Published at 11th of May 2022 05:06:35 AM

Chapter 1974

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Back at the hotel, Xiao Yunhai called Christie and learned that she was eating in the restaurant, so he followed her.

There are only Christie and Zhao Guangting in the restaurant. Seeing Xiao Yunhai, Christie gets up to get him something to eat.

Zhao Guangting said with a smile, "Mr. Xiao, didn't miss Vanessa invite you to dinner?"

Xiao Yunhai said with a bitter smile: "the environment is not suitable, I can't eat. Yunqing network company shares from five trillion to four trillion, I refused. "

Zhao Guangting said: "460 billion yuan, in less than two months, it was 600 billion yuan cheaper. This kind of business is really very cost-effective."

Xiao Yunhai said: "but what I want is more cost-effective."

Seeing that Christie had brought him a lot of things, Xiao Yunhai said thanks and asked, "have we bought Citibank shares now?"

Christie shook her head and said, "No. I don't think it's time for us to do it. "

While eating, Xiao Yunhai said, "that's right. The Bessie family would not easily submit until the end of the mountain. We're not in a hurry. Citibank's withdrawal trend has been completely lifted, and they will soon be unable to withstand it. "

After dinner, Xiao Yunhai was about to return to his room. As soon as he left the restaurant, he saw an American in a black suit handed him a red invitation.

"Mr. Shaw, I'm miss Vanessa's bodyguard. In the morning of the day after tomorrow, we will auction 25% of the shares of Yunqing network company, and you will be invited to come. "

Xiao Yunhai's eyes narrowed slightly, waved his hand and said, "OK, I know."

After the bodyguard left, Xiao Yunhai said coldly, "this is killing ten thousand enemies and losing eight thousand. The reason why Citibank's market value is so high is because we have our shares. If they sell it, Citigroup will be dead. "

Christie said, "you and the Anderson family have reached an agreement. Is there anyone else who would dare to buy it?"

Xiao Yunhai frowned and said, "it depends on the situation then. If someone does buy it, I'm going to make it hard for him

Time flies, the day of the auction is coming.

Xiao Yunhai, dressed in a suit, came out of the auction house parking lot with Christie.

"Mr. Xiao, you are here, too." A familiar voice came from behind.

Xiao Yunhai turned to see Apollo and said with a smile: "my company shares are going to be auctioned, can't you come? Mr. Apollo, we've both put down a ban. Does anyone really dare to take the risk of offending us

Apollo sighed and said, "I don't know. After so many years of development, no one dares to say how deep the details are. When we get in, we'll know. "

Several people said as they walked into the auction.

"Shit, isn't this the chairman of Iran's national oil company? Why did he come? "

Seeing Elvis talking and laughing with a middle-aged man, Apollo said in shock.

Xiao Yunhai a Leng, way: "it seems that things are not good."

Christie sighed, "it's more than bad. Mr. Xiao, in the first row are the heads of the Middle East countries, as well as many royal families in Europe. They are all rich. It's amazing that Elvis can invite them here in one day

Xiao Yunhai said: "this is the inside story. Although we have money, we are far from being able to do this. "

Although Xiao Yunhai and the Anderson family can hold down Wall Street, they do not have much deterrent effect on these people.

Apollo looked dignified and said: "it seems that Elvis is not only to sell the shares of Yunqing network company, but also to sell other industries, otherwise it will not attract so many people."

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "this is the energy of the Bessie family. Hehe, I invited those military and political bigwigs to the party yesterday, and now we have so many people coming to the auction. It seems that Mr. Elvis is is showing us his muscles. "

Apollo sneered and said, "it's just the last breath."

Xiao Yunhai didn't know a lot of these high-ranking officials at the auction.

But his identity was there, and even people at the prime minister's level made friends with him.

Soon the auction began.

The first auction is an oil field fully owned by TCP energy, with a market value of $4 trillion.

At current oil prices, the field's profits are at least $250 billion.

The reserve price of the auction house was $2 trillion.

Those oil tycoons are crazy. Everyone knows that the price of oil is still going up again. Even if it is bought with three trillion dollars, it will not suffer a loss.

In the end, the oil field was bought by a member of the European royal family for $2800 billion.

Xiao Yunhai frowned: "too much. At the beginning of the European economic crisis, why didn't he give so much money to save the market

Christie whispered, "Mr. Xiao, that's the prince of Xihai. Xihaiguo is a country with a serious shortage of oil. He should not have bought it for himself. "Xiao Yunhai was stunned, nodded and said, "that's pretty much the same."

Next, there were three oil fields, which were sold at a total price of 320 billion yuan.

As a result, with four oil fields, the Bessie family has $6 trillion in liquidity.

Finally, Xiao Yunhai's Yunqing network company was auctioned. The host said, "Mr. Xiao is a business genius born in recent years. In a few short years, he has established many companies with assets of more than 50 trillion US dollars. Among them, Yunqing network company is the biggest profit of all companies. With the new network technology, we can make more than 1.5 trillion US dollars in profits every year. 25% of the shares can bring us at least 500 billion dollars a year. Therefore, the reserve price of Yunqing network company's shares is 4 trillion US dollars, and we are bidding now. "

After the host finished, the whole auction house was quiet, and many people looked at the calm Xiao Yunhai.

The joint warning of Xiao Yunhai and Anderson family still has a certain effect on them. No one is willing to be idle and offend them.

"Did anyone bid?" The host asked again.

Finally, a head of state in the Middle East held up the sign and said, "I'll give you four trillion dollars. I'm sorry, Mr. Xiao. Your Yunqing network company is really attractive. "

It doesn't matter. He looks at the clouds. This is an auction. Anyone can bid. It's just that I need to provide you with a message. More than 10000 engineers from Yunqing network company collectively submitted their resignation to me yesterday. The resignation letters were all pressed in President Wen's office. If you spend four trillion dollars to buy 25% of the shares, you can't blame me if you can't earn it back. "

As soon as the man listened, his face was hard to see.

Everyone knows that Yunqing network company can have today, relying on more than 10000 excellent engineers.

If Xiao Yunhai sets up another company to resettle them, it is no different from hollowing out the whole Yunqing network company.

What's more, no one is sure how long this emerging network technology can last?

If it is replaced in less than three years, four trillion dollars will be a big loss.

Elvis said angrily, "Mr. Shaw, you are threatening the buyer and deliberately breaking the auction rules."

Xiao Yunhai shook his head and said, "Mr. Elvis, I'm telling the truth. I don't want the buyer to suffer."

Then he raised the sign and said, "I'll give you 40 billion dollars."

Each bid is at least one billion, so Xiao Yunhai added one billion to the four trillion.

Elvis saw that no one competed with Xiao Yunhai, and his face suddenly became old and said, "Mr. Xiao, what we want is cash. Do you have so much money?"

Xiao Yunhai said: "recently, we have sold a lot of industries, which is enough for us $4 trillion. Host, it's been nearly half a minute. Don't you announce it? "

The host seemed to wake up from a dream and asked, "is there any more bid than Mr. Xiao?"

The scene was quiet, and even the rich man who had just made a bid stopped speaking.

I'm kidding. If Xiao Yunhai really empties people, I'll play fart.

"40 billion dollars, the first time."

"40 billion dollars, the second time."

"40 billion dollars, the third time." The host finally knocked on the hammer and called: "congratulations to Mr. Xiao for buying 10% of the shares of Yunqing network company with $40 billion."

The rich on the spot clapped their hands perfunctorily. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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