Published at 11th of May 2022 06:02:39 AM

Chapter 222

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After a while, Huang Qiusheng came over and said to Yuexian, "Yuexian, Congratulations, I just got the news. With your outstanding performance in blue sea and blue sky, you have been nominated for best actress of golden cup film award again


Yu Yuexian showed a surprise look. At the same time, she immediately felt that there was something wrong with her voice. She seemed not to believe Huang Qiusheng. She apologized quickly and said, "I'm sorry, Miss Huang. I don't doubt your meaning."

Huang Qiusheng waved his hand and said with a smile, "I can understand. The golden cup award is too important for us. It's amazing that you've been nominated for Best Actress for three years in a row

Xiao Yunhai and others also came forward to congratulate her and wish her the honor of the film queen.

After thanking him, Yu Yuexian said with a wry smile, "I hope I won't be able to draw water out of my basket this time."

It turns out that Yu Yuexian has not been successful in the golden cup award Film Festival in recent years. Although he has been nominated every year, he has fallen into the last step after the closing ceremony. It seems that I went to the festival to set off the victory of others.

If not for the fairness of the golden cup award, Yu Yuexian would like to go to the jury to investigate.

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "don't worry, sister Yu. The so-called three things, this golden cup award winner must be yours. "

Yu Yuexian said, "I hope so."

Voice just fell, Yu Yuexian's agent with a mobile phone, happy to come over.

Soon, Yu Yuexian began to enter the rhythm of answering the phone.

The party lasted three hours, and by the time everyone came out, it was already nine o'clock in the evening.

To everyone's surprise, many fans outside the cinema didn't leave, waiting for them for hours in the cold.

See people come out, one by one again raised the hands of posters, fluorescent sticks and other things, constantly shouting the name of the idol.

People were moved to see this situation.

They came to their fans group, shook hands with them, signed and took photos.

At this time, Xiao Yunhai's remaining light suddenly saw a man with a mask and a basin slowly squeezed out of Yu Yuxian's fans. Everyone covered their noses and glared at him.

Xiao Yunhai's fan group and Yu Yuexian's fan group are close to each other, so they are not far away.

Xiao Yunhai felt different, so he signed for his fans while staring at him.

The man came to the isolation zone. It seemed that he had observed for a while. While the police didn't notice his direction, he rushed towards Yu Yuexian.

Xiao Yunhai's reaction is so fast. Seeing this situation, it is not clear that this man is going to do harm to Yuexian.

He did not dare to be slighted. He threw the pen in his hand, and the whole person seemed to turn into a shadow and rushed towards Yu Yuexian.

After seeing the aggressive man again, Yu Yuexian did not react at all. She seemed to be frightened. She looked pale on her face and stood there foolishly, motionless.

"What do you do?"

"Stop for me."

Some fans of Yu Yuexian yelled, but the man turned a deaf ear. Come to Yu Yuexian less than five meters away from the place, the things in the basin poured on Yu Yuexian.

Yu Yuexian exclaimed, her eyes closed and her heart said, "it's over."

As she could see, the man was using feces from the toilet.

In this flash of lightning and flint, Yu Yuexian seemed to hear everyone's exclamation, and then his body was hugged by a strong arm. The other side is like a mountain, firmly protecting themselves.


The feces in the basin were all splashed on the man's back, but Yu Yuexian, who was under protection, did not get any damage at all.

It took less than ten seconds from the beginning to the end of the whole thing, and many people didn't react to it.

The scene seemed to pause for a second, the next second, the crowd sent out earth shaking screams. The reporter's flash lamp is to snap the scene into the daytime.

"It's amazing. Who is this man? Even dare to take the world's public opinion and attack Yuexian. "

"What a feud it must be. Throw people with feces. Once they get it, Yu Yuexian is finished. "

"That's right. A goddess artist was thrown excrement, which was absolutely fatal to her. Whether it's popularity or performing arts, it will be hit unprecedentedly. "

"It's never going to die."

"This is also challenging the bottom line of the entertainment industry. Look, once the person behind the scenes is found out, hum... "

the police have stopped the man and pinned him to the ground.

Hong Tiancai, Huang Qiusheng and other people ran over quickly, and their faces were hard to see the extreme.

"Yuexian, are you ok?" Huang Qiusheng ignored the stinking excrement on the ground and walked in a big stride."Miss Huang, you should not ask sister Yu, but me." Xiao Yunhai said with a bitter smile.

It was Xiao Yunhai who originally held the gun for Yu Yuexian.

Although his explosive power is strong and his speed is faster than that man, he is far away from Yu Yuexian and has no hidden weapon in his hand. Therefore, Xiao Yunhai has no way to stop the other party's attack. Helpless, can only choose the hero to save the United States.

After all, unlike a woman, he's a man, and even if he's spilled with feces, he doesn't have a big impact afterwards. On the contrary, it is possible that more people will like it because of this self sacrifice.

At this time, Yu Yuexian had already come out of Xiao Yunhai's arms, his face was white, and he still had the appearance of lingering palpitation.

After a long time, she recovered, smelling from Xiao Yunhai's body that thick smell, in the heart of his gratitude is almost speechless.

Yu Yuexian solemnly said to Xiao Yunhai, "Yunhai, you saved my sister's life this time. I

Xiao Yunhai waved his hand and interrupted Yu Yuexian's words and said: "OK, sister Yu, thanks to our relationship, don't say thank you. We'd better deal with the aftermath as soon as possible."

After that, he looked at Sima Qian who came to hear the news and said, "brother Qian, go and find me a suit of clothes as soon as possible. I can't wear them all the time."

Ren's next to the movie theater. Mr. Xiao, I'll have you take a hot bath and change your clothes. It's my responsibility to have such a thing happen. In any case, I will give you a satisfactory explanation. "

Ren Jiwen recruited a young man and took Xiao Yunhai to change clothes.

Half an hour later, Xiao Yunhai, dressed in the standard suit of starlight cinema, came to the reception room under the guidance of the staff.

At this time, Ren Jiwen, Wu Zixu, Huang Qiusheng and Yu Yuexian were already sitting there. The air in the room was very depressing, and everyone's faces were very ugly.

Yu Yuexian, in particular, has a thick frost on her gorgeous face.

Seeing Xiao Yunhai come in, Yu Yuexian stood up first and said with concern, "Yunhai, are you ok?"

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "what can I do. Sister Yu, are you sure who did it? "

Yu Yuexian shook his head and frowned slightly: "in the circle, I dare not say that I have done everything, but I have not had too much trouble with anyone else. I can't think of anyone who would have dealt with me in such a despicable way. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "sister Yu, it's not that if you don't offend people, you won't be hated. The circle is so big that if you go up, someone will go down. Inadvertently blocking other people's way, for the artist is a big hatred of life and death. The other side can use this kind of inferior three bad tricks, can see how deep the hatred to you

Wu Zixu nodded and said, "Yunhai is right. The performing arts circle is a big place in the world. The fight among artists has never stopped. The world is bustling and bustling for profit. If the other party dares to take the world's public opinion against you, you must have great interests involved. Yuexian, you think about it. If you fall down, who can benefit from it? "

Yu Yuexian shook his head and said with a bitter smile, "director Wu, I have thought about this problem for a long time. Recently, I have neither a film to perform nor an announcement to rush. I have nothing to do with anyone. "

"No Xiao Yunhai's eyes narrowed slightly and said: "sister Yu, don't forget that you have just been shortlisted for the best actress in the golden cup film festival. With this alone, several other shortlisted candidates can do it. "

"No way." Huang Qiusheng shook his head, frowned and said, "this matter should have been planned by the other party in advance. And Yuexian's nomination for best actress is just known. The selection of the golden cup award has always been very confidential. How could the other party know the news in advance and arrange such a bureau? "

Xiao Yunhai said: "nothing is impossible. Mr. Huang, don't forget that the conditions for the selection of the golden cup award have been announced for a long time. If you can meet the requirements, you can count the twelve or three films. Yu Jie's "blue sea and blue sky" is one of the best in both artistic and commercial aspects. Sister Yu has been nominated for the golden cup award for two consecutive years, so it is not difficult to guess her

After listening to Xiao Yunhai's analysis, Huang Qiusheng nodded and said, "you are right. If it was me, I would have guessed that Yuexian would be one of the candidates. Even if it's the other ones, I can guess it's not far from ten. "

The most important reason why the golden cup award has the supreme status in the hearts of Chinese artists is that its selection rules are very strict and fair.

Every year, two or three months before the award ceremony, the golden cup award selection committee will work out the shortlisted conditions of each award according to the actual situation.

Just like this year's selection, the first condition for an artist to be shortlisted is that the box office of a film must reach 500 million or more. This alone has driven 95% of the artists into the dust.

in the previous world, the film festival awards make complaints about fans, basically because they play too much.

Many awards are often won by some movies that mingbuzhuan has never heard of or even heard of by fans. However, those films that have won big box office and received unanimous praise from fans often fail. A little bit better may get a consolation prize, bad luck can only carry a duck's egg, back to the gray.Such a situation has been common in previous lives, and the media has been called "unexpected". In Xiao Yunhai's opinion, it's just a joke. People who don't know think they are playing football. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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