Published at 11th of May 2022 06:02:54 AM

Chapter 201

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Hong Tiancai nodded and looked at Xiao Yunhai gratefully.

Wang Guoan and sun Yanjun also appreciated his handling methods.

One of the three major evils of "pornography, gambling and drugs" has already appeared in the Three Kingdoms. If you get another one, it is estimated that even the film and Television Bureau will not be able to watch it. The Ministry of culture may even directly take measures to stop the Three Kingdoms.

Hong Tiancai said to Xiao Yunhai: "Yunhai, thank you. This time you have been wronged. Liu Yiyi, from today on, don't let me see you again. Put on your clothes and get out of here. "

People out of the door, standing outside the door, to Liu Yiyi free space to wear clothes.

After a while, Liu Yiyi dressed neatly and went out with a pale face. He bowed to Hong Tiancai and others, and then left quickly.

Looking at Liu Yiyi's back, sun Yanjun sighed: "everyone is saying that our entertainment industry is dirty, but why is it dirty? It's not like Liu Yiyi. In order to make themselves stars, they have no moral bottom line. They dare to do anything. It's a total jerk. "

"Go astray. There must be something hateful about the poor! I heard that Liu Yiyi was able to come in because of the relationship between deputy director Hu. He won't be involved in this, will he Wang Guoan said.

Su Yingxue said: "Hu Ming and Cheng ye are both Hongda's entertainers, but the relationship between Hongda's Xia Chengfeng and Yunhai is very poor. I think Xia Chengfeng should have explained something to them. Just like today's cloud sea is in danger. If you say it has nothing to do with Cheng ye, I don't believe it. "

Wang Guoan frowned and said, "I don't think so. Now the production team spends all of Hongda's money. If they do something, don't they include themselves? "

Zhao Wanqing said:" so they have to let Yunhai quit the crew in the shortest time to reduce their losses. Today, if it had not been for Yunhai Kung Fu, I would have been in the hospital for a long time. "

Hong Tiancai narrowed his eyes and said coldly, "it's very possible that Wanqing said it. At that time, I felt wrong. I just didn't think about it. Don't worry. I'll knock Hu Ming and Cheng Ye. If you dare to make trouble in my crew, you really don't pay attention to me. "

Maybe it's what director Hong said to Hu Ming and Cheng Ye. When filming the next day, they were very honest and didn't have any accidents. They were also polite to Xiao Yunhai.

It's just that they don't know that a big storm has been staged in their company.

In Hongda entertainment company, Xia Hongda frowned and looked at the financial statements in his hand with a serious face. He was very angry in his heart.

The romance of the Three Kingdoms has cost itself hundreds of millions of dollars, and the company's financial problems have forced it to cut off the production of two TV dramas.

Fortunately, his son Xia Chengfeng's "night" album has brought more than 50 million income to the company. In addition, the two TV dramas invested have won good ratings. Otherwise, it would be a big trouble.

Thinking of he Hucheng who is staying in prison, Xia Hongda's resentment is stronger than anyone else's, especially after he ordered people to put the funds into the account of the Three Kingdoms drama group, his face was even more distressed. He was secretly asked to repair he Hucheng in prison, which calmed his anger a little.

Xia Hongda put down the financial statements, picked up the investment application of a film next to him, sighed deeply and drew a big cross on it.

No way. For entertainment companies, no money means nothing.

"General manager Xia, vice president Li Ran of Oriental entertainment group, vice president Zhang of Huafeng media, vice president Li of Yuele film and television investment and other senior executives of six major entertainment companies came together and said that there is an important thing to interview with you."

While Xia Hongda was reviewing the documents, a phone call from the reception desk asked Xia Hongda to put down his work in hand.

What do you mean by the top management of these six companies coming together? Don't you want to let yourself put their share of the money on the money.

Xia Hongda was indignant at the fact that several companies, together with the film and television administration and CCTV, forced him, but he could not do anything about it.

Although the scale of Hongda entertainment company is very large, it is not big enough to compete with so many companies. Besides, there is also the relationship between the film and Television Department and CCTV, which can only be broken teeth and bloody swallowing.

Now that they have already called the money, don't they let themselves go?

Thinking of this, Xia Hongda's anger flared up, but he said calmly: "please go to the conference room on the seventh floor. Don't neglect it. I'll go there."

According to common sense, when so many senior executives of entertainment companies come here, Xia Hongda should have invited them to the reception room, but he couldn't swallow the breath. So he let them go to the conference room, which was to let him vent his dissatisfaction.

In the conference room of Hongda entertainment company, senior executives of major entertainment companies headed by Li Ran of Oriental Entertainment Group sat together.

Li, vice president of Yuele film and television investment, looked around for a week and said, "what does Xia Hongda mean? What are we doing here? Will you listen to him preside over the meeting? "

Yuele once invested in a medium cost film in the second half of 1998. It took only three days to recover all the costs, which made Yuele overjoyed.Just when they were ambitious to make more profits, a small budget movie by Hongda let them sink. In the next half month, they only got 83 million box office results, while Hongda's box office reached 800 million. How can Yuele investment company hate them deeply.

Now, Hongda entertainment has such a big thing, Yuele is naturally very happy.

The share of the film and television industry is so large that if others eat more, they have to eat less. Watching competitors eat flat, for the major entertainment companies, is definitely a most gratifying thing.

Li Ran drank a sip of tea, Yin measurement said: "General Li, don't worry. Mr. Xia estimates that there are a lot of things going on at the moment. It's OK for us to wait a little longer. "

Vice President Li frowned and said, "Mr. Li, all the presidents, let's make a statement first. As the saying goes, injustice has its head, and debt has its owner. This time, the matter is completely caused by the internal competition of Hongda. We Yuele will not bear a cent. "

Li Ran laughed and said, "of course. Whose family doesn't earn every cent? How can you pay for other people's mistakes. When the time comes, please unify your caliber and don't mess up first. "

"Don't worry, Mr. Li, we all follow your lead. After all, you Oriental entertainment lost the most this time."

"Yes, no one dares to despise us if we are all in one mind."

"That's right. If Hongda doesn't know what's going on, we'll have to be tough." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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