Published at 11th of May 2022 05:06:36 AM

Chapter 1973

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Rich people with a trillion dollar worth have their own circle. There are only a dozen people who can afford to buy shares in Yunqing network company. Who dares to offend Xiao Yunhai and Anderson family.

At the same time, Apollo launched a propaganda campaign to spread the news that Citibank was no longer working.

In particular, the audit staff of the Ministry of finance of the government stationed in Citibank to thoroughly investigate its financial problems, which led to the withdrawal of shares by numerous shareholders, and a large number of savings customers went to Citibank to withdraw money.

Elvis punched the coffee table in the living room and said angrily, "the Anderson family is really going to kill us completely. He has a big appetite. What's going on with Citibank, froda? "

Froda had been released and said, "not optimistic. The Anderson family has obviously found our loophole, and in less than two days, the financial side will not be able to hold on. What's more, there has been a run on the outside world. More and more big customers come to ask for withdrawal. I'm afraid our funds will not last long. "

Elvis frowned and said, "we only have two trillion dollars of working capital left. It seems that the Anderson family is interested in this. "

froda said:" Apollo is directing his economic team to crack down on us, and it seems that they have plenty of money. So far, Citibank's share price has fallen more than 40 percent, TCP energy's share price has fallen 20 percent, and Stell networks has fallen 25 percent. If we go on like this, I'm afraid we won't be able to hold on

Elvis turned to Vanessa and said, "what do you say about Kung Fu Xiao?"

"He wants to take advantage of the fire," said Vanessa. We lent him three trillion dollars, and he refused to repay it on the ground that it was not due. As for the shares of Yunqing network company, he did not even mention it. Recently, his economic team has sold a lot of shares in oil fields and investment companies, which seems to be raising money. "

Elvis snorted and said, "I'm afraid he's raising money to pick on our bargains. Do you think this series of Anderson family events have something to do with him

Froda pondered and said, "very likely. I suspect he asked us for a loan from Citibank just for today. Uncle, I think your guess is probably true. President Lyle, the Anderson family, the Locke family and Kung Fu Shaw have joined forces to bring down our Bessie family

Elvis frowned. "Give me the phone. I want to talk to Lyle."

Soon, the phone went through.

"Mr. Bessie, are you in good health?" Lyle asked.

Elvis said with a smile: "thank you, Mr. President. There's nothing more. Mr. President, I'm calling mainly to ask about Citibank. "

Lyle said, "I guess so. The Anderson family has gone too far this time, but you have been caught in the pigtail by him, and you are in a very bad position

"America has always been a fight between the Bessie and Anderson families, which ensures the political, military and economic stability of the country," Elvis said. If our Bessie family can't avoid this disaster, it will probably be the Anderson family. At that time, Mr. President, I'm afraid you'll have a hard time

Lyle was silent for a moment, and said, "Mr. Bessie, since that's the point, I won't hide it from you. You can't do anything. The Anderson family can't do anything. The person responsible for investigating Citibank's financial problems is my staff. I'll let him delay as much as possible. But you can't be idle. You have to fix those holes in a week. Otherwise, I'm afraid I can't stop it. "

Elvis nodded and said, "I understand. Thank you, Mr. President

Lyle said: "to tell you one thing, the lockers and Anderson families are united. You have to be careful. The American government can't help you with things in the mall. "

"Mr. President, you control the CIA, don't know if there's Kung Fu Xiao in them?" Elvis asked

Lyle laughed and said, "he's dying of poverty now. He's selling oil fields there. I guess I'm trying to get something out of you. He is a Chinese, and his downfall will do him no good. But looting is inevitable. "

Elvis nodded and said, "I see. Thank you, Mr. President."

After hanging up the phone, Elvis closed his eyes and pondered for a long time before he said, "President lair said that the Anderson and Locke families have united, while Kung Fu Shaw is trying to make a profit."

"Can you believe what he says?" she asked

Elvis said: "I think it should be true. Lyle gave us a week to fix the black money

Froda frowned. "That's five trillion dollars. We can't afford it now."

Elvis thought for a while and said, "if we sell all the other industries that we invested in these years, we should be able to raise five trillion yuan."

Froda nodded and said, "OK, I'll do it now."This time, Bessie family disaster, froda had to cooperate with Elvis.

After froda left, Elvis sighed, "if only he was the blood of the Bessie family. "

Vanessa just glanced at Elvis and said nothing.

Elvis and I stood up to eat

At this point, Elvis had to use his mace.

On the other side, after President Lyle called, he told Allen.

"So Elvis is is not sure you're with us, Mr. President," he said with a smile

Lyle nodded and said, "yes. And Kung Fu Xiao. He's just doubting. "

"That's great. It's really good for our plan," said Alan

Lyle said: "there are two other people in the Bessie family who have military power, and we haven't done it. I can't. It can only be treated in a special way. "

"It's up to me. You have to deal with it," he said

Lyle said, "good."

The next day, Citibank's share price plummeted again, along with other industries of the Bessie family.

As a family that has existed for hundreds of years, there are many secrets.

Even though the Anderson family kept a close watch on it, Elvis sold more than 130 companies in exchange for $360 billion.

Xiao Yunhai was shocked when he heard the news and said, "is this the inside story of the family? It's terrible. "

Christie laughed, "don't be surprised, Mr. Shaw. It's nothing. We actually own more than 200 companies. "

They are not shocked by their secret ways. In the network age, the Bessie family can do this, it is really powerful. In this way, our acquisition of Citibank's shares will be in vain. "

"360 billion dollars is not enough for them to fill the hole in Citibank. I'm sure miss Vanessa will come to you soon," Christie said

Christie guessed well that evening, Vanessa met Xiao Yunhai in a restaurant.

"Mr. Xiao, four trillion dollars, 25% of Yunqing network company." Winnissa didn't say a word of nonsense. After seeing Xiao Yunhai, she pointed out her words straightforwardly.

Xiao Yunhai shook his head and said with a smile, "sorry, I only raised two trillion yuan. Four trillion, I can't afford it. "

"You can buy half first," said Vanessa

Xiao Yunhai said: "but I want to buy them all at once. Miss Vanessa, Citibank is no secret to us. You need nearly two trillion dollars to fill the hole in Citigroup. It's only me and the Anderson family who can afford so much money. They must be out of the question, so I'm your only straw. "

Winnissa showed a trace of pitiful expression and said, "Mr. Xiao, for the sake of our friend's party, please help us."

Xiao Yunhai said: "shopping malls are like battlefields. Pity for the enemy is cruelty to yourself. I can't help this. If there's nothing else, I'm going

With that, Xiao Yunhai didn't even eat any rice and left.

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