Published at 11th of May 2022 05:06:28 AM

Chapter 1983

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Soon, Xiao Yunhai received an invitation from the Anderson family to invite him to the party.

"How thick skinned. I just had a fight with me, and now I'm invited to attend their clan meeting. It's really speechless. " Xiao Yunhai put the invitation on the table and said.

Christie said with a smile: "Mr. Xiao, it is likely that Apollo will take over the head of the Anderson family. "

Xiao Yunhai rolled his eyes and said," what does it have to do with the change of their clan leader. Ms. Christie, you'll send a gift to the Anderson family as a token of appreciation. I don't have time to go there. "

Christie nodded and said, "OK."

"Haven't Elvis been found yet?" Xiao asked

Christie said with a dignified expression, "No. It has to be said that the Bessie family is indeed rich. They certainly didn't get out of Washington, but they couldn't be found. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "I always feel Elvis is planning a big move, but what is it? I don't know. Ms. Christie, I'm afraid it's not safe to stay in Washington. I think I'd better go back to China. "

Like Zhao Wanqing, Kristi also believes in Xiao Yunhai's sixth sense. She hears words and says, "OK. I'll leave as soon as I'm done with Citibank. "

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said nothing more.

Three days later, Xiao Yunhai and Kristi returned to China.

Citibank has branches in Asia's major first tier cities, and more than 50% of them are their own office buildings, which is cheap, Xiao Yunhai.

In the past two years, land prices in Asia have been extremely expensive. Citigroup buildings alone are worth at least $200 billion.

After Xiao Yunhai came back, he and Kristi and Zhao Guangting began to merge Citibank in Asia.

The project was very complicated, and the meeting alone lasted three days.

Citibank's employees are the best choice in terms of experience and ability. Compared with the employees of Barker bank, they are better than others. Therefore, Xiao Yunhai keeps them, which makes the merger more rapid and smooth.

As time flies, more than 200 Anderson people from all over the world came to the huge manor of Allan Anderson, the head of the Anderson family.

Killing the Bessie family was the greatest victory for them in more than 200 years.

So everyone was in high spirits.

Allan Anderson held a meeting for more than an hour to summarize the family's past development and future development ideas.

At the end of the day, Alan Anderson said, "there's one more issue this time, and that's the future of the patriarch of our family. I'm old and not in good health. It's time to retire. There is a saying in China, it is called that you should not avoid relatives. This time we were able to wipe out the Bessie family, and Apollo made great contributions. I recommend him as my successor and continue to strive for the glory of the Anderson family. Do you have any different opinions? "

All the people in charge showed such an expression, but no one objected.

After all, in terms of ability and achievement, Apollo was indeed the best choice for the Anderson clan.

"Aaron, Apollo is the best young man in our family. I'm 100% in favor of him being the patriarch. " Arena's 80 year old uncle was the first to agree.

Others echoed.

Apollo forced to suppress the excitement in his heart, stood up and said: "thank you for your support and love, I Apollo will make our family more brilliant."

Everyone applauded.

Allen said, "well, since there's no objection, I'll announce it in public when the Wall Street tycoons come to our luncheon. Apollo, after the banquet, we'll take over. "

Apollo nodded hard.

After so many years of hard work, Apollo finally stood out from dozens of young people and ascended to the position of patriarch. We can imagine the excitement in our hearts.

From eleven o'clock in the morning, people came to the luncheon in an endless stream.

This time, the Anderson family held a very large banquet. It not only invited dozens of Wall Street tycoons, but also many American congressmen and senior European countries. The atmosphere was very warm.

When it was nearly 12 o'clock, Lyle and Simon took time out of their busy schedule to express their congratulations to Apollo.

Although it only stayed for less than 10 minutes, the meaning of the representative was not ordinary.

Just as the crowd gathered to chat with each other in red wine, a gaunt looking Elvis at a secret base outside Washington was smiling grimly at the satellite transmitted video.

This base is Bessie's real home in Washington. There are two more in New York and Miami, but he can't get out, so he can only hide here.

However, it is enough for what he is going to do.

"Clark, are you ready?" Elvis asked in a deep voice.An officer in a stiff uniform with bright eyes said, "it's all ready to be razed to the ground. It's just that these people inside are very famous people in the outside world. Once something happens, I'm afraid... "

Elvis's eyes showed a crazy look and said," our Bessie family is finished, where can we manage this. Well, if I'm caught, I'll die no matter whether they have something or not. In that case, I will kill them before I die. "

Clark saluted the army and said, "yes, I'll do it right now."

After Clark went out, froda and Vanessa came in.

Vanessa looked at the video and said, "Dad, do you really want to do this?"

Elvis said coldly, "it's not fair that our family is gone and they live well. Froda, Vanessa, we can't choose to live, but we can choose how to die. After the missile was launched, it was exposed here. I believe the police will be here soon. You two go as planned, as far as you can go. "

With tears streaming down her face, Vanessa hugged Elvis tightly and said, "Dad, you can leave with us. "

Elvis patted Vanessa on the shoulder, shook his head and said," don't be silly, I'm in my sixties. Don't say you can't escape. Even if he escaped, he could live a few years. Come on, never come back. "

Under the protection of several bodyguards, froda and Vanessa left the base.

Half an hour later, Clark came in again, handed over a walkie talkie to Elvis, and said, "boss, with your order, three missiles can be launched."

Looking at the complacent Alan Anderson on the screen, Elvis burst out laughing and said, "Alan, you lost because you died in front of me."

With that, Elvis yelled, "launch."

"Boom, boom, boom"

with three loud blasts, the three missiles, whistling, made a circle in the air and rushed to Allen Anderson's manor.

In less than ten seconds, the whole screen was enveloped in a sea of fire, and Elvis even saw a rich man being blown apart.

Allan's manor was completely destroyed, and the original lively ball instantly turned into an inferno.

No one can survive this high-intensity blow.

Even Xiao Yunhai, the best master in the world, will surely die, let alone those rich people who are not as healthy as ordinary people.

"It's over, it's over," said Lyle, who had returned to the White House and watched the smoke billow in the distance, took a deep breath, and with a comfortable smile on his face

Even though Anderson and the top families were killed in this attack, dozens of them were killed.

For the United States of America, the disadvantages may outweigh the advantages, but for Lyle and subsequent presidents, the advantages far outweigh the disadvantages.

Simon said, "Lyle, congratulations. You've been the best president in 200 years."

Lyle said with a smile, "thank you, teacher. We made it."

Simon waved his hand and said, "it's all your credit. By the way, froda and Vanessa, what are you going to do with it

"I will not give the Bessie family and the Anderson family any chance to revive," said Lyle

Elvis and others are all under Lyle's eyelids. The escape of froda and Vanessa can't hide from him.

This sentence has already indicated his attitude, that is, to eradicate the roots.

Lyle came to his desk, picked up the phone, called the FBI, and asked them to go quickly to arrest Elvis and the Bessie family. Let the police station go to Anderson manor to rescue those who survived.

In fact, under such an attack, it is no longer meaningful to save people.

When the FBI arrived at the Bessie family's secret military base, elbes was sitting on the sofa, leisurely tasting a glass of red wine.

"Mr. Elvis Bessie, you are suspected of a serious terrorist attack. Please come with us. You have the right to keep... "

before the head of the FBI finished, Elvis drank the red wine and said," good wine. Well, the Bessie family is over, the Anderson family is over, and Allen and I have lost to our great president, Mr. Lyle. "

How could Elvis not feel that Lyle had done everything at this point.

Elvis, blushing a little, said, "tell president lair for me that Elvis congratulates him on his wish. No one in America can threaten him any more."

With that, Elvis Bessie's red wine glass fell to the ground, and he slowly closed his eyes.

It turns out that the red wine he drinks is poisonous and it only takes half a minute to kill people.

The FBI took Elvis's body, along with the people on the base.Anderson manor was hit by three missiles, soon spread all over the world. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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