Published at 11th of May 2022 06:02:51 AM

Chapter 203

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Zhao Wanqing asked, "Hong Dao, do you know when they will come back?"

"Who knows that." Hong Tiancai waved his hand and said discontentedly, "at noon, I'll call Xia Hongda and ask him. At this critical moment, I'll get the deputy director and the action director back. It's just like playing the lute."

Sun Yanjun ha ha ha, suddenly looked at Xiao Yunhai, eyes a bright, said to Hong Tiancai: "Lao Hong, you are really empty treasure mountain and do not know it. Don't you have a director in front of you? Although only one micro film was made, the level is absolutely first-class. I think it's OK to be an associate director. "

"Yes." Hong Tiancai slapped his forehead and said to Xiao Yunhai, "how about Yunhai? Are you sure you can take the responsibility of the deputy director while filming Lv Bu well. Don't worry. It's only one day today. Hu Ming should be back tomorrow. "

"Hu Ming estimated that he would never come back in his life. It would be good to be alive for Xia Hongda's more than three billion." Xiao Yunhai thought about it in his heart, but he said, "don't worry, Hong Dao, no problem. I also want to make a play next year. It is definitely a great help for me to be an associate director in such a large group. I didn't say that. I did

Hong Tianchi laughed and said, "well, now that you have arranged the scene for LV Buyuan's shooting halberd, it's my test for you."

With that, he told all the staff about Xiao Yunhai as deputy director, so as not to direct them.

Xiao Yunhai also did not delay, soon into the role of deputy director.

To say that the post of deputy director is absolutely very important in the crew. He is indispensable to the formation, shooting, finishing and even post production of the production team.

Hong Tiancai gives this position to him, which is to test Xiao Yunhai's directing ability.

To know that the working team of the Three Kingdoms drama group is definitely the top team in the circle. To win the trust of these people, Xiao Yunhai needs to show a convincing level.

Fortunately, he had been on the set for many years in his previous life, and had never seen any scenes before. After receiving the instructions from Hong Tiancai, he did not feel any panic at all, and took charge of the preparation work orderly.

"Photography teacher, please adjust the camera to the left by 30 degrees. Later, the sun rises, and there may be problems."

"Makeup teacher, sun Yanjun's make-up is a little thick. Liu Bei is now nearly 40 years old. There is no need to dress him up too young."

"Props teacher,......"

in the whole morning, Xiao Yunhai was able to quickly enter the state when he had a part in Lv Bu, and almost all of the shooting was one-off. He even launched a fierce rival play with Liu Bei, played by sun Yanjun, and his acting skills were highly recognized by everyone.

When there was no play, he turned into an assistant director and arranged the messy crew in an orderly way. The lighting, photography, and drama work were all at his fingertips. He had no sense of strangeness. He had initially established his prestige among the crew.

Hong tianchai originally wanted to give him some advice, but after several consecutive plays, he did not find any omission with his harsh eyes.

At lunch, Hong Tiancai couldn't help patting Xiao Yunhai on the shoulder and said, "no wonder you want to be a director. With your level, there is no problem at all."

Sun Yanjun said triumphantly, "how about it? Director Hong, is the assistant director I've got for you good? "

"Oh, old sun, how proud you are. The scene with Yunhai this morning, you old boy, did your best. Hey, a young man in his twenties has forced you, an old man in his fifties and sixties, into this position. In my opinion, your extra decades are in vain. " Hong Tianchi couldn't help attacking sun Yanjun.

Sun Yanjun had no choice but to smile bitterly: "this guy is a demon."

Xiao Yunhai quickly waved his hand and said, "Hong Dao, Mr. Sun, you must not praise me so much. My family knows my own business. If the game is a little longer, I think it will be very difficult for me to hold on. Mr. Sun's acting skills have reached the peak. I still have a long way to go. "

Xiao Yunhai's words are not polite. Wang Guoan and sun Yanjun, acting skills are not much worse, but in the gas field is very different.

Cao Cao played by Wang Guoan is like a mountain, suddenly pressed down, which makes people unable to raise the slightest resistance.

Liu Yantao is like a silent man running in the dark.

In the morning, Xiao Yunhai's invincible momentum was almost taken away.

These old actors and actresses have become excellent. Xiao Yunhai is really under great pressure to play with them.

After lunch, Xiao Yunhai returned to the studio and began to arrange the scene for shooting in the afternoon.

This scene is part of Cao Cao's attack on Lv Bu, which is performed by many soldiers. Xiao Yunhai dare not have any carelessness and arranges it with his staff.

Half an hour later, all the work is ready and the actors are in place.Hong Tiancai checked it without any problems, and showed his approval to Xiao Yunhai.

Just as he was about to shoot, his assistant Xiao Wang suddenly came out with a notebook computer in his hand and scolded Hong Tianzao.

Xiao Wang said wrongly, "Hong Dao, I'm really sorry. The main thing is that it's too big. As soon as I'm in a hurry, I forget the rules of the set. "

Wang Guoan on one side asked suspiciously, "what is it that makes you so scared?"

Xiao Wang pursed his lips and said, "director Hong, all teachers, deputy director Hu Ming and Mr. Cheng ye may not be able to come. They have a big deal to play. You see, it turns out that our crew's mass drug abuse cases were reported by people. This is their video last night. It was posted online. "

Hong Tiancai and others are shocked. They can't even care about filming. They quickly let Xiao Wang open the computer and watch it.

Xiao Yunhai leaned over to watch it and said, "who sent this video? If you haven't done it yourself, Hongda entertainment will not do this kind of self polluting thing. Then those entertainment companies have such motivation. "

"After all, this kind of thing is a big scandal for Hongda entertainment. In the eyes of the outside world, it may be a joke at most, but in the circle, it's just a stink of rhythm. At least, those big troupes absolutely dare not use Hongda entertainment any more. "

After watching the video, Hong Tiancai's face was very ugly. The deputy director whom he had been relying on had brought disaster to the crew. However, he still trusted him so much. It was like a big mouth in his face.

Other actors have their own ideas.

Hong Tianqiao looked at Xiao Yunhai and said, "Yunhai, it seems that you need to take the post of deputy director all the time. The crew will pay you. "

Xiao Yunhai nodded his head and said, "it doesn't matter whether you pay me or not. As long as Hong Dao doesn't mind my doing too badly, it's good."

Wang Guoan laughed and said, "I just saw your arrangement. Compared with Hu Ming, it is better than anything else. No wonder old Sun said you were very good this morning. Maybe one day, we'll play for you. Don't think we're old. "

Xiao Yunhai shook his head and said with a wry smile, "Mr. Wang, don't boast about our own people. Let's hear it from the outside. We thought we were boasting about selling melons in Grandma Wang."

The crowd burst into laughter, and the atmosphere that had just been repressed was swept away.

Soon, this matter spread throughout the entire crew, the most miserable is Wang shangqun.

It's very clear in the video that Cheng Ye has to deal with he Hucheng in order to make Wang shangqun on the top. However, he didn't expect that things would go wrong and make such a big fuss. What's more, he left a he Hucheng. Finally, his role did not fall into Wang shangqun's hands, but was taken by Xiao Yunhai.

It has to be said that Hu Ming and Cheng ye made a dowry for Xiao Yunhai.

Wang shangqun felt that the crew around him seemed to be looking at him with different eyes, and his face suddenly became hot. Although everyone didn't say anything, Wang shangqun was still miserable.

Originally there was his part in the afternoon, but Wang shangqun was not in the mood to shoot, so he asked Hong Tiancai for a leave.

Hong Tianqiao also understood Wang shangqun's feelings, enlightened him, and let him go back to have a rest.

In the next shooting, Xiao Yunhai gave full play to his superior overall planning ability. He managed the whole set in an orderly way, and the efficiency of filming was also accelerated. Hong Tiancai was very satisfied.

In a flash, a week passed.

All the large-scale war scenes of the Three Kingdoms drama group have been shot, and the most expensive place is in the past.

Because of Xiao Yunhai's outstanding performance, the crew spent a lot less than the budget, which made the CFO sent by Hongda Company a sigh of relief. He could make a perfect delivery.

And this period of time, Xiao Yunhai is also very rich.

For Lu Bu, it is no more difficult for him to drink water.

Even if Wang Guoan and sun Yanjun act against him, they all go all out and dare not have any slack. It can be seen that Xiao Yunhai's control over the role is absolutely at the level of film emperor.

Zhang Liao Wang shangqun, who had always been unconvinced to Xiao Yunhai, was directly suppressed by Xiao Yunhai's thunderous momentum for more than ten times in a match between him and Xiao Yunhai. Finally, he passed the scene under Xiao Yunhai's deliberate release.

Since then, Wang shangqun has no longer dared to gossip about Xiao Yunhai.

As for the Diao Chan played by Zhao Wanqing, the two only took three days to finish all the scenes, and they didn't even have ng once.

After the shooting of "step by step", the cooperation between them has reached the point of perfect harmony. In addition to their excellent acting skills and real intimacy, it is difficult to want them to have problems.

The efficiency of the two people's filming surprised the entire crew. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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