Published at 11th of May 2022 06:02:36 AM

Chapter 224

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As the leader of Yu's group, it is not a good idea. Both the white and the underworld have his own people. Otherwise, Yu Hai would not have been in this position today.

Zhang xiuna said with lingering fear: "Yuexian is also a child. She doesn't know how to call her family when something so big happened. No, I have to ask her. "

"Hello, Yuexian, are you ok? You... "

Zhang xiuna chattered on the phone.

Yu Hai looked at Yu Qingyang, who was standing beside him, and said, "I don't go upstairs to sleep. You know how to eat, drink and have fun all day long. When can you be on your own? "

Yu Qingyang stretched out his tongue, held the notebook and went back. When he was on the stairs, he turned his head and gave a thumb to the sea. He said, "Dad, you were so handsome just now. It's a word of cattle." Finish saying, also not equal to the sea's reaction, hurried back to the room.

Yu Hai looked at his son's back, shook his head and sighed.

Then his face changed. He picked up his mobile phone from the tea table, dialed a number and said, "Lao Wang, aren't you familiar with the private detective agency over there in the capital? In this way, you will send me a reward and tell all the detective agencies in the capital that no matter who finds out the person behind the frame-up of Yuexian, I will reward him with 100 million yuan. "

"What's the matter? You can go online and see for yourself. "

After turning off the mobile phone, Yu Hai asked Zhang xiuna, who had just finished the phone conversation with her daughter, and said, "where is Yuexian now?"

Zhang xiuna said, "in the young family who saved her."

"What?" Yu Hai frowned.

"Don't worry. It's the young man's girlfriend who's with Yuexian."

"Oh. By the way, what's the name of this young man? We really have to thank him

Zhang xiuna looked at him strangely and said, "do you really don't know him?"

Yunhai said, "of course not."

Zhang xiuna pointed to the book in his hand and said with a smile, "then you still read books written by others all day long."

Yu Hai suddenly realized that he was Xiao Yunhai, a stranger from the sky. He was really young. This guy is good. Like his novels, he has a chivalrous spirit. "

"Thanks to him, otherwise we Yuexian would not die of grief. I ask you, what are you going to do? "

"It goes without saying that there is reciprocity. I have already sent someone to check it out. Once it is found out, I will let her know why Lord Ma has three eyes. By the way, I'll go to Yanjing tomorrow to attend Xue Tianhua's thank you party, and I'll also see the little girl. "

"Didn't you say you couldn't go?"

In the sea horizontal her one eye, not good angry said: "our baby daughter all had an accident, can you rest assured under?"

Zhang xiuna said with a smile, "you old man, I really don't know how to say hello. Obviously, she is very concerned about Yuexian, but every time I see her, she always puts on a bad face. Well, it's getting late. Go to bed

The next day, Yu Yuexian's excrement was splashed onto the headlines of the major media and quickly became the focus of people's discussion.

Numerous fans gathered on Yu Yuexian's homepage and left messages one after another.

"In the end, who dares to do this kind of thing to Yuexian? Come out quickly, and I promise not to kill him."

"Even if you dare to use this mean means, the entertainment industry is too chaotic. Hold on, Yuexian. We all support you. "

"My Moon Fairy is so pitiful. I don't know who has offended me, and has attracted such revenge. We strongly urge the public security department to find out the person behind the case. "

"Come on, don't count on the police. I heard that the man was released yesterday. He is a terminal cancer and has not been able to live for a few days. As the saying goes, when a man is about to die, his words are also good. Why is this guy doing such a thing when he's dying. It's really a bad idea. "

"I guess he did it in order to leave some money for his family. This is really not easy to check. Fortunately, there is a cloud emperor Xiao Yunhai, otherwise Yuexian will be planted in the other party's hands this time. "

"Yes, it's still yunhuang cattle. Did you watch the video? Cloud emperor's speed is simply too fast, like a gust of wind, even the camera can not catch his shadow. No wonder everyone says that emperor Yun is a master of martial arts. "

"This is the man. In the future, except for the Moon Fairy, I will be a cloud emperor. "

"I agree with you upstairs."

The stars who got the news in the entertainment industry also expressed their opinions after knowing this.

Huang Qiusheng directly scolded on his homepage.

"It's lawlessness. I don't know which son of a bitch did it last night? But I want to tell him that you are such a lousy thing, using this shameless means to deal with Yuexian has touched the bottom line of the entertainment industry. You'd better keep it deep in your life, or we'll never let you go. "

Wu Zixu reprinted Huang Qiusheng's comments and said, "what Mr. Huang said is what I said. As long as I know the person behind this matter, no matter who he is, no matter how big his background is, I will kill him mercilessly. We don't need such people in the entertainment industry. "Wang Guoan: "before, I didn't understand why the entertainment industry has become so chaotic. Now I understand that it is because there are always some mice in our circle. They are filthy, they stink, and they know all day long to sneak into bad things. That's the rat behind the calculation of Yu Yuexian last night. It's disgusting. "

Liang Hui: "the relevant departments are strongly required to carry out a thorough cleaning up of the performing arts circle, greening our performing arts environment. At the same time, thanks to the help of Yunhai, let our moon immortal escape a disaster. "

Ye Yongren: "Why are there always some people in the entertainment industry who like to engage in such conspiracies behind their backs. You are not tired. I feel tired for you. Moon Fairy come on, don't be afraid of these ghost tricks, we will support you in the back. Yunhai, good job. My brother likes you

In just a few hours, hundreds of stars from all over the entertainment industry, large and small, were on their respective homepages to fight against Yu Yuexian and praise Xiao Yunhai for his sacrifice to save people.

Invisibly, Xiao Yunhai's popularity has gained a lot of growth again.

"Yunhai, Wanqing, I have told my agent that I can talk to you about the legend of Zhen Huan today."

Yu Yuexian said to them while eating a breakfast carefully made by Zhao Wanqing.

Xiao Yunhai frowned and said: "sister Yu, I saved you out of our sister-in-law feelings, not to let you participate in the performance of the legend of Zhen Huan. For me, "Legend of Zhen Huan" is just a small thing. I don't want to mix some utilitarian things into the communication between our friends. "

"Yes, sister Yu. If you want to thank Yunhai, you don't need it at all. " Zhao Wanqing also said.

Yu Yuexian saw their serious appearance, chuckled, pointed at them and said, "you two, you really should have an old saying, you are not a family, do not enter a family. Even as like as two peas, they are all envious of me.

"I want to tell you clearly that I didn't take part in the legend of Zhen Huan because the sea of clouds saved me, but I really like the role of Queen and am optimistic about the future of the play. Therefore, I not only want to participate in the film, but also want to invest. I just don't know if director Xiao will give me such a chance to make money. "

Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing looked at each other and said in unison, "have you really decided?"

"It's decided."

Xiao Yunhai snapped his fingers and said happily, "that's really good. Sister Yu, it's really a good eye. It's not that I boast to you. If this play fails to bring you at least twice the rate of return in the future, how much is the difference? I'll make it up to you directly

Although the entertainment industry in this world is much more developed than that of the previous earth, and there are numerous TV dramas with various profiles, Xiao Yunhai has not found any TV series that can be compared with the legend of Zhen Huan in terms of plot.

Therefore, Xiao Yunhai is full of confidence in the legend of Zhen Huan.

"Wanqing, you hear me. That's what your man said. I didn't force him. I'm going to take out 100 million yuan and add my pay. What percentage are you going to give me? " Yu Yuexian said with a smile.

I'll try my best to control about 600 million yuan in this drama. However, a lot of things are often unpredictable, there may be some unexpected problems in the shooting, so I can't give you a clear answer at all

"It doesn't matter. It's normal." Yu Yuexian took a sip of milk and said, "well, we'll give 200 million yuan first, each accounting for one-third. If it's not enough, we'll talk about it later."


After the discussion, Zhao Wanqing raised her milk and said with a smile, "let's wish our legend of Zhen Huan a great success."

"Well, let's drink milk instead of wine. Cheers."


Three glasses full of milk collided.

After breakfast, Zhao Wanqing and Yu Yuexian went shopping hand in hand after half an hour's disguise and approval from Xiao Yunhai. They won't come back in two nights.

Xiao Yunhai can only stay in the villa for one day.

In the evening, Su Yingxue came to pick him up for a thank you dinner hosted by the company, and then she left home.

Just got on the bus, Xiao Yunhai saw the gorgeous Dong Piao Piao.

Xiao Yunhai said hello to her and said, "Piao Piao, I haven't seen you for a few days, and I've become beautiful again. People say that women have changed in their 18th birthday. How can you keep changing when you're 19. "

Hearing Xiao Yunhai's praise, Dong Piao Piao's face turned red and said, "brother Xiao, do you dare to say this in front of sister Qing?"


Dong Piao's words made Su Yingxue, who just got on the bus, couldn't help laughing and said, "Piao Piao is really smart. I know it's very important to take people. Ha ha. "

Xiao Yunhai shook his head and sighed, "it's true that those who are near the ink are red, and those who are close to the ink are black. Snow elder sister, you see, the original Piao is how simple a girl, how this period of time with you, all become sharp teeth sharp mouth. Floating, this is not good ha, we should pay attention to correction in the future. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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