Published at 11th of May 2022 06:07:34 AM

Chapter 2

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After a quick breakfast, Xiao Yunhai returned to his dormitory. Now it is the summer vacation. Most of the students have left. There is no second person in all the dormitories except Xiao Yunhai.

Xiao Yunhai opened the computer of old four Huang Bo, and sent the legend of Chu Liuxiang, which was hard to type out these days, to his mailbox, and then left the school in a hurry.

A few days ago, Xiao Yunhai thought about his future for a long time. He felt that with the things in his mind, he could develop in an all-round way and label himself as an actor, singer, director, writer, screenwriter, etc.

It's just that he doesn't have money and power, and he doesn't know big names in the entertainment industry. It's not easy for him to develop.

After more than 20 years' ups and downs in the entertainment industry, Xiao Yunhai is no longer a naive kid. It is impossible to play in the entertainment industry with his own talent.

The world's entertainment industry is far more developed than in the past, and the competition is more fierce. In order to be on the top, too many people are unscrupulous, along with the predecessor of the pure girl, is not the same as the plaything of the rich?

To this end, Xiao Yunhai decided to give a martial arts novel a try.

In order to know himself and his enemy, Xiao Yunhai read a lot of martial arts novels on the Internet. For this reason, he spent almost all the money he earned from his hard-earned group performance. Now he has only 300 yuan left.

Of course, the harvest is not small.

He found that the level of the Internet in this world is similar to that in 2007 in the previous life. There are all kinds of websites such as novels, music and video, but most of them are charged.

As for the martial arts novels that he paid attention to, they are gradually being eroded by those fantasy novels. Moreover, the content of martial arts novels is very backward, almost equivalent to the level of the 1930s and 1940s.

This is not to say that their writing style is not good. On the contrary, the writing of these books is very exquisite, and the characterization is also very vivid.

They can be compared with the two masters of Jin Yong and Liang Yusheng if they regard literature as their foundation.

It's just that the biggest problem with all these novels is that the plot is so bad.

Almost all of them are in the same way. At the beginning, the protagonist lives a happy life. Suddenly, the whole family is destroyed, and the protagonist bears a deep blood feud. Then, through various adventures, the protagonist develops a unique martial arts skill, and finally kills his enemy.

As long as Xiao Yunhai sees the beginning, he can immediately guess the end. No wonder martial arts novels will decline.

As for the description of martial arts is also very low-level, has not formed its own kind of martial arts system.

Therefore, after many considerations, Xiao Yunhai finally chose Mr. gulong's "Legend of Chu Liuxiang".

There are dozens of Gu Long's novels, but Xiao Yunhai has not finished reading them all. He only picked up a few famous ones, such as the legend of Chu Liuxiang, the legend of Lu Xiaofeng, the sword of the third young master, and the merciless sword of the amorous swordsman.

The rest is to look at the beginning and give up.

Among them, "Legend of Chu Liuxiang" is his favorite one.

The legend of Chu Liuxiang includes eight series, such as the fragrance of the blood sea, the desert and the thrush. It is Mr. gulong's most famous and influential novel.

The reason why Xiao Yunhai chose this novel as his first work is mainly because he thinks that Chu Liuxiang is a dreamlike character, especially the description at the beginning of the novel gives people a dreamlike feeling. He is clearly a thief, but he is described as a fairy. I believe it will give readers a different feeling.

Xiao Yunhai came out of the printing room next to the school with his freshly produced "Legend of Chu Liuxiang: the fragrance of the blood sea". He found a taxi and soon came to Minsheng publishing house.

In this world, there are only four publishing houses that can be published nationwide. In addition to Minsheng publishing house, Yunmeng publishing house, Haihua publishing house and Longteng publishing house are also included.

In terms of strength, the old Minsheng publishing house is the strongest. After all, behind it is the Ministry of Chinese culture, equivalent to the people's Publishing House of previous generations.

"Hello, may I help you?" A beautiful girl at the front desk saw Xiao Yunhai and asked with a smile.

"Hello, I'm here to contribute. I'm looking for the chief editor of martial arts novels in your club?" Xiao Yunhai replied.

"Yes, just a moment. I'll ask you first." The little girl picked up the phone and dialed out. Soon, there was an answer.

"Sir, please go to the martial arts editing room on the east of the second floor. Our chief editor, Mr. Zhang Liye, will wait for you there."

Xiao Yunhai nodded his head, said thanks, and went to the second floor.

Before he took a few steps, he heard the little girl behind him and his companion whispering, "Nana, do you think it's funny or not? Such a handsome guy has written a martial arts novel. Do you think he can publish it?"

The little girl named Nana chuckled and whispered, "publish what. No one has been watching the martial arts for a long time now. What is emerging is fantasy. I heard that due to the depression of the martial arts market, the martial arts editing room will be canceled and will be merged into other editorial rooms. ""Really?"

"Of course, I overheard it from the vice president the day before yesterday."

Xiao Yunhai frowned slightly when he heard what they said. It seemed that his publishing plan was very dangerous.

He had seen the decline of martial arts and the rise of fantasy on the Internet, but he didn't expect it to be so serious that even the martial arts editorial room in Minsheng publishing house would be cancelled. It can be seen that martial arts novels have reached a precarious stage.

In fact, it's right to think about it carefully. Martial arts novels have sprung up for more than 20 years, and all the routines are almost rotten. Except for fried rice, there is nothing new. It's strange that readers like to read them.

Soon, Xiao Yunhai came to the door of the martial arts editing room, knocked on the door, and there came a slightly old voice.

"Come in, please."

Xiao Yunhai walked in and saw Zhang Liye, the editor in chief, sitting on his desk and chair.

Xiao Yunhai once read the introduction of Zhang Liye on the Internet. He is more than 50 years old this year. He has been working in major publishing houses since he was 20 years old. He has no qualifications. He has a bad temper and can count firecrackers at one point. Therefore, he spent most of his life as an editorial director with three or two kittens.

Zhang Liye heard from the front desk that someone had contributed. He was very happy, and his heart was full of expectations.

But this meeting, found that the other side is only a young man about 20 years old. A trace of disappointment flashed on his face, but he still warmly extended his hand and shook Xiao Yunhai.

Xiao Yunhai's eyes are so keen that he can naturally see his thoughts. Before waiting for the chief editor to speak, he said with a smile: "editor Zhang, judging people by their appearance is not a good habit."

Zhang Liye was stunned and looked at the young man full of sunshine and self-confidence. He had a little confidence in him for no reason.

"I'm sorry. I'll introduce myself first. My name is Zhang Liye. I'm the editor in chief of the martial arts editorial office. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "my name is Xiao Yunhai, a great martial arts writer in the future. Because I'm short of money recently, I wrote a martial arts novel a few days ago. I'm going to publish it in your publishing house, so as to make some money to spend. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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