Published at 11th of May 2022 06:02:26 AM

Chapter 232

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"Ha ha, the propaganda has been finished. Now you can ask questions freely, and I will try my best to answer your doubts."

As soon as Xiao Yunhai uttered this sentence, several hands were raised below.

"Hello, Mr. Xiao, I'm a reporter from the writer's daily. As a best-selling martial arts novel writer, what's your expectation for the sales and reputation of this novel? Do you think it will surpass "Legend of Chu Liuxiang" and "Xiao Li Feidao"

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "do you know what contract I signed with sunshine publishing house? I can tell you, it's a bet contract. If the sales volume of this novel is less than 30 million, I will be in a loss. How confident do you think I am? "

"I have reason to believe that this book can give you a totally different experience. As for the rest, I think we should give it to the market to test. "

After answering this question, Xiao Yunhai pointed to another reporter, this time an entertainment newspaper reporter.

"Mr. Xiao, first of all, I'd like to protest to you. Can you take the initiative to show up when you're ok? We really want to know you, but you are so low-key that we can't find you when we want to interview you. "

"Ha ha ha."

The reporter's complaint made everyone laugh. Many journalists nodded with deep sympathy.

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "I am an artist who advocates quality as the king. Whether it is music, movies or novels, I will try my best to do them well. I think the quality of the works is better than any publicity. As for me personally, I admit it's a little low-key, but I can't help it. I'm too busy. I'm not bragging. You can count the areas I'm involved in now. There are singers, songwriters, directors, screenwriters, actors, writers, etc. do you think I have so much free time to come out for interviews? "

The reporter asked, "what kind of motivation do you think makes you do so many majors?"

Xiao Yunhai suddenly remembered a sketch of Feng Gong and Zhu Jun in his previous life, and jokingly said, "I'm not confident. I just want to make myself write novels well in the music industry. In the novel industry, I act best, in the actor field, I direct the play best, and in the director field, I sing and sing best. Brother, we are playing with comprehensive strength these days. "

"Ha ha ha"

there was a roar of laughter under the stage, and even Huaming on the stage couldn't help laughing.

The reporter said with tears and laughter: "feelings, you take your strengths with others' weaknesses?"

Xiao Yunhai said: "yes. I just want to speak Chinese with the bald ones, the shorter ones, the stronger ones, and the president merican. In this way, I will be absolutely confident. "


"Ha ha ha."

"The cloud emperor is so interesting. If we talk about sketches, he is definitely a good hand."

After a while, another reporter stood up and asked, "Mr. Xiao once said at the press conference of Xiao Li's flying dagger that it would open up a new martial arts school. Now that the novel is finished, do you still think so? Do you think this can be done with the quality of Xiaoao Ao Jiang Hu? "

Xiao Yunhai said with a confident smile: "I think so from the beginning to now. In order to let you have news to write, I can repeat it again. Xiao Ao Ao Jiang Hu is a unique martial arts novel, which is different from all previous martial arts novels. It can open up a new trend and become the representative work of the new school of martial arts. We need not doubt this. "

Xiao Yunhai's tone of determination, instantly detonated the whole audience.

A reporter wrote hard and murmured to himself: "this one is too bold, isn't he overconfident?"

Even in the heyday of martial arts, no writer ever dared to say such bold words before a book was officially sold.

If "Xiao Ao Ao Jiang Hu" does not reach the height he said, then he will certainly attract countless fans to attack, and even his popularity may plummet.

"May I ask Mr. Xiao, the literary master Mr. Zhang Ping's" flourishing age of Qing "is on sale, with five million copies sold in four days. Do you think your novel can be compared with the flourishing age of Great Qing?"

The reporter's questions are sharp.

If Xiao Yunhai can compare with him, the following reporters will probably say that Xiao Yunhai is not ashamed and dare to compete with literary masters.

If he said that he could not compare, it would be like beating his mouth.

Although Zhang Ping is second to none among the writers, the sales volume of his works is not outstanding. The best one has sold 15 million copies, which is not as good as Xiao Yunhai's Xiao Li Feidao, not to mention the more sensational Xiao Ao Ao Jiang Hu.

Hua Mingquan is also aware of the trap and is trying to remind Xiao Yunhai in a whisper, but before he speaks, Xiao Yunhai has already opened his mouth.

"This reporter is very smart. He gave me a two-way plug. No matter what I say, it is wrong. It's amazing. "

The reporters and fans all laughed. The reporter didn't feel embarrassed, but he was very proud.In the circle of journalists, it is a great honor to be able to ask difficult questions, which can improve his status in the circle.

Xiao Yunhai continued: "to tell you the truth, I like Zhang Ping's works very much. Whether it is prose, novels or history, there are a lot of philosophical things in his books, which make people have endless aftertaste. It's just that this reporter made a comparison between historical novels and my popular martial arts novels. It really makes people wonder how to answer. Two books are not the same type of things, there is no comparability at all. I can only say that I wish Mr. Zhang's "prosperous times and Great Qing" and my "Xiao Ao Ao Jiang Hu" can achieve a satisfactory result

As if the reporter started a head, the questions behind were all very sharp.

Xiao Yunhai used his witty and humorous language to answer, which impressed all the Huaming on the stage.

After answering more than a dozen reporters' questions in a row, Xiao Yunhai waved his hand and said, "all right, dear reporters, please be kind and kind, and leave a way for your brother. We don't play like this. It's a tough question to ask. Dig holes for me everywhere and set traps everywhere. Fortunately, my brother still has two brushes. Otherwise, you would have been buried alive. "

"Especially the first few, I remember you now. When I see you, I'll hide quickly, so as not to fall into your trap unconsciously and offend others for no reason."

"I don't understand. I think we have a good relationship. Don't be so cruel to me."

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