Published at 11th of May 2022 05:06:37 AM

Chapter 1972

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After hanging up, Vanessa said, "father, it seems that Kung Fu Xiao is not involved. When he heard that we were selling shares in Yunqing network company, he would fly over immediately. Just do we really want to sell? It's too cheap for him

Elvis frowned and said, "am I wrong?"

If it's worth $700 billion, it's worth $400 million.

Because these shares will bring nearly 500 billion dollars to the Bessie family every year. As time goes on, the number will be higher and higher.

Selling it is definitely not a good idea.

After pondering for a while, Elvis said, "when Kung Fu Xiao comes, you can hold on. I'll see what happens. "

Vanessa nodded and said, "OK."

When father and daughter discuss things, Xiao Yunhai is also talking with Apollo on the phone.

The executor of their alliance was Apollo, which was also Allen's contribution to Apollo. Once the Bessie family was destroyed, Apollo would immediately become the head of the Anderson family.

Xiao Yunhai narrated winnissa's story and said, "I know she is trying to test me. Do you think I should really buy it? "

Apollo pondered and said," thank you for your trust in me, Mr. Xiao. Your conjecture should be right. I think the Bessie family has realized something, and Windsor has come out to test you. Elvis is is very clear about the value of Yunqing. I believe he will never give up. When you arrive in the United States of America, they will try their best to delay the time.

when is the time for you to cut down Citibank. I plan to make public the money laundering of Citibank tomorrow and bring it to the court for a thorough investigation. "

Xiao Yunhai laughed and said," that's all. I won't be in America until the day after tomorrow. Once you start, I'll have good reasons not to buy their shares. "

"After Citibank's accident, we will try our best to suppress its share price," Apollo said. At the same time, we will set off a wave of Citi's collapse in the United States, and Mr. Xiao will be able to buy Citigroup at that time. "

Xiao Yunhai's eyes narrowed slightly, to: "Mr. Apollo, don't you buy it?"

Apollo laughed, "we don't have that energy. Besides, even if we buy it, it will not be of any use to us. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "this is also true. If I didn't owe Citigroup so much money, I wouldn't have bought such an empty shell. "

after talking with Apollo, Xiao Yunhai called Christie again and arranged some things.

After daybreak, Xiao Yunhai told his parents that after sending the child to school, he directly came to Yanjing International Airport and then flew to Washington.

By the time he got out of Washington Airport, Citibank was suspected of money laundering, with the amount of more than five trillion US dollars, which had already spread wildly in the United States.

The Anderson family didn't feel soft at all and took Citigroup to court.

As CEO of Citigroup, froda was arrested by the police.

On the bus, Xiao Yunhai listened to Christie's introduction and said with a smile, "I knew it was for nothing."

Christie said, "Mr. Shaw, as you told me, I met Miss Vanessa. She did not immediately agree to sign the contract, but said that she hoped you would talk about it when you arrived. "

Xiao Yunhai said:" this shows that we Yunqing network company cattle, even the Bessie family are reluctant to give up. Unfortunately, they are late. Under such circumstances, it would be impossible for me to buy shares for $470 billion.

"it's worrying that Christie will sell my shares to the rest of the family

Xiao Yunhai said coldly, "if anyone dares to buy it, it is our enemy. If you spread my words to Wall Street, I'll see who will be against us. "

Christie nodded and said," I don't think anyone but the Anderson family dares to offend us. "

Xiao Yunhai snorted and said," Alan and his son wish I could spend as much money as possible. They would not join in the fun. I'll call Vanessa and, since I'm going to act, I'll do it with her. "

Xiao Yunhai took out his mobile phone and called winnissa.

”Miss Vanessa, I've been out of New York airport. It's still early. I don't know I'm not honored to buy you a cup of coffee? "

winnissa said," Mr. Xiao, you are in a hurry. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile:" it is related to the 25% shares of Yunqing network company. Can I not worry? I heard that there is something wrong with your Citibank. I wonder if it matters? I had guessed that the Anderson family would not be that simple, and they did. "

winnissa said," as long as Mr. Xiao is not involved. Yes, you can find a place. I'll be right there. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile:" go to the coffee shop next to your Citigroup headquarters. We have drunk there before. "

Vanessa agreed.Xiao Yunhai put down the phone and asked the driver to go straight to the cafe.

After arriving at their destination, he and Christie walk in and meet Vanessa Bessie, who has been sitting for a long time.

"Miss Vanessa, you don't seem to be in a good mood?" Xiao Yunhai sat down and asked with concern.

Winnissa sighed and said, "the Anderson family is pushing hard. We're having a hard time. Mr. Xiao, I just talked to my father on the phone, and he agreed to sell 25% of the shares of Yunqing network company for $5 trillion. "

Xiao Yunhai was directly happy and said, "what you said before was the original price. Now it's five trillion dollars. Isn't this a bit inappropriate?"

"This price is our bottom line, it can't be any less," said Vanessa

Xiao Yunhai said: "it seems that I can't drink coffee today. Miss Vanessa, I can seriously tell you that my bottom line is two trillion dollars, and there won't be any more. "

Vanessa couldn't believe her ears and said, "what are you talking about? Mr. Xiao, you are joking

Xiao Yunhai shook his head and said with a smile, "Miss Vanessa, you don't have to be so shocked. On the way out of the airport, Ms. Christie told me what happened to you at Citibank, money laundering, and it's five trillion dollars. I don't think it's groundless. Once things are true, you should be very clear about the consequences. Next, I guess the Anderson family will definitely crush your industry, and you can't hold on to it without liquidity. Two trillion dollars for you is absolutely carbon in the snow. If you don't agree, I'm afraid it's not worth two trillion dollars for a while. "

"Can we sell it to someone else?" she said angrily? "

Xiao Yunhai's eyes were full of lofty sentiments, and a strong domineering spirit came out of his body and said:" Whoever dares to buy, I will let anyone die. "

winnissa pointed to Xiao Yunhai and said angrily," you... You don't go too far. "

Xiao Yunhai said:" I learned from you. I couldn't even sell an oil field at the beginning. Isn't that what you and the Anderson family did? "

winnissa bit her beautiful red lips and said," let's see. "

Xiao Yunhai shrugged and said," I will stay in Washington for a week, waiting for you to call me. "

looking at Winnie's angry back, Christie said with a smile," Mr. Xiao, you are very angry with this lady. "In a few days, she will be more angry. "

back to the company, Xiao Yunhai called Apollo and asked his family and himself to issue a notice that no one was allowed to buy shares of Yunqing network company. This is the same method used by the Bessie family before.

Apollo would not object, and soon the story spread across Wall Street and around the world. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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