Published at 11th of May 2022 06:07:07 AM

Chapter 22

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"Why Chen Huan is very concerned about Xiao Yunhai. He has been leaning against the back of the chair and can't help straightening up.

There is an old saying that Xiang is born from the heart. Xiao Yunhai's strong and straight temperament like pine and cypress makes Chen Huan appreciate it very much. It is elegant and masculine, but also elegant. Especially because of the practice of boxing, Xiao Yunhai's whole body stood as straight as a pine, which made him look energetic.

Chen Huan nodded secretly, got up the spirit, and seriously appreciated Xiao Yunhai's singing.

"There is a kind of sea spirit in my life

years turn over mercilessly

let it be rough all the way"

after the first paragraph was sung, the whole audience was applauded, Chen Huan nodded and said in secret, "it's amazing."

This young man is young, but he has rich stage experience. He can easily express the meaning of the song. His skills and feelings are in place. In addition, his style on the stage gives Chen Huan a sense of appreciating the performance of a big man. This young man is definitely a seedling.

Huang Peiqi is also very happy to sit in his seat. This young man who meets by chance can have such wonderful performance that is not inferior to Han Shilei and Yao Na, which also makes Huang Peiqi proud. You know, it's him who brings Xiao Yunhai to see Chen Qingqing. If Xiao Yunhai fails, his face will not look good.

Not to mention Chen Qingqing. What can be more enjoyable than this to be able to get these two classic theme songs. You should know that once these two theme songs become popular, the help to Emperor Kangxi is not a little bit.

After singing the song, Xiao Yunhai deeply bowed to the audience and the band beside him, saying, "thank you teachers."

Xiao Yunhai did not know that this was the first time in the world that someone bowed to the band on a formal occasion. His actions not only moved the band teacher, but also made a cheering sound off the stage.

Chen Huan nodded in silence, and found that he had sung songs for decades, but he had never given thanks to the band teacher who helped him sing. He felt guilty.

Xiao Yunhai's wonderful singing and his noble sentiment have been recognized by all people.

In an ordinary building in Zhenghai City, Southern Henan Province, a beautiful and smart girl is sitting on a sofa, watching the premiere of Emperor Kangxi and arguing with her father.

"Dad, I really see that the songwriters of" borrowing from heaven for another 500 years "are all Xiao Yunhai

Her father is beautiful, mature and elegant. Hearing his daughter's words, he said helplessly, "well, even if it's called Xiao Yunhai, it's not necessarily your brother. With a population of more than one billion in China, Xiao Yunhai has at least thousands of people. How can you be sure that he is your brother

Originally, these two people are Xiao Yunhai's family. The middle-aged man, named Xiao Qifeng, is Xiao Yunhai's father. It is Xiao Yunling, Xiao Yunhai's sister, who argues with Xiao Qifeng.

Xiao Yunling tooted his mouth and said, "anyway, I think it must be my brother. Mom, what do you say? "

Chen Xiuzhu, who had never interrupted, said with a smile, "I heard your brother say that he would appear on TV, but he didn't specify the time."

"Well, that rebellious son didn't even want his own future for the sake of a girl. I was so angry." Xiao Qifeng road.

Xiao Yunling looked at his father and said, "Dad, I don't think so. This shows that my brother is infatuated. If a boy does this to me, I will definitely marry him in the future

Chen Xiuzhu saw Xiao Qifeng's brows wrinkled and angry. She said at first, "ling'er, a little girl who doesn't know how to study hard, knows nonsense. I want to get married. After that, it will be fine. "

After listening to Chen Xiuzhu's words, Xiao Qifeng turned to watch TV.

Xiao Yunling is not afraid to be afraid of the earth. Taking advantage of Xiao Qifeng's turn to watch TV, he secretly extended his tongue and almost amused Chen Xiuzhu.

When the premiere ceremony was coming to an end, Xiao Yunling was excited to watch TV when the host wanted to invite the songwriter to the stage. He mumbled: "it must be big brother, it must be big brother."

Sure enough, as soon as Xiao Yunhai appeared, Xiao Yunling got down from the sofa with an excited bang, pointed to the TV again and again, and called out: "Dad, mom, look, it's your brother. Great. Big brother is going to be a star

Chen Xiuzhu was also very excited and said to Xiao Qifeng, "brother Feng, it's really a sea of clouds."

She has been worried that Xiao Yunhai does not have money to live. Now she sees that he has made 800000 in silence, and her heart has been hanging down.

Xiao Qifeng did not speak. Although his face was flat, Chen Xiuzhu, who had known him for many years, saw Xiao Qifeng's trembling hand. How could he not see the excitement hidden in his heart."It's up to you to pretend that you're going to suffer."

When Xiao Yunhai's singing was over, Xiao Yunling called out, "Mom, my brother's singing level seems to have improved a lot, and I'm almost catching up with you."

Chen Xiuzhu looked at Xiao Yunhai, who was bowing to the band with pride, and said, "what is it to catch up with you? Your brother's singing skill has already surpassed me. Your elder brother used the breath training method that your grandfather taught him to sing. Naturally, it's very good. "

Xiao Yunling sighed, "if only my grandfather taught me to give it."

Chen Xiuzhu airway: "it's not because you can't hold on to it. You just learned some superficial knowledge and gave up practicing. It's good to say that your grandfather."

Xiao Yunling spat out his tongue and said, "I won't talk to you. I heard that in an hour's literary life, people from the "Emperor Kangxi" crew will be invited to go there. There should be a brother. "

"I hope so."

Back backstage, Xiao Yunhai naturally did not know the situation at home. He was the singer who appeared as the finale, so after he finished singing, the whole premiere ceremony was over.

After waiting for more than half an hour, Xiao Yunhai saw Chen Qingqing come in with Huang Peiqi, Li Xun, Zhao Wanqing and Xia Chengfeng.

"Yunhai, come with me and record literary life." Chen Qingqing pulls Xiao Yunhai forward.

Soon people came to the recording scene of artistic life. Xu Jun has been waiting there. Please do it well, and take out a few copies and give them to everyone. Xiao Yunhai soon finished reading it. His task is to tell about his own song writing at a certain stage, and then finish singing the preface to Orchid Pavilion.

Chen Qingqing and others have nothing inconvenient, and have said they can.

Xu Jun looked at his watch and motioned to the staff. Soon the audience came in. Seeing all the stars sitting there, they went up one by one to sign. The scene was in order, quite different from the fans outside. Xu Jun was not surprised at this, but just looked at it with a smile.

Xiao Yunhai thought that he had nothing to do with himself. Unexpectedly, two young people came to him with their notebooks and asked him to sign. Xiao Yunhai wrote his name on it one stroke at a time. Under the strict requirements of Xiao Qifeng, his words are flowing clouds and flowing water, elegant and natural.

After signing his name, he asked, "two students, why should I sign. I'm not a star yet. "

One of the young people said, "I believe you will become a star with your talent. Then we can make a fortune. After all, this is your first time."

Zhao Wanqing, sitting next to Xiao Yunhai, chuckled at his words, and immediately bewildered the two young people. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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