Published at 11th of May 2022 06:02:31 AM

Chapter 228

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Zhao Chuanji was surprised by Miao Xiaoyun's reaction. She didn't know where Xiao Yunhai offended her and made her so hostile.

To tell you the truth, Xiao Yunhai can stand up at this moment to protect Dong piaofeo, Zhao Chuang Chi is still very appreciative.

"Apologize." Cao Huaqiang facial expressionless to Dong Piao said.

Dong Piao raised his head and said in disbelief, "Mr. Cao, it was he who first "."

"I asked you to apologize. Did you hear me clearly?" Cao Huaqiang frowns tightly, roughly interrupts Dong Piao Piao's words, and repeats it again.

Looking at the angry Cao Huaqiang and the mother and son standing there elated, Dong Piao bit his teeth and said, "no way."

The middle-aged woman snorted and said, "Mr. Cao, we Yongle real estate invested 1.2 billion yuan in your company's film and TV series last year. Is this the treatment we get?"

Next to Lin Yuying hypocritically said: "Mr. Wang, don't be angry. Some new people are not sensible and need to be trained. Please don't be impatient. Mr. Cao will give you a satisfactory explanation. "

Seeing Dong's stubborn appearance, Cao Huaqiang knew that it would be difficult for him to bow his head to this girl. So he pointed his spearhead at Su Yingxue and said, "Su Yingxue, how did you do this agent? Do you really have to force the company to block you before apologizing? "

In the face of Cao Huaqiang's aggressive momentum, Su Yingxue is in a mess for a moment.

As an agent who has been working hard in the circle for more than ten years, Su Yingxue knows that once Dong Piao is hidden by the company, her star road will be completely destroyed.

In her heart, every progress and success Dong Piao has made has brought Su Yingxue's sweat, which makes her feel very successful.

But Xiao Yunhai's ability is really too strong, Su Yingxue is his agent, but in fact the real master is Xiao Yunhai himself. In addition, Xiao Yunhai is so talented that she doesn't need her help to find relationships.

Therefore, although Xiao Yunhai brought her more money, her ability was not fully developed, and her sense of achievement and identity naturally disappeared.

Now Dong Piao has such a big problem. Su Ying Xuedun is a bit disoriented and doesn't know how to deal with it.

Everyone is waiting for Su Yingxue's answer, including Xiao Yunhai.

No matter in the past life or in this life, Xiao Yunhai is a person who attaches importance to feelings and loyalty.

If Su Yingxue can't bear the pressure and force Dong to apologize, it shows that Su Yingxue is not emotional and is a qualified agent. However, Xiao Yunhai will replace her without mercy.

For Xiao Yunhai, who owns the whole earth's resources, it is not difficult to succeed. There are countless resources in his mind. If you take a few of them, you can make sure that he is popular all over China.

Therefore, what he really needs is his comrades in arms who share the same ideals and who can hold guns for him, but he is definitely not a person who betrays him for the sake of future opportunities.

On the contrary, if Su Yingxue can resist the pressure in full view of the public, even if Tianhua really hides them in the future, Xiao Yunhai has countless ways to help them out.

Therefore, in the face of Cao Huaqiang's threat, Xiao Yunhai did not say anything to help, but let Su Yingxue make his own decision.

Looking at Dong Piao's expectant eyes and Xiao Yun's expressionless appearance in front of her, Su Yingxue soon calmed down. After thinking about it, she seemed to make a decision in her heart and said, "Vice President Cao, do you think it's Piao Piao's fault?"

As soon as this sentence came out, Lin Yuying showed a satisfied smile.

For Lin Yuying, her goal has always been Xiao Yunhai. If Su Yingxue softens down and asks Dong to apologize, Xiao Yunhai will not make any action.

Now Su Yingxue doesn't compromise. Instead, he goes up. Vice president Cao is bound to be furious. With Xiao Yunhai's personality, he will never see Dong Piao and Su Yingxue being bullied, and conflicts with the company are inevitable.

Sure enough, when Cao Huaqiang was shocked by Su Yingxue's rhetorical question, he became angry and said, "very good, very good. I didn't expect that our agents and artists of Tianhua are so powerful that they dare to disobey the company's orders in public. Good. "

"The company belongs to general manager Xue, and vice president Cao does not seem to represent the company." Xiao Yunhai said lightly.

Xiao Yunhai is very pleased with Su Yingxue's choice. Since she chose to advance and retreat together with Dong Piao, Xiao Yunhai naturally won't let the two women face the pressure of the company alone.

Ge Wuyou shook his head slightly and said with a bitter smile: "I knew he would stand up and speak."

Ningxia looked at Xiao Yunhai with both eyes shining and said in a soft voice: "only such artists have human feelings."

Ge Wuyou sighed: "but it has to pay a price."

Cao Huaqiang was angry and laughed: "Xiao Yunhai, what do you mean by this?"

Xiao Yunhai said: "it's not interesting. It's just that I can't see the general manager's style. Sister Xue and Piao Piao are both employees of the company, and they are also weak women. Cao always doesn't ask the whole story and scolds them in front of so many people. Do you think it's appropriate for you to scold them in front of so many people? ""Ha ha, Xiao Yunhai, others say that you are arrogant and arrogant. I have seen it today. Xiao Yunhai, you are so brave. " Cao Huaqiang glared at Xiao Yunhai and scolded.

"Others say? He he said with a knowing smile, "I don't know who is this other person of general manager Cao?"? It can't be Lin. I have also heard that Cao and a star surnamed Lin seem to have a close relationship. "

Lin Yuying didn't expect that Xiao Yunhai didn't give Cao Huaqiang face so much, and burned the fire of war on her. Looking at everyone's eyes intentionally or unintentionally, Lin Yuying's face went to the extreme, and her just proud expression disappeared without trace.

"Xiao Yunhai, who are you talking about?" Lin Yuying screamed and said.

"Stupid." When Cao Huaqiang saw Lin Yuying, she stood up directly and almost didn't get angry. Isn't there 300 taels of silver here?

Xiao Yunhai laughed and said, "what does Miss Lin mean? I didn't say anything about you. You don't have to drag it on yourself


there were a few chuckles from the crowd around.

Cao Huaqiang looked at the past coldly, and the laughter disappeared immediately.

Lin Yuying also realized that she was a bit rash, and quickly made up for it: "there are not many actresses with the surname of Lin in the whole company. What you say involves a large number of people, and I am naturally among them."

Xiao Yunhai suddenly realized and said, "I'm sorry, but I made a mistake. However, listen to miss Lin's meaning, Cao always really has a surname of Lin. It seems that they are right. "

"Nonsense, I didn't say that." Lin Yuying quickly explained. Now she wants to eat Xiao Yunhai's heart.

"All right." Cao Huaqiang saw that Lin Yuying was not Xiao Yunhai's opponent at all. He immediately interrupted: "Xiao Yunhai, anyway, I'm also the vice president of the company. If you make such a nonsense, I can sue you for slander."

"Mr. Cao misunderstood me. I just listened to others. Just as Cao always heard that I was arrogant. " Xiao Yunhai is fearless and confronts each other.

Cao's eyes are as good as his mouth. But no matter what you say, Dong Piaopiao must apologize to Mr. Wang's mother and son, or else don't blame the company for being merciless. "

Xiao Yunhai said, "it's up to you. The so-called justice is in the heart of the people. We are just small artists. We can't twist our legs. Vice president Cao can handle it at will. "

"You "Cao Huaqiang's chest is constantly fluctuating, and his eyes to Xiao Yunhai are extremely grim.

Although he is a vice president with a high position and weight, he has no such power to ban his own artists without the consent of Xue Tianhua.

What's more, although Dong Piao and Xiao Yunhai only joined the company for half a year, they have brought huge profits to the company. If you want to deal with them, let alone Cao Huaqiang, even Xue Tianhua should think twice before acting.

"Hum, I didn't expect that the new people now have no superiority and inferiority. Even the vice president of the company dares not to pay attention to them. If it goes on like this, do you want the company's rules? " Miao Xiaoyun suddenly came out and said to Xiao Yunhai coldly.

"Miss Miao is very serious. I dare not wear such a big hat. In fact, the whole incident is very clear, and everyone knows it in their hearts. It's just because the other party is rich and powerful, no one is willing to offend them. "

Xiao Yunhai's heart is very strange, he did not offend her ah, why does this film queen find his own trouble.

"What do you mean? Is it reasonable for her to hit people? " The middle-aged woman shrieked.

"It depends on why she hit him." Xiaoyun Haidao.

"You "."

"Yunhai, why are you so chaotic here?"

Just then, a loud voice came from outside.

Following the reputation, Xue Tianhua was walking with a middle-aged man of 50 or 60. It was the middle-aged man who spoke.

Xiao Yunhai looks at it. It's no one else. It's Yu Hai who has just had a good chat with Xiao Yunhai.

Seeing Yu Hai, the middle-aged woman's anger dissipated immediately. Her face was filled with a smile and said, "it turns out that general manager Yu has also come. General manager Xue has done a good job in keeping secret."

As the leader of the real estate industry, Yu Hai is no stranger to Yongle real estate. He hears Yan and says with a smile: "I'm old and I don't want to be seen in public any more. Mr. Wang, Yunhai is a nephew whom I attach great importance to. He is young and full of vigor. I don't know the height of heaven and earth. He offended Mr. Wang. Please don't have a common understanding with him. "

On hearing this, Mr. Wang said, "where? where? It's all a misunderstanding. I'm really sorry, Mr. Xiao. Please forgive me for the offence. "

Although her Yongle real estate is famous all over the north, it is no different from Yu's group.

That is to say, if she had changed any other business occasion, she would not even have the qualification to speak with Yu Hai.

Want to destroy Yongle real estate, for the sea, but is a matter of a word. Therefore, seeing that Yu Hai regards Xiao Yunhai as his nephew, where does Wang dare to look againXiao Yunhai's troubles.

Xiao Yunhai also knew that there was enough to stop and stop when it was good. He said with a smile, "Mr. Wang, you are welcome. The sea of clouds is young and speaks without thinking. Please don't remember it in your heart. As for your son and my friend... "

"I will discipline him when I go back," Wang said


"Shut up. If you don't study hard all day, I'll settle with you when I get home."

After scolding his son, Mr. Wang looked at Yu Hai and said, "Mr. Yu, look at this "."

Yu Hai waved his hand and said with a smile, "amity makes money. Now that the misunderstanding has been cleared up, I don't think we should gather here. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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