Published at 11th of May 2022 05:06:31 AM

Chapter 1979

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Xiao Yunhai's guess is not a bit wrong. In order to relieve the pressure, the Anderson family really pushed Xiao Yunhai to the front desk. Otherwise, how could winnissa's subordinates know such confidential matters.

At this time, Xiao Yunhai was in the White House, holding secret talks with Lyle, and Simon was the other.

Xiao Yunhai said with a bitter smile: "Mr. President, it seems that the plan has not caught up with the changes. The Bessie family has been fighting hard before Citibank can get rid of it. It's not a good phenomenon. "

Lyle narrowed his eyes and said, "they've lost. The Bessie family has no choice but to tap Citibank's gold reserves. The key is that his counter attack will bring us endless trouble. "

Xiao Yunhai said:" assassination is a pediatrician. When the Bessie family is finished, these activities will naturally disappear. I don't think there will be dead men in this world. The key is still the military. Are you all set up? "

Lyle said with a smile," don't worry. Most of the officers have been captured by me and the Anderson family. There are only two powerful military men, and we can't and dare not go to them. However, these two guys, a love of money and a lust for sex, were caught by us. Tonight, my men will take over their troops and imprison them. "

Xiao Yunhai said:" as long as there is no accident. Mr. President, Mr. Simon, don't you know that the agreement we made between the two families is still valid? "

Lyle and Simon looked at each other, nodded at the same time, and said," of course it works. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "then I want to know how you will deal with the Anderson family after winning?"

Xiao Yunhai's question immediately let the office a quiet, Lyle and Simon did not speak.

Seeing this, Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "it seems that you two still don't trust me. Ha ha, I did ask some abrupt. I'll change my question. How sure are you? If I can't do it 100 percent, I can help the Bessie family escape this disaster, so as not to make the Anderson family bigger. Because the family style of America will be very photographing, it is likely to cause human catastrophe in the future. "

Lyle took a deep breath and said," Mr. Xiao, you have the world in mind, which I admire very much. Just dealing with the Anderson family is confidential. We really can't disclose the details to you. But I can tell you that we are more than 90% sure. Like you, I would never let America become the private property of the Anderson family, even if I were to die. "

Xiao Yunhai laughed and said," that's good. Ha ha, without the Bessie and Anderson families, America will be healthier. "

Simon nodded and said," Mr. Xiao is right. By the way, you'd better be careful with the Anderson family and the Green family. "

Xiao Yunhai said:" what you mean is that they will deal with my affairs in turn after they have settled the Bessie family? "

when Lyle saw Xiao Yunhai's Zhizhu in his hand, he was a little stunned. Then he raised his thumb and said," Mr. Xiao, I don't know how to praise you. "

Simon exclaimed," so you've noticed that? "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile:" if I had not worried about this, I would not have come to Washington personally to monitor the use of funds. "

Lyle held out his hand and said," Mr. Xiao, I wish us a happy cooperation. "

Xiao Yunhai said:" happy cooperation. By the way, the two families are now on the tip of a needle. If I stay in a hotel, I'm afraid it's not safe. "

Lyle chuckled," then live in the White House. I believe there is no safer place in America than here. "

Xiao Yunhai said," thank you. I'm not polite. "

after a few words, Lyle asked his assistant to take Xiao Yunhai.

Just out of the office, he received a call from Gao Xiangfeng.

"Mr. Xiao, our laboratory in New York was attacked. The fire was very strong. Although we were defeated, we also injured several brothers. "

Xiao Yunhai frowned and asked," is there anything wrong with the injured brother? "

Gao Xiang said: "it's not a big problem. It seems that the Bessie family already knows that you are also involved in the attack of its allies. "

Xiao Yunhai said:" needless to say, it must be the Anderson family. Lao Gao, I've lived in the White House for a while. You take Kristi and Zhao Guangting to China. You need to go to New York and Los Angeles. Christie knows what to do? Along the way, be careful. The Bessies are crazy. "

GAO Xiangfeng nodded and said:" you can rest assured that I will protect their safety. "

on that day, Xiao Yunhai did not give Elvis any chance to do something. He directly let Kristi, Zhao Guangting and others leave Washington. At the same time, he also took away the backbones of various companies and their families, while Xiao Yunhai himself hid in the White House.

Give Elvis ten courage, he also dare not let people make trouble in the White House, that is to seek death.

The Anderson family took even faster steps to crack down on Citibank, with $15 trillion spent in just three days, while Citibank collapsed, along with TCP energy and several secret companies.Taking advantage of the opportunity of being surrounded by depositors outside the White House, Lyle sent people directly to Citigroup.

Seeing that Citigroup was insolvent, it was nationalized.


in the villa, Elvis's face was calm, his eyes were dull, and he no longer had the look of the past.

After the two big military men of the Bessie family were arrested last night, he knew that the family was over and there was no umbrella.

Lyle was obviously ready for this, but he didn't understand why Lyle wanted to help the Anderson family.

the president of the United States wants to be free from the constraints, either two guys disappear at the same time, or both families exist at the same time, otherwise there will be problems.

Does Lyle have a way to subdue the Anderson family? Or maybe the Anderson family got him.

But no matter what, he was defeated. He was very clean.

The Anderson family did not give him the slightest chance, not only to play on his own, but also to mobilize the whole wall street, one after another to bite a piece of fat from the Bessie family.

Only arms companies can be well preserved, but they have been taken over by ryll's army, claiming to be in order to prevent terrorist attacks. In fact, everyone knows that he is in order to prevent Elvis from burning everything.

You know, the Bessie family's arms company controls a lot of military technology, even the submarines for combat are built by them.

Elvis's mind was churning. Suddenly his eyes turned sharply, he straightened up from the sofa and said, "OK. Since the four of you are working together to deal with me, don't blame me for being rude. "


Meanwhile, Xiao Yunhai is also talking with Apollo.

"Mr. Apollo, I heard you right. Today, the Bessie family is finished. What's the use of asking me to give us $5 trillion? "

Apollo said with a smile:" Mr. Xiao, we must do things thoroughly. The Bessie family has an arms company, which is the real big head. It's the real end only if you kill it too. "

Xiao Yunhai said:" to be honest, I can't get any money now. So far, I've spent 14 trillion dollars. I really don't have any money for you. "

Apollo said," Mr. Xiao, you don't mean anything. We all agreed that you should pay 15 trillion US dollars and we will mortgage you with 20 trillion US dollars of company shares. We are only one step away from success. If you give up, it is a pity. "

Xiao Yunhai said:" Mr. Apollo, I have talked with Ms. Kristi on the phone and are ready to buy Citibank. As long as the price is within our tolerance range, we will buy it. Only this money is enough to make me bankrupt. What's more, the Bessie family's arms company has an extraordinary position in the United States. As a Chinese, I'd better not interfere. "

Before that, Xiao Yunhai had already talked with Lyle on the phone to discuss the problems of those companies of Bessie family.

During his talk with him, Xiao Yunhai learned that the Bessie family's arms company had signed an agreement with the American government at the beginning of its establishment, and could not sell even one percent of its shares to the outside world.

Apollo wants to use the arms company's business to let Xiao Yunhai pay for it. It's just a joke.

Apollo again advised a while, see Xiao Yunhai is not agree, had to hang up the phone.

"It seems that Kung Fu Xiao is not stupid." Parson grinned, holding his glass.

Apollo said, "who treats him as a fool is a real fool. However, he plans to buy Citibank. I think we'd better wait for him to buy it before we sell it. "

Parson frowned and said, "Apollo, I think we should give up?"

Apollo was stunned and asked, "why?"

Parson said: "Kung Fu Xiao's economic strength is too strong, this time only one billion dollars, God knows how much money he has. What's more, there is the Chinese government behind him. It's really a matter of life and death. I don't think the Chinese government will watch him fall. We have only $25 trillion left, and the chance of success is not great. "

With the demise of Citibank, the financial crisis inevitably appeared in the United States, but the government introduced various policies to lock the crisis in the minimum range, but the depreciation of the US dollar is inevitable.

In the past, the ratio of US dollar to Chinese currency was 1:3, but now it is 1:4.3. Compared with the previous cash flow of US $2.5 billion, the effect is much worse.

This is a large part of the reason why parson retreated.

Apollo sighed and said, "I don't know. We just missed this rare opportunity. If we want to find trouble with Kung Fu Xiao again, I'm afraid it will be very difficult. "

Parson thought for a moment and said, "I think we'd better have a meeting and study it carefully. "

Apollo nodded and said," it's OK. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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