Published at 11th of May 2022 06:02:57 AM

Chapter 199

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Wang Cheng had already reserved a private room here. When they asked for something, they sat there and chatted.

Wang Cheng is a heartless outsider. He gushes what he sees and hears in the crew.

Xiao Yunhai also chatted, and said his own affairs simply, which made Wang Cheng very envious.

"Brother Xiao, the first time I saw you, I felt that you were not ordinary people. Sooner or later, carp would jump over the dragon's gate. It's just that I didn't expect you to open up so soon. It's amazing

Xiao Yunhai shook his head and said, "what's so fierce. Mr. Wang and Mr. This morning, my friend almost fell into someone's hands. "

"You're talking about the vuitty." Wang Cheng also heard about the dangerous scene of Xiao Yunhai.

Xiao Yunhai nods.

Wang Cheng got up and closed the door. He lowered his voice and said to Xiao Yunhai, "in the afternoon, I asked someone to help me check. I found that the Wudi was newly recruited this morning. He had never been to the crew before."

Xiao Yunhai nodded his head and said, "I have already guessed this. It should be Cheng ye who has specially found it."

Wang Cheng said definitely: "yes, he wants to push you out so that his nephew Wang shangqun can replace you. After all, how can a Zhang Liao compare with Lv Bu? "

Wang Chengcheng stayed here since the crew started.

It can be said that there is nothing he does not know about the big and small things that happened in the Three Kingdoms drama group.

Therefore, Wang Cheng opened his mouth to tell the way of Xiao Yunhai.

Xiao Yunhai pointed to Wang Cheng and said with a smile, "you boy, you've become a master in the crew. Come on, let's have a toast

Two people, you drink a cup, I drink a cup.

How can Wang Cheng's drinking capacity compare with Xiao Yunhai's? After only six liang of wine, his tongue curled up and his speech was not measured.

"Brother Xiao, I don't want to talk to you. In this group, there is nothing I don't know. Even in the case of drug abuse, I know who reported it? Do you believe it or not? " Wang Cheng said with drunken eyes.

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said with a smile, "I believe you."

"No, I can see from your eyes, brother Xiao, that you are perfunctory to me." Wang Cheng belched and continued, "brother Xiao, I tell you, the masterminds behind the drug case are Cheng ye and Hu Ming."

Xiao Yunhai was startled, and then with a smile, he said, "you've drunk too much. You're just talking nonsense. Hu Ming, Cheng ye and he Hu Chengdu are the people of Hongda entertainment. How can they fight with each other

Wang Cheng said, "who said it was impossible. The woman who pesters you this afternoon is Liu Yiyi. She was Hu Ming's lover. Later, I don't know why, Liu Yiyi and he Hucheng suddenly got involved. Some brothers have witnessed the two people go to the hotel to open a room. Then, Hu Ming and he Hu's achievements were completely broken. In order to catch he Hucheng's tail, Hu Ming asked someone to follow him. Unexpectedly, he filmed them taking drugs. You know the final result. "

Xiao Yunhai thought about it and asked, "there's nothing about Cheng ye?"

"Who said no? Cheng Ye helped to find the man who was checking he Hucheng. He Hucheng is arrogant and arrogant. His eyes are all over his head. Cheng Ye is not big or small. Maybe it's for this reason that Cheng Ye doesn't like he Hucheng. And Hu Ming and Cheng ye are good friends, and when they get together, things come out. "

People say the truth after drinking.

When Xiao Yunhai saw Wang Cheng's appearance, he couldn't help but believe it. However, his face was still unbelievable. He sneered and said, "your boy's story is very wonderful, but no one else knows such a big thing. How can you know it? Do you think you are more powerful than Hong Dao

Wang Cheng said triumphantly: "who let me inadvertently hear their dialogue, ha ha."

Xiao Yunhai held out his thumb to Wang Cheng and said, "brother, it's fierce. You can know it all. "

Wang Cheng laughed and said, "I'll sue everyone except you for this matter."

before he finished speaking, the boy fell asleep on the table.

Xiao Yunhai shakes his head and eats alone.

Half an hour later, Xiao Yunhai drove Wang Cheng's car back to the small hotel where he stayed, and told a crew member to take good care of him.

The staff saw that it was the emperor of cloud, Xiao Yunhai. Naturally, he was full of promises. He patted his chest and assured him that he would take good care of Wang Cheng.

Xiao Yunhai had just returned to the gate of Jinbao Island Hotel when he received a call from Mengfang.

"Yunhai, we have a great discovery. I want you to listen. Are you in the hotel? "

"I just got to the door of the hotel."

"Fortunately, there is still time. We will arrive in half an hour. Don't go to your room for a while

Xiao Yunhai turned his mind to electricity and seemed to understand something and said, "OK, no problem."Xiao Yunhai hung up the phone, then sat down on the sofa in the hotel hall and took out his mobile phone to play the game.

Soon, Meng Fang came in and asked, "Yunhai, have you seen Hu Ming and Cheng ye?"


"It seems that they have not come back. Yunhai, come here and show you something? "

Xiao Yunhai followed Meng Fang and two men to a van. Xiao Yunhai saw that the car was full of monitoring and photographing equipment, which seemed to be very advanced.

Xiao Yunhai joked: "elder martial brother, brother song, how did you become a paparazzi?"

Meng Fang said with a smile: "the first time I received the boss's instructions, I naturally want to do a good job. Yunhai, Wanqing is really speechless to you. I'm afraid you'll let us spy on Hu Ming and Cheng Ye. I didn't expect that we would have made a great discovery in just one night. Now, they are both dead. "

"What's the matter with them? They won't admit that they did the mob drug case? "

"How do you know?" Meng Fang and song Yunfeng are surprised and ask Xiao Yunhai at the same time.

"That's true."

Xiao Yunhai was just joking and joking. Seeing the expressions of the two people, Xiao Yunhai understood that he had guessed it by accident.

Song Yunfeng turned on the computer, click on a video, fast forward to the 48th minute, said: "you listen to this first?"

Xiao Yunhai fixed his eyes and saw that Hu Ming and Cheng ye were eating hot pot in a hot pot shop. Xiao Yunhai felt a little familiar. Isn't this the shop he just went to? It's really predestined.

Two people have a word without a chat, are some interesting things in the circle.

Suddenly Cheng Ye's mobile phone rings.

Cheng Ye opens a look, his face suddenly becomes very ugly, Xiao Yunhai feels that the opera meat should come up.

Sure enough, Cheng Yexian let Hu Ming have a look at the caller ID. Hu Ming, who is eating mutton, looks the same way, and his chopsticks fall to the ground.

We said, "take a deep breath? Don't contact me again. Why do you still call me? "

A slightly obscene voice came over the phone.

"Miss Cheng, I listen to you very much. You let me stay abroad, I am now in a small country in Europe, but the money you give me can't even buy a house. At the beginning, I took such a big risk and followed him for a full week before I got hold of him. You can't cross the river and tear down the bridge? "

Cheng Ye's face salad is longer than donkey's face, and his eyes shoot out cold murders and says, "you're OK to say so. Without my permission, you directly reported the information to the public security organ. Do you know what a mess you've made? Fu Zhe, I tell you, if you want money, I don't have a cent. If you dare to say something, I can't run away, but you can't leave a whole body for yourself

"Mr. Cheng, you don't mean much. I pay Zhe is not a heartless person. If you give me another three million yuan, I promise there will never be a third person to know. I'll give you the recording I secretly recorded. What do you think? "

"Three million? You are a lion. No, I don't have a cent. You can do it yourself. "

There was a silence on the other side of the phone. Maybe he felt that there was something wrong with his voice. Cheng took a deep breath and pressed down the fury in his chest. His voice slowed down and said, "Mr. Fu, I'm not rich now. Three million yuan is beyond my ability. Well, let me have a few days and wait... "

"Three million, not a cent, otherwise, that recording will appear on the desk of the boss of your company. I have something else to say, so I won't say much. You only have one week. Goodbye

Face to face directly hung up the phone, Cheng Ye gas of his mobile phone to the ground.

Next, Hu Ming and Cheng Ye discuss the countermeasures there. Cheng ye even has the mind to kill Fu Zhe.

In the evening, Xiao Yunfeng shook his head and said, "I didn't think that Xiao Yunfeng and I would put on the video of revenge on Xiao Yunfeng. Elder martial brother, song Ge, how did you shoot this video? What's more, the equipment is so wonderful that you can hear the sound over there. "

Mengfang replied, "thanks to Yunfeng. Originally, I was going to ask him to buy it together, but I didn't expect that he had military miniature eavesdroppers and video recorders. If you want to say that this military thing is easy to use, it is simply too convenient to operate. We know that after they ate the hot pot, Yunfeng pretended to be a waiter and quietly installed the things

Xiao Yunhai moved in his heart, looked at Song Yunfeng and said with profound meaning: "it seems that song GE's identity in the army is not simple." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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