Published at 11th of May 2022 06:02:43 AM

Chapter 209

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Wang Guoan asked suspiciously, "what secret are you talking about. Did I come to disturb you

Xiao Yunhai smiles and tells him about the legend of Zhen Huan. Then he quietly waits for Wang Guoan's meaning.

"Zhang Hong agreed after reading the script?"

"Yes. There was no contract. "

"That doesn't matter. As long as she promised, she would never go back. It seems that your script of legend of Zhen Huan is not simple. Even she has been attracted. "

Xiao Yunhai said confidently, "Mr. Wang, I'm not boasting. As long as we can shoot the legend of Zhen Huan well, I think the next China golden cup award will surely have its place. "

Wang Guoan's eyes brightened when he heard Xiao Yunhai say so.

He knows that Xiao Yunhai is not the kind of person who talks casually. Since he has such great confidence, it shows that the legend of Zhen Huan must have its own advantages.

"Well, show me the script first, and I'll call you back then."

"Yes, I'll send it to you in the evening."

When Xiao Yunhai heard Wang Guoan say so, Xiao Yunhai knew that it had been done.

He is very confident in the script of the legend of Zhen Huan. He believes that Wang Guoan will agree to act as long as he sees the script.

The whole shaqing banquet lasted for more than three hours, and Xiao Yunhai couldn't bear to drink too much, let alone other people.

The next day, everyone left.

Xiao Yunhai returned to Beijing with his team. As soon as he left the airport, he saw countless media and fans standing on both sides of the corridor.

Although Xiao Yunhai brought a pair of big sunglasses and his whole body was wrapped in a down jacket, he was still recognized immediately when he appeared.

"The emperor of clouds is the best in the world."

"The emperor of clouds is the best in the world."

Around the fans crazy shouting the classic slogan of the cloud emperor.

In spite of the cold weather, their enthusiasm did not diminish.

Xiao Yunhai roughly estimated that there were at least 300 fans coming to pick up the plane.

Xiao Yunhai was moved in his heart. He waved to both sides as he walked.

A young reporter sighed softly, "it's time to come back."

One side of the reporter interface: "who does not say. At the beginning, everyone paid attention to the drug case of "Three Kingdoms" crew, but put aside the perfect performance of emperor Yun at the premiere of "great master". When they want to interview him after the drug case, they all go to the "Three Kingdoms" crew

It turns out that during Xiao Yunhai's shooting of romance of the Three Kingdoms, the box office performance of the great master shocked everyone.

After 230 million yuan on the first day, the grand master broke 200 million yuan for three consecutive days, breaking several film records. So far, the box office has exceeded 1.6 billion, and it is estimated that there should be no problem with 2 billion.

The great master is so popular that the news about it has naturally become the focus of people's pursuit. So many things happened at the premiere, how could it not be reported.

If we want to report the premiere of the great master, we can't avoid Xiao Yunhai in any case. The main reason is that his performance is so amazing.

The picture of Xiao Yunhai singing "a man should be self-improvement" on the stage was photographed. After being sent to the Internet, it was sought after by all.

And he and karate master that contest, is set off a big stir on the Internet.

Especially those martial arts fans of Xiao Yunhai have the strongest reaction. A writer who writes martial arts novels is a real martial arts master. What can be more exciting?

The most depressing is the journalists.

In fact, during the shooting of the romance of the Three Kingdoms, countless reporters squatted outside the film to interview Xiao Yunhai.

But after the incident, in order to prevent such incidents from happening again, Hong Tianchi directly gave a completely closed instruction, and reporters could not get in at all.

Now, the romance of the Three Kingdoms is finally finished. Reporters have seen Xiao Yunhai, just like a wolf seeing a sheep, flocking to him.

"Mr. Xiao, who did you learn from your Kung Fu Asked a reporter.

"My kung fu is my foreign teacher. I'm ashamed that after more than ten years of practice, I haven't been able to develop a famous school. In fact, there are not ten thousand experts in China who are more powerful than me, and at least eight thousand. "

Xiao Yunfeng and the crowd stood in his way. If there are tens of thousands of Huajin masters in China, it is estimated that the whole world will be unified by China.

In fact, Xiao Yunhai said this to avoid trouble.

Since ancient times, literature has no first place, and martial arts have no second place. Once Xiao Yunhai is promoted to the height of a martial arts master by the media, then the next troubles will be endless.

At least those experts who open martial arts schools will definitely challenge themselves. As soon as they win, their martial arts school will become famous. Naturally, many people will go to learn from their masters.Therefore, Xiao Yunhai will never admit his kung fu in public.

Another reporter said, "Congratulations, Mr. Xiao, your album has sold 16 million copies, and the number of Internet downloads has exceeded 200 million. The box office performance of Da Zongshi has broken several records. How do you feel about these achievements?"

Pointing to fans on both sides, Xiao Yunhai said, "I am naturally very happy. But no matter what kind of achievements I have achieved, my fans will always be the most grateful. Without their support, our so-called stars are nothing at all. "

The fans nearby heard the idol say this, and immediately set off a bigger noise. The slogan of "the emperor of clouds, the emperor of clouds, the world is unparalleled" once again.

After answering several questions, Xiao Yunhai left the airport by car with the help of Mongolian side and song Yunfeng.

Back at the villa, Zhao Wanqing and Su Yingxue have been waiting there.

Su Yingxue Jiao said with a smile, "isn't this our billionaire back? Is it time to give us poor people some rewards? "

Xiao Yunhai hugs Zhao Wanqing's Bee waist and says to Su Yingxue, "what does snow sister want?"

"I saw a bag the day before yesterday. It's very cheap. It's only 80000 yuan."

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "no problem. However, if you want this bag, the bonus of this month will be gone. "

"What kind of bonus?"

"With such a good result, I can't treat my team badly. Sister Xue, you can think about it. If I give you more than 80000 bonus, you will lose. Of course, if you don't have 80000, you'll make it. "

Su Yingxue didn't even think about it. She said, "forget it, isn't it just a small bag? I'll buy it myself. "

Zhao Wanqing said with a smile, "sister Xue, you have made a decision so soon."

Su Yingxue rolled her eyes and said, "you think I'm stupid. Your family has always regarded money as dirt, or do not hand, a hand is bound to be big. I'm not fooled by that. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "well, when the time comes to choose the wrong, you can not regret."

Su Yingxue said with a smile: "I never regret my work. Okay, I don't want to joke with you. I need to formally inform you of two things. One is to attend the celebration banquet of the grand master tomorrow afternoon, which is the star cinema where the premiere is held. The second is the thank you dinner held by our Tianhua media film and television company. The time is arranged at 7:00 p.m. the day after tomorrow. At that time, all the stars of the company will come. You can't be absent. "

The most disgusting thing is to stare at the sea of clouds

Su Yingxue showed a helpless expression and said: "no way, this is the rules of the game. Well, I won't disturb your little couple. Goodbye

The two sent Su Yingxue away and went back to the living room. Without saying a word, Xiao Yunhai hugged Zhao Wanqing and gave her a hard kiss on her face and said, "wife, do you miss me?"

Zhao Wanqing gave him a look and said, "boss, we only separated for ten days, OK?"

Xiao Yunhai pretended to be surprised and said, "really? I feel like half a year has passed. I feel the same way now that the ancients haven't seen it for a day

For Xiao Yunhai's glib, Zhao Wanqing has long been immune.

She struggled to break away from Xiao Yunhai's arms and said, "don't talk nonsense there. I ask you, after I left, have there been girls like Liu Yiyi who have offered themselves pillows? "

"Conscience of heaven and earth." Xiao Yunhai called out: "my brother, I've been defending myself like jade for 20 years. Now I've given you my innocent body. It's really hurt my heart to say so.

Zhao Wanqing chuckled and couldn't help laughing, pointing to Xiao Yunhai and saying, "can you be more serious. And for my sake, you can think of it. "

Xiao Yunhai pretended to be surprised and said: "you are joking. You should be serious between husband and wife. You are not drunk."

"Well, don't be poor. I ask you, when will Zhenhuan start next year? Are you ready? Who are the actors? "

Xiao Yunhai said: "Teacher Wang Guoan plays Yongzheng, teacher Zhang Hong acts empress dowager, and sister Yu plays queen."

Zhao Wanqing widened her eyes and asked suspiciously, "are you saying true or false?"

Xiao Yunhai said: "of course it is true. Mr. Zhang Hong has already agreed, and Mr. Wang is probably not far away from her. I mentioned it to her before, but she didn't refuse at once. Tomorrow will be a celebration party. I'll ask her again. What about? Empress Zhen Huan, are you under pressure? "

Zhao Wanqing gave him a look and said, "one film emperor and two movie queens. Do you think there is pressure?"

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "wife, I can tell you that if the scene of your protagonist's play is suppressed, I will not be polite to you."

"Don't worry, you don't have the chance." Zhao Wanqing said confidently.

"That would be the best. These two days, I want to talk to my future father-in-law about investment. Do you know how much money he can offer? "

Zhao Wanqing held out two fingers and said, "two hundred million.""So little?"

"Two hundred million is not enough. You think everyone is like you and can earn 200 million at will. This is all the current working capital of Hanhai group Zhao Wanqing said without politeness. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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