Published at 11th of May 2022 06:07:09 AM

Chapter 20

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In the face of this situation, Xiao Yunhai kept still and took back his hand.

There are so many such things in the past life, and there are so many people with high eyes that they can't cause the emotional changes of Xiao Yunhai.

Chen Qingqing didn't see any abnormality in Xiao Yunhai's face. He nodded in his heart and felt more favorable for Xiao Yunhai. Only in this way can such a person climb higher in the entertainment circle. He quickly digs the topic and points to an unattractive middle-aged man and jokingly says, "this is Mr. Li Xun. He turned out to be a famous singer. Unfortunately, his appearance is limited and his singing skills are not so good. He has no album Yes. Later, he became an actor. He mixed up with the wind and water, and his acting skill was a lever. I asked him to come up to sing, just to set off you. Ha ha. "

Li Xun was also used to joking. He stretched out his hand to Xiao Yunhai and said, "you can listen to half of Chen's words, and you can give up the other half. I heard that your teacher is Yao Wenyuan, so you are my younger brother. In order to learn acting, I came to Yanjing Film Academy for further study. It was Mr. Yao who taught me

Xiao Yunhai quickly took Li Xun's hand and called, "Hello, senior brother Li. Your performance in movies and TV plays is often selected by teachers to explain in class. The teacher is very appreciative of your acting skills, saying that you are better than the blue

Li Xun didn't dare to speak.

"This is Mr. Xu."

"This is mingxiaohu. You can call him Mingge."

"This is..."

These people are mainly actors, but they are also good at singing. Chen Qingqing naturally won't let go of such excellent resources, so please show their skills at the premiere.

Xiao Yunhai came forward to greet him politely.

After introducing Chen Qingqing, he said, "there is a great beauty who should be your classmate. I don't know if you are in the same class."

Xiao Yunhai quickly flashed a beautiful woman in his mind and said, "is that Zhao Wanqing, elder martial brother?"

Zhao Wanqing and Xiao Yunhai are classmates in the same class. They are really famous in Beijing Film Academy. They are known as the first beauty of the Academy in the past ten years. Since childhood, she has shown her talent for acting beyond ordinary people. No matter in the college entrance examination or the minor examination, she is basically the top two, and Xiao Yunhai is the one who can compete with him for the first place.

Both of them were called master brother and elder martial sister in the class, and they were the influential figures in the college. But outside the campus, Xiao Yunhai is not as good as Zhao Wanqing.

Zhao Wanqing is very powerful. Relying on her own strength and family relationship, she performed two plays and made a record in only half a year. Under the two-way development, she soon became a popular star. This time she acted as the daughter of Emperor Kangxi, and her acting skills were unanimously recognized by all the old actors.

Li Xun said: "yes, she was still here just now. Why did she disappear all of a sudden. The little girl's acting and singing skills are very great. "

"Elder martial brother Li praised me again. I can't bear to praise. Xiao, long time no see. "

A clear but gentle voice came from behind Xiao Yunhai.

Xiao Yunhai looked back and saw a beautiful woman standing not far away from him. She was about 1.7 meters. Her long hair was just right on her shoulder. Her skin was as white as snow and could be broken by blowing bullets.

The close fitting white suit sets off the plump front chest, and the slightly raised corners of the mouth show a faint smile. The whole person stands there smartly, giving a kind of generous, beautiful and dignified feeling.

Just now, my biggest summer Chengfeng suddenly changed into a person, and rushed to meet him and said, "Miss Zhao, where did you just go?"

"I went to the bathroom." Zhao Wanqing showed a trace of helplessness between her eyebrows, but it was fleeting. In fact, she went out to avoid the entanglement of Xia Chengfeng.

As if she didn't know Xiao Yunhai, she looked him up from top to bottom. Then she held out her hand and said with a smile: "Xiao Yunhai, I didn't expect that you not only have good acting skills, but also can write songs. It's really amazing."

They are classmates. They are very familiar with each other. They have cooperated in many stage plays. They can cooperate perfectly every time. They are praised by the teachers and students of the whole school. Basically, they are the first in the performance of literature and art.

Xiao Yunhai gently shook her soft and boneless hand and said with a smile, "I'm flattered. You are the most powerful."

At the moment of shaking hands, Xia Chengfeng's eyes under Sunglasses flashed for a moment, and took a cold look at Xiao Yunhai, but he didn't know what he was thinking.

"Well, you'd better reminisce later." Chen Qingqing said: "Yunhai, everyone has been rehearsed, and you are left."

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "OK, I understand."

He went to the band teachers and discussed the details and cooperation of singing. The others sat down and wanted to hear the water quality of the young man who was praised by Chen Qingqing and Han Shilei.

Soon the singing began.

A strong and intense Prelude in the band's interpretation of more people's blood boiling, but also let Xiao Yunhai more into the singing mood.

"I want a sea spirit.………………………………

The first song, everyone's heart is up thumb, secret way: "perfect."

Han Shilei knows Xiao Yunhai's water quality. He doesn't worry about what big problems he has in his singing. He is mainly afraid that his typhoon can control such a big stage. Now I can see that he was born as an actor, and there was no problem at all.

And he also found that Xiao Yunhai's breath control was quite different from before. At that time, the instability of breath in the process of singing seemed to have disappeared. He thought that this was the reason why Xiao Yunhai practiced hard day and night, and appreciated Xiao Yunhai even more.

In fact, it is because Xiao Yunhai has completely digested the sequelae of his breakthrough of dark strength in the past ten days, and his breath problem has been perfectly controlled, and there is no flaw in his singing.

Zhao Wanqing has always had a good impression on Xiao Yunhai. They have worked together for so many times. Xiao Yunhai never shows any strange expression to her, but just regards her as an ordinary cooperator. Therefore, Zhao Wanqing likes to play stage plays with him and feels very comfortable.

This is her first time to listen to Xiao Yunhai singing. She has to admire each other's strong typhoon and perfect singing skills. Compared with her, she still has a long way to go. Therefore, she listened carefully and hoped to learn something beneficial to her from him.

A song is perfectly sung, Xiao Yunhai got applause from everyone. Only Xia Chengfeng sat there with no expression on his face, and looked at Xiao Yunhai with cold eyes and thanks again and again. He was very jealous in his heart.

As an excellent singer, he can hear that Xiao Yunhai's singing is much better than himself. He didn't like him at all. In addition, Zhao Wanqing paid more attention to him than ordinary people. Naturally, he took Xiao Yunhai as his stumbling block. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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