Published at 11th of May 2022 06:02:18 AM

Chapter 238

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Xiao Yunhai returned to his home page and wrote such a sentence on it.

"A chivalrous man was a man who was good at martial arts but despised profit and fought for life. He was born in troubled times and was famous for his reputation. He wore light fur, carried a long sword, carried a horse, drew crazy songs, helped the weak and helped the poor and saved people in" urgent matters "; or he got rid of the tyranny and pacified the country and solved the country in a" difficult time ". His words must be believed, his promise must be sincere, and his deeds must be fruitful, This is the preface of the song by Jia Leilei, the author of the song of "heaven and earth Wu Hun". Xiao Yunhai was also a martial arts fan at that time. He appreciated this passage and thought it was the best interpretation for martial arts.

After writing this paragraph, he wrote below: "this is my understanding of martial arts. For this reason, a special song," the soul of heaven and earth "will be released on Jiujiu music website at 8:00 tomorrow morning. Please pay attention."

Seeing Xiao Yunhai's post, Zhao Wanqing was shocked: "Yunhai, you are so talented. It's so grand to write this paragraph. Girls like me feel a little excited after reading it, let alone those readers who like martial arts novels. "

Xiao Yunling also showed a look of worship, eyes full of small stars, said: "sister Qing is right, this paragraph is really heroic."

Xiao Yunhai finished his post and said to them, "how about it? I was surprised by my extraordinary talent

Seeing Xiao Yunhai's appearance, Zhao Wanqing and Xiao Yunling looked at each other and showed a sneering expression: "cut."

Xiao Yunhai's comment is quite heroic and full of chivalry. Although he did not explicitly blame those who attacked him, anyone with a little brain could see that it was a counterattack against the slander of martial arts in the association.

As soon as Xiao Yunhai's comment came out, Xiang Ming reprinted it to various well-known forums, which was unanimously recognized by fans.

"He is indeed the emperor of cloud. His views on martial arts are really unique."

"Words will do, promises will come true, deeds will bear fruit. After reading this paragraph, my blood is boiling. The literary grace of emperor Yun is absolutely top-notch. "

"I strongly support the cloud emperor's" Xiaoao Ao Jiang Hu ", and I will buy ten more copies tomorrow

"I'd like to thank the Association for literary and art. If it hadn't been for their hard work and the lazy nature of emperor Yun, how could I have written a song for it?"

"The soul of heaven and earth" is a chivalrous song just by its name. "

"I don't care. As long as it is the work of emperor Yun, I will support it. Come on, yunhuang. "

At this time, sunshine publishing house once again announced the sales volume of "Xiaoao Ao Jiang Hu". Compared with "yes, many teachers' articles in the association have entered primary school textbooks, and its literariness and artistry can be imagined. I've never heard of martial arts novels coming into school. "

"Who makes it difficult for martial arts novels to enter the hall of elegance?"

In this way, the two sides fought again.

Xiao Yunhai went directly out of the door to record songs in the city of music. He said that to send the song to the Internet at 8 o'clock, it must be done.

The city of music is open 24 hours a day, but very few people record songs at night.

The staff on duty called the person in charge immediately and took him to the best recording studio when he saw the famous cloud emperor recording songs.

Less than half an hour later, the person in charge of the city of music came with a group of people. After five hours of busy work, the project was completed.

Xiao Yunhai was very sorry for this, so he told the person in charge that when he released the song, he would mark "thank you for the city of music" and so on. The person in charge listened to great joy, holding Xiao Yunhai's hand and constantly thanking him.

At 8:00 a.m., Xiao Yunhai's "Wu Hun of heaven and earth" was released on time on Jiujiu music website.

Wang Ruyi, a 16-year-old martial arts fan, has been fascinated by the two novels since the birth of the legend of Chu Liuxiang and Xiao Li Feidao.

He's been watching two movies since I bought one. At the beginning of the novel, he saw that Lin Pingzhi's family was killed and thought Lin Pingzhi was the protagonist. He was disappointed.

He thought that Xiao Yunhai's "Xiao Ao Ao Jiang Hu" was no different from the previous martial arts novels. However, with the appearance of the senior brother of Huashan school, Wang Ruji was immediately attracted by Linghu Chong.

And the plot of the novel has all turned to Linghu Chong, Wang rule this just understand, the original real protagonist is Linghu Chong.

Then, all kinds of Wulin characters in the lake came in a large number, and the plot was also followed by high tides. The miraculous skills and unique skills appeared one after another. Wang's rule was infatuated.

It only took more than a day for Wang Ruo to read "Xiaoao Ao Jiang Hu".

With an excited mood, Wang Ruji posted his thoughts on the Internet, but he didn't expect that "Xiaoao Ao Jiang Hu" should be slandered by those writers from the Literary Association. Therefore, he fought with the martial arts fans.Later, after seeing Xiao Yunhai's post, Wang Ruji had a strong interest in and expectation of Xiao Yunhai's "heaven and earth Wu Hun".

At 8 o'clock the next day, "heaven and earth Wu Hun" just went online, and Wang Ruyi downloaded it without saying a word.

A burst of bold and unrestrained atmosphere of the prelude into the ears of Wang Ruji, Wang Ruyi's eyes lit up, and listened carefully.

"The clouds gather and disperse, and the beacon smoke rises.

Looking at the boundless sea, who are chivalrous and chivalrous children.

Love and hate will never change.

iron bone and steel knife dance is healthy. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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