Published at 11th of May 2022 06:02:46 AM

Chapter 207

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The following netizens saw it, and began to make complaints about it.

"Brother Dan, can we have a little bit of discipline? Isn't it money? Do you need this? Yunhuang, I will be your younger brother. Please accept me. "

"You are not the only one who wants to be the younger brother of emperor Yun. In other words, let Dan Dan such a calculation, the cloud emperor's ability to absorb gold is really not covered. If all of them are taken out, will they kill me

"It weighs several tons. It will definitely crush you."

"The emperor is so rich that I don't know if he will do charity."

"Can you stop talking upstairs? What I hate most is moral kidnapping. No matter how he uses it, no matter how he uses it, as long as he does not break the law, no one can control it. "

"I agree with you upstairs."

"Emperor Yun will shoot TV series next year. It is precisely when funds are needed that charity can be done after it has developed. It's just the beginning stage, so we can't rush it. "

"After listening to the words upstairs, I found that you must be the iron powder of the cloud emperor."

"Each other, each other."

Li linger and Xiang Ming focused on tracking the news that they vowed to release online. Li linger is a pseudonym for several identities, deliberately leading everyone to the benefit of Xiao Yunhai.

I have to say that their propaganda work is really excellent. The image of Xiaohai is well organized. Xiao Yunhai is very satisfied with this.

He told Li linger and Xiang Ming on the phone that after the three kingdoms were killed, he would return to reward them with a big red envelope. This makes Li linger very excited.

She has heard Su Yingxue say that boss Xiao has always been bold and upright, and has a very light attitude towards money. She does not pay any attention to money. Now, if we want to reward them with a big red envelope, it is estimated that it will have to be at least five figures.

As time went by, the last scene of the romance of the Three Kingdoms was shot in an instant.

Lv Bu, played by Xiao Yunhai, is betrayed by traitors and captured alive by Cao Cao. After begging Cao Cao for life, Lv Bu was beheaded by Cao Cao.

It can be said that this scene will be a real match between Wang Guoan, sun Yanjun and Xiao Yunhai.

Wang shangqun, who has just finished shooting Zhang Liao, has been ng for 12 times under the momentum of their two film emperors. Hong Tiancai's face is red and red in public. If there was a hole in the ground, he would even go straight in.

Xiao Yunhai didn't want to be treated like this, so instead of sorting out the scene, he sat in a chair and closed his eyes.

When Wang Guoan and sun Yanjun saw Xiao Yunhai's appearance, they were also prepared for the situation and did not dare to be careless.

After cooperating for such a long time, they are very clear about Xiao Yunhai's strength.

In addition to being young, Xiao Yunhai is no worse than the old dramatist who has been acting all his life in any aspect.

Several old friends didn't show their strength because they didn't understand the situation and thought that he Hucheng was still the same level. As a result, Xiao Yunhai was directly oppressed and could not find a shadow. It can be said that they have lost face. For this reason, no less by two people joke.

The lesson of the past is the teacher of the future.

If you don't deal with the last scene well, maybe you will capsize in the gutter. At that time, I was the one who was laughed at.

Because this is the last play, the crew is inevitably impetuous.

But when they saw the serious expression of the three, the whole set seemed to be quiet, and no one dared to make a noise.

Although the three protagonists in front of them are all sitting there with their eyes closed, their momentum is as vast as a prison.

Cao Cao is calm and magnanimous; Liu Bei is mature and unfathomable; Lu Bu is outstanding and aloof.

At this moment, they seem to have really seen the three kings from that time of war.

Hong Tiancai, who was playing with the monitor screen, looked surprised and murmured, "the three of them are going to be real."

"Xiao Yunhai has given them two old guys a battle letter. If you don't take them seriously, ha ha, I'm afraid that they will suffer in the end."

Yuanchuanjin is the old playwright who was made fun of by Wang and sun. In the first scene, he was severely "humiliated" by the other party because he looked down on Xiao Yunhai. This just quickly put in the heart that despise to throw away, go all out to play with Xiao Yunhai, but even so, he did not take the slightest advantage.

Chen Gong is Lv Bu's counselor, and they have the most opponents. Therefore, he has the most say in Xiao Yunhai's acting skills.

"Do you think Xiao Yunhai really has the qualification to challenge them?" Hong asked

A young man in his twenties challenged the two film masters. No one could believe it.

Yuan Chuan Jin seriously replied, "I dare not say anything else. At least the Lv Bu he plays is definitely qualified for this. Watch it. It must be a comet hitting the earth later. I didn't expect to see such a scene in this last scene. It's really good luck. "After all the preparatory work was finished, Hong Tiancai went to the three in person and whispered, "it's time to start."

As soon as his voice fell, the three opened their eyes almost at the same time. The next moment, with their rise, a huge wave like momentum suddenly burst out.

The three men are quite different, but they cooperate with each other and are entangled in each other.

Cao Cao is as high as a mountain, standing on a thousand cliffs; Liu Bei is like a deep sea with rough waves; Lu Bu is like a sharp sword and invincible.

Before the shooting of the play was officially started, the play against the three had already begun.

All the actors are in their place.

Hong Tianqiao called out: "action."

Two soldiers came to the white gate building with Xiao Yunhai in his hair.

Although Lv Bu, played by Xiao Yunhai, is captured, he is still powerful. He shakes his body and shouts to the group actors on both sides: "the rope is too tight. Give me some slack."

Wang Guoan said contentedly: "the tiger has to be anxious."

When Xiao Yunhai saw Hou Cheng, Wei Xu and Song Xian standing beside Cao Cao Cao, his face was furious. His eyes seemed to be bursting out with anger. He said angrily, "I treat you well. Why do you want to oppose me?"

The actor who plays Song Xian is a professional. Although he feels a little flustered when he sees the fierce Xiao Yunhai, his solid basic skills still make him say his lines under pressure: "you only listen to your wives and concubines, don't listen to our strategies, what else do you say?"

Xiao Yunhai listened, the expression on his face became a little ashamed, but also mixed with a trace of regret.

"Well done."

Yuan Chuan Jin, who has been staying beside the monitor, whispered.

When Xiao Yunhai saw sun Yanjun, who had been silent all the time, his eyes flashed with a trace of hope. He exclaimed, "does Xuande remember shooting halberds at the Yuanmen? Now that Bu has become a prisoner under the rank, he asked Xuande to save my life in front of the prime minister. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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