Published at 11th of May 2022 06:07:08 AM

Chapter 21

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Xiao Yunhai stepped down from the stage and was praised by all.

Yao Na gently hit Xiao Yunhai and said, "Yunhai, it's really powerful. I can't see that you are young. Compared with some popular singers, you are not one and a half stars better. With your water taste, what kind of play do you play? You can just sing. "

When she said that she was a famous star, she put more emphasis on her tone, and she glanced at Xia Chengfeng askew. Everyone was a talented person who had stayed in the entertainment industry for a long time. Naturally, she could understand the meaning of Yao Na's words. This is to change the expression of their dissatisfaction with the summer Chengfeng.

Just Xia Chengfeng disguised did not give Yao Na face, Yao Na immediately secretly returned back, but also let Xia Chengfeng say nothing. Sure enough, ginger is still old and spicy.

Xia Chengfeng snorted in his mouth, his face sank, and he turned his head and did not speak. Although his background is not small, singing career is also smooth, but compared with the queen Yao Na, there is still a long way to go. Therefore, he did not confront Yao Na. If he changed someone, his personality would have been furious.

Li Xun saw that the atmosphere was a little different. He came out and said, "Yunhai, don't you still have a preface to Orchid Pavilion? Sing it and listen to it."

When Chen Qingqing heard this, he stopped him and said, "no, this is my secret weapon. If you want to sing in an interview program after the premiere, you can't take advantage of it."

Han Shilei said with a smile: "Oh, director Chen has played a mystery. Even we can't listen in advance. It's really disappointing."

Chen Qingqing said with a smile: "no matter what you say, it can't be done. I'll tell you, I haven't heard the full version of this song, but I read the lyrics, just one word, cow

"So good. I'll listen to it Li Xun said with a smile.

The crowd was talking. The guide who had just brought Xiao Yunhai came in and said, "ladies and gentlemen, it's already 4:30 now. You can eat in the dining room."

Chen Qingqing nodded and said, "everyone, let's go to dinner. After dinner, we have to walk on the red carpet. By the way, Yunhai, are you going?"

Xiao Yunhai shook his head and said, "I haven't made my way, I won't go."

Xiao Yunhai's psychology is very clear. To let an ordinary person who does not have any works, no one knows or even a new person to go on the red carpet, what can he get besides doing back scenes for all kinds of stars. So, he didn't want to join the party.

Chen Qingqing nodded, but did not force him.

Night soon fell.

Outside the CCTV studio, the lights are bright and the stars are bright.

Dozens of media surrounded the 100 meter red carpet. Thousands of fans held up their fluorescent sticks and kept waving, shouting the names of their idols.

As the focus of CCTV this year, "Emperor Kangxi" finally began the premiere of the new play.

In addition to the participants in the play, Chen Qingqing also invited more than 40 guests. As one of the most famous TV drama directors in China, Chen Qingqing's status in the circle is self-evident. After receiving his invitation, the celebrities he met in more than 40 years came to support him one after another.

Even some artists who did not receive the invitation also recommended themselves to participate in the grand event. I'm joking, such a premiere is comparable to the general award ceremony, and those second - and third tier stars naturally won't miss this exposure opportunity. In particular, those female artists, all showy, how to choose clothes to attract the eye and how to wear, so that the whole scene is even more popular to the extreme.

At eight thirty, the premiere began.

The premiere ceremony was hosted by CCTV hosts Xu Jun and Dong Lixin. Under the atmosphere and lively commentary of the two hosts, the scene atmosphere was very happy.

During the premiere ceremony, Chen Qingqing spent a lot of energy to edit the excellent clips. The magnificent sea battles, the iron hoofed land battles, and the excellent acting skills of the actors were played in five minutes, which won the applause of the audience and the stars.

After the broadcast, a burst of magnificent music began to sound. Han Shilei came to the center of the stage with vigorous steps, and the song "borrow from heaven for 500 years" entered the audience's ears for the first time. Han Shilei used his emperor's voice to interpret the song perfectly. After singing, he got a long time of applause and shouting.

Chen Qingqing is very happy, he wants this effect. As a director, he naturally sits in the middle of the first row. On his left is Chen Huan, the godfather musician in the music world.

In the world of songs, the change of singers is very fast. Chen Huan is one of the singers who have been able to keep evergreen for less than five fingers. As a singer and songwriter, Chen Huan has brought countless classic songs to the whole Chinese fans. He is a real strength group in the singing world and is deeply loved by the people all over the country.

After listening to Han Lei's singing, Chen Huan clapped his hands and asked Chen Qingqing softly: "brother Qing, who wrote this song of Lao Han?"

Chen Qingqing said triumphantly, "how about it? It's OK. "Chen Huan nodded and said, "you bought this kind of quality song with hundreds of thousands of yuan. You really earned a lot."

"Ha ha, Huanzi, I tell you, this song was written by a young man. He also wrote a song as the last song of Emperor Kangxi. You can hear it later."

After listening to Chen Qingqing's words, Chen Huan has a kind of expectation. young people? What kind of young people can write such songs.

Soon, all kinds of performing guests came on the stage one by one, of which Yao Na was the best, followed by Zhao Wanqing and Xia Chengfeng. Li Xun's singing skills were not very good. Of course, it was OK to fool those who did not understand music.

Finally, Xiao Yunhai will play.

Host Xu Jun said: "Lixin, have you seen the news of the song of the Emperor Kangxi on the Internet?"

Dong Lixin nodded and said with a smile, "of course I have. Oh, brother Xu, you don't know. I'm so greedy. Once used, it's 400000. Unfortunately, I can't write songs. "

Xu Jun said with a smile: "if you want to write a song like" borrow another 500 years from heaven ", you don't need to be a host. However, I'm telling you that the man not only wrote the opening song, but also wrote the ending song. Eight hundred thousand, my dear

Dong Lixin deliberately opened her eyes and said in surprise, "brother Xu, who is so fierce?"

Xu Jun said mysteriously: "his name is certainly unheard of. Because the other party is a new person or a student in school, do you want to see him? "

"Yes." The audience was very cooperative with Xu Jun.

"Well, let's invite Xiao Yunhai, the songwriter, to bring the final song of Kangxi the great emperor to the big man."

after hearing the host's words, Xiao Yunhai picked up the microphone handed over by the staff nearby and walked forward step by step. After reaching the center of the stage, he opened his mouth and said, "Hello everyone, my name is Xiao Yunhai, a student of Yanjing Film Academy 。 It's a great honor to be here today to attend the premiere of Emperor Kangxi, and I sincerely wish that this TV series can be watched in Changhong

With that, Xiao Yunhai bowed humbly. With a confident smile on his face, he nodded to the band beside him.

The music soon began to ring. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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