Published at 11th of May 2022 05:06:32 AM

Chapter 1977

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Citibank claims to have more than 1000 tons of gold. In fact, the number is much larger.

At the current price of gold, we can get back at least three trillion dollars.

But once it's used, Citibank's done.

Froda said, "uncle, the gold reserves must not be moved. We can expand our shares and sell Citi shares. STEL networks is the least vulnerable and can be abandoned. "

Vanessa thought about it and said, "father, sell stell networks. At the very least, two trillion dollars. In recent days, the Anderson family's offensive seems to be a little weak, I think they will not be able to sustain. It's going to be tough. "

Elvis shook his head and said," we are all aware of our current situation. People who can afford two trillion dollars to buy stell networks will not. "

speaking of this, Elvis turned his eyes and said," in this way, we will spread the wind and say we will sell STEL network company, and secretly dispose of all the large and small companies we hold. "

The Bessie family has its own investment companies, holding many high-quality enterprises. These companies may not be particularly famous, but they have great potential. If it's not impossible, Elvis will not give up.

In the past, all the companies that the Bessie family owned shares were sold, but now they want to sell the holding companies. From this, it can be seen that the Bessie family has reached the end of its tether.

Froda nodded and said, "I'll do it right away."

After the meeting, people left one after another. Elvis finally couldn't hold on. The whole person lay on the sofa, rubbing his temples, without any vitality in his eyes.

Things have developed to this point, he has been unable to return to heaven.

Vanessa says they've had some weakness in succession, and Elvis doesn't think so.

Although he did not speak at the meeting, he was very clear that the Anderson family would not give him a chance to breathe.

After thinking about it for a long time, Elvis suddenly opened his eyes, his eyes were murderous, and he said, "well, since you're going to kill me, I won't let you feel better. "

he picked up his cell phone and made a phone call.

"Come to New York. I want you to go to Wall Street to make a terrorist attack. The target is the Anderson family company. It would be better to kill Alan's son. Also, send people to Europe to warn the greens. "

" I see, boss. "

Seeing that he could not hold on, Elvis finally began to fight back.

Fortunately, he was deceived by Xiao Yunhai's original deception. Otherwise, he might have been involved in the attack.

The next day, the news that the Bessie family wanted to sell stell network company spread all over the United States, but it was surprising that Wall Street seemed so quiet that no one moved.

Everyone knows that the Anderson family and the Bessie family are in a hot fight. If they step in at this time and buy shares of STEL networks, it will be equivalent to helping the Bessie family resist the Anderson family.

No matter who wins or loses, I'm afraid he has no good fruit to eat.

The most valuable thing about STEL network company is their tens of thousands of technical patents and Paramount Pictures, especially the global STEL cinema. I don't know how many people are envious.

Yanhuang cinema, headed by Wu Yifa and Yu Hai, is one of them.

"Lao Xiao, we are all outsiders in the affairs of America. We don't know how deep the water is. What do you think if we're going to buy stell? "

in a teahouse, Xiao Yunhai is having tea with Wu Yifa, Yu Hai and Hu Yaoting, and it is Wu Yifa who asks him.

Xiao Yunhai took a sip of tea and said, "let me tell you about the current situation of the war. Anderson family and Bessie family war, Bessie family can not stand, had to sell stell network company. If you want to buy it, even if the Bessies are willing to sell, you have to offer real money and risk offending the Anderson family. Do you understand? "

after so many years of shopping in Yuhai hunji mall, naturally, he would not be unfamiliar with the Anderson family and said," you mean if we buy it, the Anderson family will come to us in the future, right? "

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said," yes. It's not just you who are interested in the theater, but none of them dare to reach out, and that's why. It's not just stern networks, but Citibank and TCP energy. In fact, you should not be too anxious. When the Bessie family is finished, its property will surely be auctioned, and then you can buy it, won't you? "

Hu Yaoting asked in a low voice, "is it really impossible for the Bessie family this time? That's a big family with more than 50 trillion dollars of industry. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "the hands are the Anderson family and the Green family. Taking advantage of the Bessie family's internal capital problems, they thundered at it with lightning speed. Not fully prepared, do you think they will? I don't know if you realize that their war has affected the whole of America. Maybe a new round of economic crisis will start again. "Xiao Yunhai's words are not alarmist. The main problem is Citibank.

As the world's first private bank, I don't know how many companies have cooperative relations with him, so there are more banks.

In today's United States, inflation is very serious. What used to be one dollar has now sold for three dollars. In addition, the failure of Citigroup has led to serious capital problems in numerous companies and banks. We can imagine what the best outcome will be.

All these things are actually under Lyle's consideration, but he would rather have problems in the American economy than kill the Bessie family, which shows how determined he is.

It's just that he doesn't know how Lyle will deal with the Anderson family.

Hearing Xiao Yunhai's words, none of them made a sound, and the room became quiet.

After a while, Yu Hai sighed and said, "forget it. Mr. Wu and Mr. Hu, let's not wade in this muddy water. "

Wu Yifa nodded and said with a bitter smile, "I think so. Ha ha, in fact, there is another problem that I can't afford to buy even if I want to. It's impossible for China's four big banks to lend me so much money. "

Xiao Yunhai suddenly flashed an idea and said," I have a good idea. You can go to the Bessie family and buy their theater in Europe. You should know that the Bessie family was involved in the last European economic crisis. The stell theater there is not open yet. "

Hu Yaoting's eyes brightened and said, "yes. The Bessie family is short of money now, and European cinemas have been scrapped again. I don't know how long it will take to start over again. If we go to negotiate with them, we believe that we will have no problem winning their 6000 plus screens. "

Wu Yifa said with a smile, "that's right. I don't have to borrow money just to buy a movie theater in Europe. "

Xiao Yunhai said, "it's OK for you to discuss this matter. I won't interfere. Anyway, Wu knows Vanessa Bessie. You can ask her out directly

After chatting for a while, they left in succession.

Before leaving, Wu Yifa patted Xiao Yunhai on the shoulder and said in a soft voice, "you boy, you are a real cow. I was still wondering, what's the matter with your Barker bank? It's for the Bessie family that you don't lend me any money. "

Xiao Yunhai laughed and said, "don't give me nonsense. I don't want the Bessie family to target me."

Wu Yifa said with a smile: "no problem. However, the sealing fee should be given some. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "OK. When you kill the Bessie family, I promise to seal your mouth with a big check

Wu Yifa laughed and said, "OK, it's settled."

To Xiao Yunhai's surprise, Wu Yifa called him that evening, saying that he had a very pleasant conversation with Vanessa Bessie, and even reached an agreement. Yanhuang cinema line bought the European theater of stell for 260 billion US dollars.

After hearing this, Xiao Yunhai was directly stupid, and then scolded Wu Yifa.

According to the current situation of the Bessie family, let alone 260 billion yuan, even if it is 200 billion yuan, they will sell it. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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