Published at 11th of May 2022 06:02:42 AM

Chapter 210

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"What is your Hanhai group? Is it our Hanhai group? Your father is such a precious daughter. In the future, all the property of your father must be yours. When we get married, will Hanhai group go to other people's hands? "

On hearing this, Zhao Wanqing pointed to Xiao Yunhai and said, "well, Xiao Yunhai, I haven't seen that you are thinking about my father's Hanhai group."

Xiao Yunhai grinned and said, "it's mainly because I remember now that my wife is a rich second generation. Do you think I need to work so hard? I think it's a good choice to be a little white face

Zhao Wanqing snorted, putting on her coat, she said, "from now on, you can eat for me and die."

Xiao Yunhai saw that Zhao Wanqing was about to leave with her clothes on, so he grabbed her and said, "wife, you are not so mean. Just for fun, you don't really think I'm interested in your father's Hanhai group

Zhao Wanqing said, "I'm not so bored. Our Hanhai group has worked hard for a year, and it's not as good as your one album and one novel. Such a small company, how can you put it in your eyes, great Xia Xiao. "

"Then why are you going?"

Zhao Wanqing was not angry and said: "today, my mother's birthday, you say I want to go."

Xiao Yunhai was stunned and showed a listless look. He said, "I finally came back. I didn't expect the final result to be like this. Sorry I'm going to be alone again tonight

"You big rascal." Zhao Wanqing laughed and scolded.

Before going out, Zhao Wanqing did not care whether Xiao Yunhai had heard it or not. She squeezed out a sentence from her teeth: "I will come back if I have a chance tonight."

Xiao Yunhai is what kind of ear power, on the spot called out: "I will wait for you."

After Zhao Wanqing left, Xiao Yunhai called his team and asked them to come and get together in the evening.

At four o'clock in the afternoon, Mongolian side and Zhao Yan took the lead.

Xiao Yunhai saw two hands holding hands from upstairs. He didn't know that his elder martial brother had successfully completed the task. He was very happy for him.

Xiao Yunhai said to Zhao Yan, whose face was slightly red, "sister-in-law, my elder martial brother is an orphan. From childhood to adulthood, he practiced boxing with my grandfather. There is absolutely no problem with character. I'm really happy that you can choose him. "

When Zhao Yan heard Xiao Yunhai say so, her face became more ruddy and said, "after all, I was married once and brought a child. Mengge can not be disgusted, I.... "

Xiao Yunhai waved his hand and said, "sister-in-law, don't underestimate yourself. It's a blessing that my elder martial brother can marry you. By the way, when are you going to get married? "

"I want to take the swallow back to see master first, and then discuss the matter of marriage."

"That's fine. Then I think my grandfather will be very relieved Xiao Yunhai stood up and said, "watch TV for a while, and I'll make a phone call to order meals."

Zhao Yan quickly stopped: "what else can I order. We came here so early to cook. Everything is out there in the car. Mongo, go and get it in

"Good." Meng Fang nodded and went out to get the food.

Xiao Yunhai was embarrassed to say: "sister-in-law, that is really troubling you. To be honest, I've been eating for more than half a month, and I'm going to throw up. Later, my elder martial brother and I will fight for you. "

Mongolian and Zhao Yan bought a lot of things. They were busy in the kitchen. When the others came, it was just finished.

At the dinner table, when Xiao Yunhai announced Zhao Yan and Mongolia, he got everyone's blessing.

After eating and drinking, Su Yingxue said with a smile, "boss Xiao, you said you would give us bonus? Hurry up. Don't waste time. "

Xiao Yunhai joked: "sister Xue, we are a beautiful woman, don't put yourself in the eyes of money, OK? Be reserved. Do you understand? "

Sima Qian said, "boss Xiao, how much money do you mean to be reserved?"

"Ha ha ha."

The crowd laughed together.

Su Yingxue hit Sima Qian for a while and said, "if you are close to the red, you will get black. I've only been following the cloud sea for a month, and I've learned his slickness. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "sister Xue, you can't attack at will. Just say he's good. Don't take me with you. "

After laughing and joking, Xiao Yunhai took out a bank card and handed it to Sima Qian. He said, "brother Qian, the password of this card is my birthday. Please go to the bank tomorrow and divide it evenly. If you get to everyone's card, you can make this month's bonus."

"How much is it, Xiao?" Li linger asked curiously.

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "enough for you to buy a bag."

For his team, Xiao Yunhai is very generous.

In his previous life, he had seen too many stars. Because of the betrayal of the people around him, his career suffered a serious blow.

The reason, without exception, is that they usually don't know how to be a person. They only know how to make the team pay, but they don't know how to give them rewards. As time went on, people were disgusted with him.The so-called empathy, you are good to others, people will naturally be good to you. Although there are also people who bite the hand that feeds the hand, it is a minority after all.

Xiao Yunhai wants to win over the hearts of the people, and money is undoubtedly the fastest and best way.

Li linger's eyes brightened and said, "boss Xiao, the bags I like are not cheap. They are usually in five figures."

Xiao Yunhai said: "then I take back what I just said."

"Isn't it? Can't you buy such a bag? " Li linger said with a sad face.

Xiao Yunhai said calmly, "that's not true. I mean that kind of bag. You can buy two at least."

Hearing Xiao Yunhai's words, Li linger was obviously stunned and didn't understand.

Nearby Xiang Ming reminds her: "Xiao boss means that the prize money is at least six figures."

Li linger cheered and said, "long live Xiao."

Sima Qian and others are also very happy, for their choice of Xiao Yunhai feel very happy.

In a short period of time, it is really exciting that we can achieve the income of at least half a year before.

Xiao Yunhai struck while the iron was hot and said, "this is just the beginning. In the future, with every success, I will give you a certain reward. But the premise is that we can work well for me, and we can't make big mistakes. "

Sima Qian took the lead and said, "boss Xiao, I've been in the entertainment industry for some years, and I've followed several artists before and after. Among these people, in terms of talent and fame, you have dumped them for several blocks. In terms of character, they are even unworthy to give you shoes. Most of them only know how to yell at us. When they really go outside, they become soft legged shrimps and bow to others as grandsons. I look sick. I promise with my personality that as long as boss Xiao doesn't drive me away, I'll be your assistant all my life. "

Xiao Yunhai even hurriedly said: "stop, don't say it. Besides, I can't stand it. I also declare that I am a normal man and already have a girlfriend. Brother Qian, don't say anything for a lifetime. I'm a little scared when I hear it. "

"Ha ha ha."

Everyone was amused by Xiao Yunhai's words and laughed. For a moment, the whole villa was filled with laughter.

Sima Qian shook his head and grinned bitterly.

But he knows that his heart is very like this working atmosphere. There is no intrigue, no intrigue, we all work together, get along well, compared with the past, it is simply one day.

It can be said that Xiao Yunhai's party was a great success and brought all people's hearts together.

No wonder Su Yingxue left, secretly said in his ear: "you boy means really fierce."

Xiao Yunhai laughed and said nothing.

When Zhao Wanqing came back, it was almost 12 o'clock. Xiao Yunhai and other people were looking forward to seeing through the autumn water. Seeing Zhao Wanqing enter the room, he rushed up to meet her, and then in Zhao Wanqing's exclamation, he picked her up and put her on the bed.

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