Published at 11th of May 2022 06:02:52 AM

Chapter 202

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While they were talking about strategy, Xia Hongda opened the door of the conference room with a smile on his face. He couldn't see his anger before.

Xia Hongda repeatedly clasped his fists and said: "everyone, I'm really sorry. There is something wrong with the heating system in the guest room of our company. We can only aggrieve you to come here. "

Li Ran and other six people all stood up together. After all, Xia Hongda is a general manager. Before breaking his face, certain etiquette must be achieved.

"It doesn't matter, Mr. Xia. We did not inform you in advance. We did not do it right. But it was only this morning that everyone got this amazing thing. No way, we can only come together. Please don't blame Mr. Xia. "

Seeing Li Ran, Xia Hongda felt goose bumps all over his body, but he couldn't see anything on his face.

He was puzzled and asked, "you guys come, don't know what's going on?"

They all look at Li Ran.

"It seems that Xia always really doesn't know." Li Ran finished, took out a memory from the briefcase, and said, "please send someone to take a computer. I have something here that I need to see."

Xia Hongda's eyes narrowed and his heart jumped for no reason. He quickly ordered someone to take a laptop.

Li Ran passes the video from the memory to the computer, opens the player, and the dialogue between Cheng ye and Hu Ming in the hotpot shop appears in front of Xia Hongda.

The video song Yunfeng brought over all night was deleted. Only the most important conversation was deleted. So Xia Hongda watched it all in three minutes.

"Son of a bitch."

Xia Hongda only felt his anger was about to burn to the top of his head. His chest heaved violently, and his face was blue and white.

It never occurred to me that the root cause of his heavy loss was the people in his company. Xia Hongda was so angry that he was about to explode.

At the same time, he also understood why the senior management of these companies came together, which is the same as the previous thing, which is to start a teacher to investigate the crime.

Looking at Xia Hongda, whose face was hard to see, Li Ran gave a cold smile and said, "Mr. Xia, the whole story of the drug abuse cases of the Three Kingdoms drama groups has been revealed. I don't know how you are going to deal with it?"

Xia Hongda gnashed his teeth and said, "that's needless to say, I can't spare these two bastards."

"Ha ha." Li Ran said with a smile: "this is your company's internal affairs, we outsiders are not good to intervene. It's just that the romance of the Three Kingdoms has caused serious losses to our major companies. I hope Xia can make up for us. "

"Although their behavior is not only innocent, but also should be praised by the public security department, but the law is the law, and the reality is the reality. After all, we are all people in the same circle. We are implicated by your company for no reason. With Xia Zong's benevolence and righteousness, we should not suffer from a dumb loss."

Li Ran and Xia Hongda once had a festival. At a banquet a few years ago, Xia Hongda had been in front of many people and didn't give Li ran the honor of toasting.

At that time, although Li Ran didn't say anything, he always held a grudge in his heart.

However, Xia Hongda is very powerful, and Li Ran has not been able to recover this face. Now he has finally got this excuse. He will not let go of the opportunity of being a wet dog.

Xia Hongda had long guessed it would be like this. He forced down his anger and asked Li Ran, "what does vice president Li think?"

Li Ran made a gesture of eight characters and said, "it's very simple. We Oriental entertainment lost 80 million yuan. Please make up for us."

"Yes, Mr. Xia, we are happy to lose 30 million yuan this time. Should your company compensate us?"

"Our losses are not much, only 12 million. It should not be difficult for Hongda, who is rich and generous. "

"Our company is 23 million."

Xia Hongda listened to the loss of each company, his face was gloomy to the extreme, and said, "what if I don't give it?"

Li Ran ha ha a smile, playfully said: "then we have no way. You can only give the whole video to the public security department, so that they can take credit for the two people in your company. I think if they report such a big case, they can get at least two million bonus. Ha ha, it's several times higher than my annual salary. It's just that the future is hard to say. "

Hearing Li Ran's insidious threat, Xia Hongda gasped. He knew very well that once this incident was spread out, Hongda Company would immediately become a street mouse in the whole entertainment industry. No company would cooperate with Hongda any more, and it would certainly be blocked by the community.

Xia Hongda glanced at Li ran with a smile on his face, and an idea suddenly appeared in his heart.

Maybe this person is looking forward to doing it himself.

"Mr. Xia, what should I do about this? You can give us a happy word directly, so that we can go back to hand over the work, so as not to waste everyone's time. "Yuele film and television investment vice president Li urged.

Xia Hongda looked at him coldly, bit his teeth, and said with difficulty, "Hongda entertainment company agrees to compensate for the losses of each company. Please make a copy of the bank slip that you call the Three Kingdoms drama group, and we will compensate you for the fund after we check it

Li Ran ha ha a smile, stretched out the thumb, said with satisfaction: "or the summer total spirit is big. We've brought all the bank lists. Please have a look at it. "

Looking at the six people can't wait for ugliness, Xia Hongda suddenly felt a burst of nausea.

He stood up impassively and said, "just give the money order to the assistant next to me. I'm sorry, I'm not feeling well, so I won't be with you. Goodbye. "

Xia Hongda finished and left the meeting room in a huff.

Looking at Xia Hongda's back, Li Ran and others all showed a knowing smile.

Indeed, the goals have been achieved, and there is no reason to be unhappy.

As for whether their happiness is based on the suffering of others, it is not their concern.

Xia Hongda returned to the office, picked up the tea cup on his desk and took a hard drink. Then "pa" a sound, his beloved tea cup was severely hit on the floor, into more than a dozen pieces of debris.

When the top management of the six companies came to the company, Xia Chengfeng had already heard the wind.

Xia Hongda returned to the office less than three minutes, Xia Chengfeng heard the news came.

Seeing his father lying on the boss's chair and the debris on the floor, Xia Chengfeng quietly picked up the broom beside him and cleaned the floor.

Xia Hongda rubbed his temple and said, "Chengfeng, do you know everything?"

Xia Chengfeng nodded and said, "Dad, I know everything. I really didn't expect that Hu Ming and Cheng ye made this big case that shocked China. This is just hitting our Hongda in the face. I will never let them go. "

"For these two bastards, no matter whether they are intentional or unintentional, we must deal with them severely, otherwise, how can we convince the public. Well, let's not disclose any information. Let's say there are two important meetings for them to attend tomorrow, so we can transfer them back for the time being. First block it for a while, and then let someone deal with it when the wind is over. "

Xia Chengfeng nodded and said with great sincerity: "my father thought well, I will arrange it now."

Xia Hongda sighed and said, "a fool has cost us two hundred million yuan, and two bastards have spent more than one billion yuan on us. It's really bad luck."

Xia Chengfeng asked in doubt: "father, how did you say this video got to these entertainment companies? Generally speaking, if someone gets it, they can use this video to find us and ask for some benefits without giving it to other companies. "

"That's right." As soon as Xia Hongda's eyes brightened, he said: "this video was obtained by them at the same time this morning. It should not be discovered by their people. Then, those who can do such things at the expense of others must have great resentment against our company. Who do you think is most likely to be in the Three Kingdoms drama group

After all, he is the helmsman of a large entertainment company. Once he calms down and analyzes the whole story of the event, it is like peeling off the cocoon and drawing the thread. In a few words, the suspect is locked in a small area.

Xia Chengfeng shot out the eyes like a knife, gnashing his teeth and saying: "who else can there be except Xiao Yunhai, that bastard? I received a call from Hu Ming yesterday, saying that Xiao Yunhai is very difficult to deal with. Even the beauty trick has been used, it has no effect at all. I think he must be aware of Hu Ming and Cheng ye, so the two of them have been watched. Yes, it should be. "

"If it's him, it's a little scary. Chengfeng, we lost this time. We will deal with Xiao Yunhai's affairs later. Let's not make it difficult for him. You know, every play now costs us money. "

Xiao Chengfeng said indignantly, "Dad, I understand."

The next morning, Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing came to the studio together. They found that Hu Ming, who usually arranged for shooting, had disappeared. Hong Tiancai went to the scene in person and arranged the shooting work.

Xiao Yunhai seems to associate with something, and Zhao Wanqing look at each other, at the same time a sigh of relief.

"Oh, what's the matter? How can our superior director Hong Da do these chores. It's a bit overkill, isn't it

A funny voice came from behind.

Xiao Yunhai doesn't need to look back to know that the one who dares to talk to Hong Tiancai like this is sun Yanjun, in addition to Wang Guoan.

They are brothers who have been together for decades, and they talk to each other casually as long as they are not in the shooting period.

Sure enough, it was Sun Yanjun.

Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing quickly said hello, and sun Yanjun also nodded with a smile.

After arranging a drama, Hong Tiancai turned his head and said to sun Yanjun, "old sun, please don't gloat over there. Damn it, what's the matter with Hongda entertainment company? Last night, Hu Ming and Cheng ye were called back, saying that there was something important. I'm really angry. What can be more important than the shooting of the Three Kingdoms? I can't help it. I can only do it myself. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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