Published at 11th of May 2022 06:02:32 AM

Chapter 227

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Ge Wuyou showed a sudden look and said with deep feeling: "yes, I feel the same way. But there's no way. This is the show business. You hate this kind of party, but do you know how many people envy you to come in. You look at those girls who are dressed up in flowery clothes and stick them to the rich businessmen all the time. Why? It's not about the top. Well, maybe they have no choice but to do so. "

Xiao Yunhai looks at GE Wuyou in front of him and finds that he is really a person worth making friends with. At least he gives Xiao Yunhai a real feeling.

"Miss Ge, are you free? How about going out for a drink when the party is over?"

Ge Wuyou said with a smile: "OK. I just want to have a good chat with you, the martial arts master. "

Yes, I'm a martial arts fan again.

Xiao Yunhai was puzzled and asked, "Mr. Ge, do people of your age like to read martial arts novels? How come every middle-aged man I know can't say a word, but it's about martial arts novels. "

"Because it was the time when martial arts novels were most prosperous in our time. Everyone had a martial arts dream. It's not my boasting. If I hadn't been addicted to martial arts novels when I was at school, I might have been professors of Peking University now. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "it's a good thing. Otherwise, it's not the loss of our entertainment industry. "

"I don't know if I can join you when I see you chatting so happily?"

Ningxia carrying a cup of wine, face slightly red, Qiao smile Yan Ran walked over.

"Hello, Miss Ning." Xiao Yunhai got up and politely said hello.

"Never call me a teacher, I'm not old."

Xiao Yunhai said: "if you don't mind, I'll call you Ningxia elder sister."

Ningxia smile Yingying said: "this is right, after I call you Yunhai."

Xiao Yunhai nodded his head and said to himself, "she is a star of the Queen's degree. She is really powerful in dealing with interpersonal relations. In a few simple words, they have brought their relationship closer. "

"I don't know what you were talking about just now, seeing how happy Mr. Ge looks."

Ge Wuyou said with a smile: "martial arts novels. You girls don't understand. "

"It turns out to be a martial arts novel. I really haven't read it. But last night, Yunhai's sacrifice to save Miss Yu Yuexian, the film queen, was a real chivalrous act

"Yes. I also saw that video. What I didn't say was enough for a man. " Ge Wuyou said.

Xiao Yunhai said with a bitter smile: "don't praise me, I don't dare to be."

At this time, Xiao Yunhai suddenly moved in his heart, and seemed to feel that he was staring at himself in the dark.

Xiao Yunhai did not move his face. While drinking, he took a look at the rest of the light. He saw a middle-aged woman about 40 years old looking at herself from time to time in the distance. Next to her was Lin Yuying, an old acquaintance of Xiao Yunhai.

Xiao Yunhai asked Ge Wuyou: "Mr. Ge, do you know what the fat woman next to Lin Yuying came from? Why do you just look at us? "

Ge Wuyou is also an old man in the world. He stood up and looked around as if he was looking for someone. He sat back and said, "this man is Cui Meihong, the famous rich woman in the circle. His family wealth is billions."

Speaking of this, Ge Wuyou lowered his voice and said: "I heard that she has some underworld background and likes to play with male stars. In our company, there are male stars who have been maintained by her. I said, "you won't be taken in by her, will you?"

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "there are not a few male stars who are more handsome than me. I won't be so unlucky. Oh, she did come. "

Ningxia frowned: "otherwise you go to the bathroom to hide. This woman is famous and difficult in the circle. Many second and third tier male stars have been repaired for no reason because they refuse her. "

"Thank you for your kindness. However, this word is not hidden in my dictionary. Mr. Ge, you and sister Ning go somewhere else. I'll meet the old rich woman alone

Ge Wuyou and Ningxia looked at each other, and did not get up to leave.

Seeing that they were still sitting there, Xiao Yunhai was surprised and moved. He said, "Miss Ge, sister Ning, you two friends, I recognize Xiao Yunhai."

Soon, Cui Meihong came over and said to ge Wuyou and Ningxia, "Mr. Ge, Miss Ning, can I talk to Mr. Xiao alone?"

Xiao Yunhai pretended not to know: "what's your name, aunt? Do we know each other? "

Hearing Xiao Yunhai call Cui Meihong auntie, Ge Wuyou and Ningxia almost laugh crazy in their hearts, so they finally bear it.

Cui Meihong was obviously stunned. Then her face was cold and said, "Mr. Xiao can call me Meihong sister. Isn't it impolite to call aunt? "

Xiao Yunhai quickly apologized: "I'm really sorry, but there's something wrong with my name. I don't know what's the matter with Meihong? "

Cui Meihong changed her anger to joy and said, "I just want to make friends with you."At this time, Lin Yuying came over and said, "Miss Ge, sister Ning, vice president Cao have something to do with you."

Lin Yuying finished, pretending that she had just seen Cui Meihong. She was surprised and said, "Oh, so Meihong is here. It seems that Mr. Xiao's charm is really amazing. "

Cui Meihong said, "of course. Which woman doesn't like a talented genius like Mr. Xiao. "

As soon as Cui Meihong said this, Xiao Yunhai was about to vomit.

Ge Wuyou frowned and asked, "I don't know what's wrong with Vice President Cao?"

"I don't know. I just came to let you know."

Xiao Yunhai gave Ge Wuyou and Ningxia a reassuring look and said, "since Vice President Cao has something to do, Mr. Ge and sister Ning, you'd better go and have a look."

Ge Wuyou and Ningxia have no choice but to get up and leave.

Lin Yuying showed a complacent look, fleeting, way: "two chat slowly, I will not disturb."

Xiao Yunhai said slowly: "Miss Lin, I advise you that if you walk too much at night, you will meet a ghost."

Lin Yuying stopped, her eyes narrowed slightly, and said with a smile, "let's wait until we meet."

Looking at Lin Yuying's colorful back, Cui Meihong sneered and said, "Mr. Xiao has a feud with her?"

Xiao Yunhai looked at her strangely, nodded and said, "not bad."

"You need not be surprised. Cui Meihong has seen so many intrigues in the shopping mall for so many years. How can Lin Yuying's mind escape my eyes? "

"Why did you come back?"

"I want to say I really want to get to know you, do you believe it?"

Xiao Yunhai looked at Cui Meihong's eyes, nodded and said, "I believe it. But why? "

Cui Meihong sighed: "because you look like a benefactor of mine. Coincidentally, his name is Xiao Changfeng. Do you know him? "

"Xiao Changfeng?" Xiao Yunhai shook his head and said, "I don't know."

Cui Meihong flashed a little disappointment in her eyes and said, "but you look really like him. Forget it. Don't mention it again. I know my reputation is not good, so I won't disturb you. I'll go first. " Then he got up and left.

Xiao Yunhai has some zhanger monks confused. What does Cui Meihong mean. However, he could feel that what Cui Meihong just said should be true.

Xiao Changfeng?

Thinking of the fact that his parents never came to Yanjing, Xiao Yunhai couldn't help thinking.

Lin Yuying, who has been staring at Cui Meihong's leaving so quickly, is puzzled: "has her goal been achieved. With Xiao Yunhai's temperament, he should not agree. What the hell is going on? "

There is no conflict in the imagination.


A loud slap across the hall.

Everyone looked at the sound.

A young man with a greasy face covered his left face, pointed to Dong Piao, and said angrily, "good, you stinky bitch, how dare you hit me. Do you know who I am? "

Dong Piao didn't say anything. He just protected his chest and stood there looking at him fiercely.

If the eyes can kill people, it is estimated that the young man would have been killed many times.

Seeing this situation, Xiao Yunhai rushed over and pulled Dong Piaopiao behind him and asked, "what's going on?"

Dong piaofeo said wrongly: "since the banquet, he has been pestering me. If I don't pay attention to him, he will be full of foul language, and at last he will act. I was slapped on the face

"Well, how did our Yongle real estate offend you Tianhua. Even a little star who doesn't change his name dares to hit my son. Is this a thank you dinner? That's how you thank us? "

A very fat middle-aged woman came in, saw her son's face was slapped red by Dong Piaopiao. She stopped working immediately and cried out there.

Lin Yuying, who was watching the scene, gave a mysterious smile.

Su Yingxue squeezed in from the crowd, and saw Xiao Yunhai like an iron tower. Standing in front of Dong piaoyiao, she felt a little relieved.

Seeing Su Yingxue, Dong Piao is like seeing a relative. His eyes are red. He lies on her body and cries wrongly.

Su Yingxue patted her on the back and said softly, "it's OK. It's OK."

Seeing Dong's appearance of floating pear and rain, the middle-aged woman snorted and said, "don't pretend to be poor there. My son has never been beaten. This evening, in any case, Tianhua will give us an account. Otherwise, we will never give up. "

"What's the matter?" Cao Huaqiang, vice president of Tianhua media, stood up and asked.

The young man snorted and said, "I'm kind enough to invite this lady to drink. If she doesn't, she'll just slap me. That's ridiculous. ""Nonsense. It's you who play rogue, and And .

speaking of this, Dong Piao couldn't say any more and began to cry again.

"Well, the little girl is sure to suffer." Zhao Chuanji, who has been watching coldly, whispered to Miao Xiaoyun.

Miao Xiaoyun looked at Xiao Yunhai with a look full of hatred, and said: "against the investor, don't say she is a second-line singer, even a first-line star can't. Some people dare to stand on the beam because they can't help themselves. They really don't know how to write the dead word. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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