Published at 11th of May 2022 05:06:32 AM

Chapter 1978

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After talking to Wu Yifa, Zhao Wanqing saw that her husband was so angry and said with a smile, "husband, can you be so angry? Two hundred and sixty billion dollars is a bit expensive, but it's a profit. If it is normal, even if it is 300 billion yuan, the Bessie family will not necessarily sell it. "

Xiao Yunhai sighed and said, "I just feel sorry for them. By the way, wife, it seems that the publicity of "painted skin" is well done. The number of people watching the trailer you made exceeded 100 million. If we count the rest of Asia, it will be at least 300 million. "

Zhao Wanqing said with a smile: "300 million people don't mean 300 million people. It's possible to watch ten times by one person. As for me, my requirements are not high, as long as I can recover the cost in China. "

with a smile, Xiao Yunhai said:" this requirement is really not high. what time do you leave? "

" three days later. Every big city and TV station have to turn around, and I feel headache when I think about it. "

speaking of this, Zhao Wanqing's eyes suddenly turned to Xiao Yunhai with a smile on her face and said," husband, are you the best to me? "

Xiao Yunhai was so excited that he quickly stood up and said," don't even think about it. Don't ask me for publicity. At most, I'll be there at the premiere. "

Zhao Wanqing snorted and said, "you don't help me with such a little thing. You still say that you love me and cheat ghosts all day long."

Xiao Yunhai sat down in front of Zhao Wanqing, stroked her hair and said with a wry smile, "wife, I really don't have time. The Bessie family is dying. I need to go to America. "

as Xiao Yunhai's pillow man, Zhao Wanqing naturally knew the seriousness of the matter and said," husband, you'd better not go. When a dog is in a hurry, he can jump off the wall, not to mention the Bessie family, which has been in America for more than 200 years. "

Xiao Yunhai said:" don't worry, they can't hurt me. There, as long as it's not a missile attack, I can avoid it. And Kristi, they don't have that. After all, many things need me to make decisions. "

Zhao Wanqing still worried and said," be careful, let Laogao take more people to protect you. "

Xiao Yunhai nods.

Next, the couple will have a good time.

Time flies, three days later, Xiao Yunhai left Yanjing.

As soon as Xiao Yunhai got off the plane at Washington International Airport, he saw Christie and Zhao Guangting protected by three layers inside and three outside.

There were more than 20 bodyguards, including Lao Gao, all with guns.

Xiao Yunhai's heart thump, know that the Bessie family is afraid to have action.

Kristi stepped forward and was about to speak when Xiao Yunhai waved her hand and said, "let's talk about it in the car. Lao Gao, leave some brothers to protect the plane. I don't want any more bombs. "

Gao Xiangfeng nodded and said, "I'll do it right away."

After leaving the airport, Gao Xiangfeng drives himself and carries Xiao Yunhai to the hotel.

Xiao Yunhai ha ha ha a smile, way: "this car looks very cow?"

Gao Xiang said: "this is the latest Great Wall bulletproof car. There are three in the world. Both the tires and the car body are equipped with special materials, which can withstand the attack of rockets. One car is worth 50 million dollars. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile:" compared with life, 50 million is just a small sum of money. Come on, can't the Bessie family stop fighting? "

Zhao Guangting nodded and said," yes. A few hours ago, Alan Anderson's daughter and son-in-law were shot dead, leaving more than a dozen bodyguards uninjured. On the European side, the Green family's telecoms company was bombed by terrorists, and the entire parking lot was razed. The other side seemed to just warn them that there were no casualties. "

Xiao Yunhai frowned and said, "the Bessie family is trying to get rid of it. How did Alan Anderson react

Zhao Guangting said: "up to now, there is no news, only that he was too sad and passed out. In fact, the target was Apollo, but his sister and brother-in-law were sitting in his car. The whole government has sent a large number of police to search for the murderer

Xiao Yunhai sneered and said, "search for the murderer? Ha ha, if the police can catch it, it's really strange. Lao Gao, brother of Yunqing security company, has protected all our industries in Los Angeles and New York. Make sure that no mosquito can fly in. "

Gao Xiangfeng nodded and said, "I have already informed. Every place has our 500 brothers on guard 24 hours a day. Everyone is equipped with submachine guns and hand grenades. It is absolutely safe. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile:" then I'm relieved. Kristi, transfer the top management of the company to Huaxia as soon as possible. Tell our customers that if they want to talk about business, they can go to the dream special effects company in Yanjing, where there is enough space for you to work. "

Christie said, "OK. Mr. Xiao, it seems that the Bessie family has not doubted us. If we move like this, don't we

Xiao Yunhai said: "do you think the Anderson family will put all the pressure on themselves? Now the Bessie family is going all out. Even if they can't find out, the Anderson family will tell them on purposeChristie suddenly realized, "yes. Mr. Xiao, I think we'd better hurry. You are not here. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "the Bessie family is about to end, and I need to give them the last leg. When you go to Yanjing, you should always pay attention to the situation of Barker bank. When Alan and old green finish cleaning Bessie, it's our turn. "

Zhao Guangting sneered:" I'm afraid things are too hard, and their teeth will fall out. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "we should despise our opponents strategically, but we must attach importance to them tactically. The so-called arrogant army must be defeated, although we have made sufficient preparations, they still have two questions about whether we can win. Of course, we won't lose. "

President Lear is calling Elvis at the White House.

"You've gone too far, Mr. Bessie." Lyle did not take into account the identity of Elvis on the opposite side and said angrily.

Elvis laughed and said, "Mr. President, what are you talking about? I don't understand you

Lyle said, "Mr. Bessie, you are pretending to be confused. Aaron's daughter, dare you say you didn't send someone to kill it? "

"Mr. President, we are businessmen, and this kind of terrorism is something that you can't do," Elvis said. Maybe someone saw that the Anderson family was too overbearing and impulsive to do such a thing. "

Naturally, Lyle would not believe Elvis's nonsense, but he did not admit that Lyle was powerless.

"Mr. Bessie, I know you've been having a hard time. We can't break the rules any more. Once such a terrorist attack occurs, both sides will surely suffer. I just called Mr. Anderson. He was very angry and threatened revenge

Elvis snorted coldly and said, "I hope he can find the murderer as soon as possible."

Lyle was speechless for a while. With his eloquence, he didn't know how to take Elvis.

Hang up the phone, Elvis said coldly: "Lyle on both sides of the coin, want to pick up a bargain behind the back, you really have a good plan."

Over the past few days, the Bessie family has sold almost all of its holding industries around the world, earning a full $6 trillion.

This gives Elvis a solid foundation.

But what he didn't expect was that after the terrorist incident, the Anderson family went crazy. In addition to secretly sending people to attack the Bessie family, they took money as waste paper and threw it on Citibank unnecessarily.

In one day, one hundred billion dollars were thrown in, which just consumed the capital that Bessie family had not been able to raise, and even knocked down 30% of Citigroup's share price.

Elvis was shocked, and once again called winnissa, froda and others to a meeting.

"Why did the Anderson family have so much money? One billion dollars. That's a billion dollars. "Elvis patted the table directly. He didn't expect the Anderson family to be so rich.

Froda narrowed her eyes slightly and said, "uncle, I suspect that it is not only the Anderson family and the Green family, but also Kung Fu Xiao. "

Elvis frowned:" where did he get so much money? Did he "

froda said," I think he said he was short of money. He takes cloud clear network company as bait, the purpose is to consume our capital flow. What's more, the oil fields that the government sold to us some time ago will be the same plan. "

when they heard froda, everyone took a breath.

If the government, the Anderson family, the Green family and Xiao Yunhai fight against themselves together, I am afraid it will be more dangerous.

The living room was quiet and no one spoke.

At this point, Vanessa's cell phone rings.


"Kung Fu Xiao is a bastard. OK, I see. "

Elvis looked at Vanessa and asked, "what's the matter?"

Vanessa, livid and livid, said, "the people I arranged for in the Anderson family told me that Kung Fu Xiao had already paid US $1 billion to attack us. Next, we'll give Apollo five trillion. "


Elvis slapped the table and said, "what a Kung Fu Xiao. Everything is acting. What happened to the people's Bank of China is a fake. I must make him pay a price, and it must be a heavy price. "

"He came to Washington yesterday, probably for us," froda said

Elvis said coldly, "since he's here, don't let him go. Next, we'd better not go out, and there should be enough bodyguards to protect us all the time. The Anderson family did it last night, but it didn't work, okay? "

the crowd said in unison:" yes. “ , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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