? Why am I a little dizzy? "

"There's something wrong with this case. One of paramount's CEOs sued his employer, and another, the heir of the Bessie family, accused him of framing. Oh, it's a mess. " "

" tax evasion is not news in the entertainment industry. It is estimated that all companies have some problems. Why on earth did Franklin do this "I think there must be a force behind Franklin, or no one would be so stupid. This is tantamount to giving up one's future. "

After receiving the two indictments, the court directly processed the case and announced that it would hold a trial in three days.

"Mr. Xiao, would you like to go to Los Angeles to attend the trial?"

Xiao Yunhai shook his head and said, "no, it's not interesting."

Christie said with a smile: "I don't know where Wesley's courage comes from. He dare to open up to the public."

Xiao Yunhai said: "there is nothing I dare not do? With two recordings, Franklin tried to convict Wesley. It was just out of the blue. But what he didn't think of was that once it was made public, Franklin's goal was not at all about it. "

Christie was stunned and said, "Mr. Shaw, do you mean Franklin will announce Wesley's plot to kill Terence in court?"

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "don't you think this is a particularly good time? Anyway, if it was me, I would have done it. "

"I didn't expect the war to come so fast," Christie said

Of all the plans, Wesley's case will be a starting point, and the Anderson family will come up with Citibank's criminal evidence and ask for a review of Citibank's finances.

In this way, even if Elvis Bessie asked Lyle for help, he would have every reason to refuse. What's more, how could Lyle help him.

Xiao Yunhai said: "Ms. Christie, on the day of Wesley's sentence, don't go to join in the fun. You can take the heads of various departments to leave the United States quickly, and say that I am in Yanjing, China, and invite you to attend an important meeting. Remember, take your family with you, so that you don't have the things that happened before

Christie nodded and said, "yes."

Xiao Yunhai said: "tomorrow morning, I will leave Washington, fly to Los Angeles, and then directly return home. You will report to me every day about the development of the incident. "

Christie said, "OK."

In the evening, at Elvis villa, a strong white man with a face full of flesh and a strong body is reporting to Elvis respectfully.

"Boss, Franklin has a lot of girlfriends. He changes them almost every three days. Paramount's actresses all have that relationship with him, but he has no wife and no children."

Elvis frowned and said, "so who else is in his family?"

"His parents had gone abroad a month ago. We investigated them and found that they had gone to China and probably settled down. Because they have sold their houses, it is difficult to find out where they live in China with our strength in China. "

Elvis snorted, and said with a frosty look on his face, "it seems that this Franklin has been prepared. Well, I see. Go down

The strong man nodded and left.

As the head of the Bessie family, Elvis had a keen sixth sense of the crisis.

He had a vague feeling that there was a danger coming towards him. The source was Wesley.

It's just what happened to Wesley. Elvis exhausted his brain and couldn't figure it out.

Is there something Wesley kept from himself?

The next day, Xiao Yunhai flew to Los Angeles by plane.

From the airport, Xiao Yunhai took Raul's car.

"Is there anything new in Hollywood other than paramount?" Xiao Yunhai asked.

Raul shook his head and said, "it's all calm. Nothing big happened."

Xiao Yunhai Oh, way: "Transformers" started shooting

Raul laughed: "a week ago, there was a launch conference. It never occurred to you that you would hand over this important film to an associate director? "

During the Olympic Games, Xiao Yunhai read seven books and found that there was only one director named odyson who was the most suitable for him and the most serious one.

Other people's sub lens are almost thick, but he is twice as thick.

From the preparation of the film to the killing of the film, everything is very clear and clear.

When Xiao Yunhai finished reading what odyson wrote, he saw the whole process of his filming. Later, he checked his works and found that he had never directed a single work, but had been an associate director for more than 30 years.Even so, when he was an associate director, he made 12 films, and the box office was more than $1.5 billion.

Xiao Yunhai also let people investigate, this aldson is indeed a talented person, this just rest assured "Transformers" to him.

"Did sister Mo sign him into the company?" Xiao Yunhai asked.

"It was signed the day you decided that he was the director of transformers," Raul said

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "it seems that the general manager of Mo Jie's brokerage company is doing very well."

Now the agency that Mo Yina is in charge of has completely separated from Marvel Comics and has become one of the top three world-class brokerage companies in the world. The artists are not the old kittens or two, but more than 50 people, all above the front line.

Originally, Mo Yina wanted to open a branch office in Huaxia, but Xiao Yunhai refused.

Huaxia has a Hanhai film and television investment company, which is enough, and there is no need to add to the cake.

Raul said: "Ms. Mo's agency is very profitable. Although the selected stars are not paid high, there are a lot of advertising endorsements. A few days ago, she said that this month's profit reached 700 million US dollars, which is a great achievement. Of all the agencies in Hollywood, it's definitely number one. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "very good. Hollywood is not short of stars, but the eyes to find them. Raul, I don't have anything else to do this time. I just want to arrange the shooting of the Avengers. "

Hearing the Avengers alliance, Raul's eyes brightened and said, "Mr. Xiao, once your film is made, I dare say that it will definitely break all box office records, and maybe even surpass Zhuxian. In a movie, there are eight superheroes. Just thinking about the fighting scene can make people feel excited. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "what I want is a fight from the beginning to the end. Otherwise, what can I use to attract the audience. If Superman didn't affect the balance of power too much, I would like to add it

Raul said with a smile: "Mr. Xiao, the special actors of Avengers alliance have signed contracts, and the studio is basically in the video studio. The key is special effects."

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "that's right."

In the avenger alliance, the villain Xiao Yunhai arranges is a big boss with terrible strength. He comes from a distant planet and leads numerous small minions to attack the earth.

Xiao Yunhai decided to play the big boss himself, but the key is the small minions. Xiao Yunhai's requirement is that they should have their own characteristics. They should not be all carved out of the same mold as in other superhero movies. They are only responsible for making those superheroes beat up.

In this way, it increases the difficulty of special effects, magic special effects companies must prepare in advance.

If it doesn't start until October, the film won't be shown until the second half of next year.

Back to the villa in Los Angeles, Xiao Yunhai took a bath and had a dinner. I didn't go anywhere. After playing computer for a while, I had a rest. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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