Published at 11th of May 2022 06:02:55 AM

Chapter 200

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When song Yunfeng retired from the army, the army did not confiscate his high-tech equipment. It can be seen that song Yunfeng is definitely not an ordinary soldier.

Song Yunfeng said disapprovingly: "these things are not particularly difficult to do in the army, and they are old objects, so there are big problems with them."

"What's the problem?"

"The battery doesn't work. It only lasts for an hour. So we can only use the eavesdropper in the back, and we can't take images. "

Monfon nodded and said, "they mentioned you later. Hu Ming called a woman named Yiyi and said that this woman is now in your hotel bed, so I told you not to go up. "

When Xiao Yunhai heard this, he laughed bitterly in his heart and said, "I really suffered from it. As soon as Liu Yiyi said how to seduce people, people immediately used it for themselves. It's really effective. "

Xiao Yunhai thought about it, then took out his mobile phone and called Zhao Wanqing in the past.

"Wanqing, where are you and sister Xue?"

"Almost to the hotel? That would be great. Today, the woman who seduced me is on the bed in my room. You and sister Xue help me to deal with it

"Well, don't gloat. I have some regrets for what I said. However, the security work of this hotel is also too bad. People can enter the room at will, which is really speechless. By the way, if you ask sister Xue to ask for the key directly from the lobby, you will say that I have something left behind. "

"OK, let sister Xue do the protest against the hotel. You don't fit in. I'll be back in a moment, OK. I'll see you then

Xiao Yunhai hung up the phone and said to song Yunfeng, "brother song, please do me a favor. You can go back this evening, engrave six copies of this video and send them to several film and television companies in the three countries except Hongda entertainment. It's better to ensure that they can see it before 12:00 a.m

Xiao Yunhai is disgusted with Xia Chengfeng's Hongda entertainment company. They have several times to find Xiao Yunhai trouble, Xiao Yunhai can only passively be beaten, there is no strength to fight back. For Xiao Yunhai, it is really a matter of desperation.

Now it is not easy to have such a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, naturally it will not be missed.

You know, once this matter is known by several other companies, they will certainly go to Hongda Entertainment Group for an explanation.

I'm joking, because Hongda's own internal staff's dog biting led to a mass drug abuse incident. Although there was no violation of the law, these companies suffered huge losses in vain.

If these companies are willing to let them go, it will be strange.

In addition, Cheng ye and Hu Ming use all kinds of means to find their own trouble. The so-called "coming but not going" is indecent. Naturally, Xiao Yunhai can not only be beaten but not fight back.

This kind of thing not only gives Hongda entertainment a blow, but also clears up the crisis in the crew, killing two birds with one stone. A fool will not do it.

"Don't worry, no problem."

Song Yunfeng nodded his head and agreed. For song Yunfeng, this kind of small matter is really too simple.

Song Yunfeng copies the video to a storage card. After putting it away, he is about to leave. Suddenly thought of what, face is difficult to speak to Xiao Yunhai.

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "brother song, if you have something, you can say it directly. There is no need to delay."

Song Yunfeng pursed his lips and said, "I want to borrow money from you?"

"How much?"

"A million."

"Yes, no problem. You leave your card number and I'll call you tomorrow

Song Yunfeng was stunned. He didn't expect that Xiao Yunhai didn't even ask. He lent him so simply. He was very grateful for his trust in Xiao Yunhai.

He thought about it for a while, and finally told Xiao Yunhai about it.

It turns out that song Yunfeng accompanied Laogao to the hospital this morning. Only then did he know that Xiao Yunhai was in trouble because he needed money to cure his daughter.

His daughter has a congenital disease. If she wants to have a radical cure, she must have an operation. The operation cost alone will cost 800000 yuan.

Lao Gao is a veteran. Where there is so much money, he only raised 400000 by smashing pots and selling iron. There is no way, this has to do something even they are not willing to do.

Song Yunfeng finished, a burst of relaxation in his heart, waiting for Xiao Yunhai's decision.

"Song Ge, I know what you are worried about. Although your comrade in arms almost hurt me, I know he is merciful at the last moment. Otherwise, with his kung fu, I think I am still lying in the hospital. I'm very grateful to him for this. "

When Xiao Yunhai said this, he stopped for a moment and carefully considered it. Then he continued: "it's better to teach people to fish than to teach people to fish. Song, what do you want me to do as a bodyguard

Song Yunfeng's eyes lit up and said, "of course that's good."

After this period of contact, song Yunfeng has some understanding of Xiao Yunhai. If Laogao can follow him, it is definitely the best choice."Brother song, after you give him this million yuan, tell him that I don't need him to pay back the money. But he needs to be my bodyguard for two years, and after two years, let him come and go. "

Mengfang said, "cloud sea, is two years too little?"

Xiao Yunhai waved his hand and said, "elder martial brother, a master of Chinese martial arts can't be a bodyguard for a million people. What's more, I'm confident that Mr. Gao will never leave at that time

Song Yunfeng nodded and agreed with Xiao Yunhai.

"Well, I'll tell him then. If it's OK, I'll fly back now. If there's no accident, I think there will be news coming tomorrow afternoon. "

"OK, brother song, be careful all the way."

Seeing song Yunfeng off, Xiao Yunhai and Meng Fang return to the hotel together. As soon as he opened the door, Xiao Yunhai saw that his room was full of people with dazzling lights.

In addition to Su Yingxue and Zhao Wanqing, Xiao Yunhai also saw the iron faced director Hong Tianzao, who played the emperor Guoan and sun Yanjun.

On the bed, there was a woman, Liu Yiyi.

At this time, her well-dressed face was full of fear, and her whole body was wrapped up in Xiao Yunhai's quilt, showing only two white tender legs.

Seeing Xiao Yunhai come in, Liu Yiyi shows an expression of begging for mercy.

Xiao Yunhai said to himself, "it seems that Wan Qing played a lot this time."

Hong Tiancai asked Xiao Yun customs to come to him and said, "Yunhai, do you know her?"

Xiao Yunhai, with a smile, said: "of course I do. This afternoon, she asked me to have dinner and discuss acting skills with me. I sent her away. I didn't expect that she came here, Hong Dao. What's going on here? "

"What's the matter? There's nothing good to get into your bed naked Hong Tiancai said angrily.

He has always hated such a selfless actor.

Today, Xiao Yunhai's unexpected performance makes Hong Tiancai very happy. The cloudy clouds for many days seem to dissipate in an instant and become sunny.

While happy, Hong Tiancai took Wang Guoan and sun Yanjun to drink wine leisurely in the house.

As she was drinking hard, Su Yingxue suddenly called, saying that she was lying on Xiao Yunhai's bed. All of a sudden, the three people were no longer interested in drinking.

Now Xiao Yunhai is just like their heart and soul. There is absolutely no accident.

With the fastest speed, Su Yingxue and Zhao Wanqing open the door and see Liu Yiyi lying on Xiao Yunhai's bed.

Liu Yiyi heard the movement of the door, thought it was Xiao Yunhai back, was about to show a lovely look, suddenly found that it was Hong guiding them, attractive smile suddenly froze, the whole person in the warm quilt shivering, fear, anxiety, all written on his face.

She is now unarmed, although the clothes are around, but even if she is thick skinned, she can not wear clothes in full view of the public.

Hong Tiancai looked at Lin Yiyi with his firebreathing eyes and said, "who are you?"

Although Liu Yiyi had an affair with Hu Ming, he did not have a high position in the crew. Hong Tiancai did not know her at all.

Zhao Wanqing had no expression and said coldly, "her name is Liu Yiyi. She is very famous in the crew. I also looked for Yunhai this afternoon. Yunhai didn't pay attention to her. I never thought that she should have done such a thing without shame. What a shame. "

To say that the most angry one is Zhao Wanqing.

A woman slipped into her boyfriend's bed, and it was too much for any woman to bear, not to mention the soft outside and tough inside Miss Zhao.

Zhao Wanqing was merciful for not beating her up.

Liu Yiyi thought electric turn, whispered: "is Xiao elder brother let me come?"

"Fart." After listening to Liu Yiyi's words, Su Yingxue said: "it's time to throw dirty water on the sea of clouds. Do you really think we dare not do anything to you? "

Liu Yiyi was suddenly scared to silence like a cold cicada, a voice did not dare to say.

Wang Guoan said, "let's wait until the sea of clouds comes back."

Everyone nodded and the room was quiet until Xiao Yunhai came in.

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "don't be angry. There are people in every circle who just happen to be met by me. Liu Yiyi, I ask you, how did you get in? "

Liu Yiyi said in a low voice: "I gave a waiter benefits, told him I was your girlfriend, want to give you a surprise, let him steal the key out."

Xiao Yunhai snorted and said, "this hotel has a strong sense of safety. If there is a female thief, I will steal my things. "

Su Yingxue said: "wait a moment, I'll report to the hotel. It's really bad."

Wang Guoan said, "Yunhai, what are you going to do with her?"

Xiao Yunhai frowned, thought for a moment, and said, "what else can I do? Let her go. ""So cheap for her?" Su Yingxue asked.

Xiao Yunhai said: "what else should I do? Can't it be made public. If it's just happened in the Three Kingdoms, it's estimated that if it's just happened in the Three Kingdoms, they'll soon become a group of people who laugh , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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