Published at 11th of May 2022 05:06:34 AM

Chapter 1975

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Xiao Yunhai's face is hard to see the extreme. Compared with the previous plan, he spent twice the price. If he is happy, he will be surprised.

Elvis was even more unhappy. He thought he could raise the price to more than $5 trillion, but he only increased the price by one billion US dollars. Knowing this, he raised the reserve price to five trillion yuan.

Christie whispered, "Mr. Xiao, don't be so angry. We've made a net profit of 600 billion yuan by selling and buying. It's already a great success."

Xiao Yunhai sighed and said, "the Bessie family is really hard to deal with. Is there enough money? "

"That's enough," Christie said

Xiao Yunhai got up and said, "go, let's go through the formalities. Anyway, Yunqing network company has come back, which is a matter worthy of celebration. "

In an hour, Xiao Yunhai left the auction house and went to a coffee shop.

This is where he and Apollo agreed.

After sitting down, Xiao Yunhai asked, "the Bessie family has already owned 13 trillion yuan of working capital. Do we still have to go ahead according to the original plan?"

Apollo took a sip of coffee and said with a smile, "why not? Everything today is in our calculations. If the four super large oilfields are sold, TCP energy will lose its vitality and its share price will fall sharply in the afternoon. Citibank has a hole of nearly $6 trillion, and after making up for it, there is only $7 trillion left. And we have 60 trillion yuan. It is not difficult for us to raise our head if we want to press it. Of course, it must be longer. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "if they use this method again and sell their industries for capital, what will you do?"

Apollo said coldly, "one can't be two. If it happens again, don't say these people have no money to buy, even if they have, they won't buy it. Because at that time, the Bessie family was at the end of their tether, and no one wanted to touch it. Mr. Xiao, are you still interested in Citibank? "

Xiao Yunhai shook his head and said, "four trillion dollars has hurt my vitality. I have no money to buy Citibank shares. Of course, if it's really cheap, I'll still buy it. After all, I still owe it three trillion dollars. If I own 10% of the shares, I can spend 300 billion dollars less. Why not

Apollo said with a smile: "you can rest assured that I will reduce the stock price of Citibank to below 3 trillion yuan."

Xiao Yunhai had a smile on his face and said, "I'll wait for your good news."

Through the auction industry, the Bessie family has obtained 13 trillion US dollars, making up for the loopholes of Citibank, which has been no problem for a short time.

But TCP energy's share price plummeted after the auction, leaving only $780 billion in market value.

Xiao Yunhai's Yunqing oil and gas company has become the world's first private energy industry.

The day after the auction, Xiao Yunhai flew back to China.

The Anderson family continued to crack down on the Bessie family's Citibank and TCP energy.

Bessie family tried their best to resist, they had a huge capital flow, naturally had the strength of resistance.

The struggle between the two powers has attracted the attention of the whole American Wall Street.

They were all waiting for the result, and if the Bessies were to die, it would be a group attack. If they can hold on, these weeds will be stopped.

In Hengdian film and Television City, with Zhao Wanqing's "click", her first work "painted skin" was finally completed.

Zhao Wanqing took a deep breath, and a strong feeling of excitement and joy rose in her heart. She said, "it's finished at last."

Yu Yuexian said with a smile, "Wanqing, how about it? What's your feeling when the first work is finished? "

Zhao Wanqing said: "of course, I'm very excited. I also have a special sense of achievement. Now I finally understand why my husband and wife like to make movies

Luo Tianxiong said: "Wanqing, you can make movies at the same speed as the sea of clouds. In less than two months, I was able to shoot such a blockbuster. It's amazing. "

Zhao Wanqing said with a smile, "this is what I learned from him. If it's him, I don't think it's even a month. "

Luo Tianxiong nodded and said: "his efficiency in making movies is indeed the fastest I have ever seen. By the way, didn't you say he came here today? When? "

Zhao Wanqing said, "he flew directly from Washington, and should be able to catch up with our party tonight. His trip to the United States was very bad, and he was very angry

Yu Yuexian was surprised and asked, "what's the matter? "

Xiao Yunhai is the richest man in the world. He controls more than 50 trillion US dollars of huge assets. I'm afraid even the president of the United States of America would not dare to be angry with him.

Yu Yuexian can't think of anyone who dares to offend him.

Zhao Wanqing said with a smile: "he failed in his business and tried to trap people, but he didn't succeed. Two trillion dollars more than the original plan. Do you think he will be happy? "

If I have a trillion dollars, Luo Xiong will dieYu Yuexian said angrily, "you big capitalists, you can frighten a large number of people by saying a number. Come on, let's go back to the hotel. "

Zhao Wanqing's estimation is right, Xiao Yunhai in the afternoon at 6:00, before the start of the feast, rushed over.

Seeing that everyone seemed to be waiting for him, Xiao Yunhai clasped his fist and said: "brothers and sisters, I'm sorry. I just flew from Washington. It's a little late. Please forgive me."

Luo Tianxiong called out: "Yunhai, can't you calculate the time difference this time?"

Xiao Yunhai even said, "absolutely not. This time it's really something. "

The crowd burst into laughter.

After Xiao Yunhai sat down beside Zhao Wanqing, Zhao Wanqing said in unison, "OK, everyone is here. Let me say a few words first. "Painted skin" is my first play. It is thanks to all of you to shoot it at such a fast speed. I'd like to offer you a drink instead of wine. Thank you for your hard support. Cheers. "

"Cheers." They all got up at the same time and yelled.

After three rounds of wine and five flavors of food, Luo Tianxiong suddenly said, "Yunhai, listening to Wan Qing, this trip to America is not smooth."

Xiao Yunhai sighed and said, "don't mention it. The Bessie family is worthy of being one of the two largest families in the United States of America, and its foundation is so strong that my acquisition plan has been completely ruined. "

Luo Tianxiong said: "when I was filming in America, I heard that this family had more power than President merican. Is it true? "

When they heard of it, they were all interested.

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "it's true. They and the Anderson family control tens of trillions of wealth, many of them in politics and the military. What's more, most of the weapons used by the American army are provided by them. How powerful are they

Luo Tianxiong said: "it's great. It's so powerful. "

Yu Yuexian said:" Yunhai, you lost right. The energy of such a family must be beyond our imagination. "

Xiao Yunhai sighed and said, "yes. I really didn't expect that they would bring in so many rich people. I wanted to make $2.6 trillion, but I only got a fraction. Shit, I'm so depressed. "


Luo Tianxiong, who had just had a sip of tea, almost didn't spray the tea out and said, "what? So you made 600 billion dollars from the Bessie family? "

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "yes."

Yu Yuexian rolled her eyes and said, "what are you still depressed about. If you change 600 billion US dollars into Chinese currency, it will be 1.8 trillion yuan. My God, it's not you who are pissed off. It should be someone else. "

Xiao Yunhai waved his hand and said, "some things are not calculated in this way. Well, let's not talk about these things. The first movie in my life, to kill my wife. "

" good, cheers. "

Like the opening banquet, Xiao Yunhai did not put on any airs at all, and had a good time with others.

Back to the room, naturally with Zhao Wanqing some rain. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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