Published at 11th of May 2022 06:07:04 AM

Chapter 24

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Zhao Wanqing, standing beside the stage, widened her eyes and flashed her incredible eyes. Although she admired Xiao Yunhai's talent, she didn't expect him to be so astonished.

Chen Qingqing is the most calm. He has read the lyrics for a long time. However, when the music and lyrics are combined into one, he still has a trace of shock in his heart.

At this time, the second line of lyrics also came.

"The shepherd's flute blows horizontally, and the rice wine dishes are several dishes. The afterglow of the sunset is like your shyness and drunkenness. The copy is easy to write, but the ink does not fade away. Who is the circle of cinnabar

"It's nothing to do with Fengyue. I'll wait for you to reply. Hanging pen, that shore waves thousands of fold. What is the meaning of love? It's wrong to write. And I'm short of what you know all your life. "

There is no gap between the second lyrics and the chorus, so Xiao Yunhai has to put them all together.

In this way, the first song gradually came to an end in the climax. The audience in front of the stage and behind the scenes were stunned, and they were all replaced by Xiao Yunhai in that artistic conception, unable to extricate themselves.

In fact, in order to achieve this effect, Xiao Yunhai can be said to have worked hard.

Xiao Yunhai thinks that CI, Qu and artistic conception are indispensable to sing Chinese style.

Ci and Qu can be used directly by Xiao Yunhai, but the artistic conception needs to be created by himself.

Therefore, Xiao Yunhai's drinking and writing activities just before the beginning of music are actually preparing for his next singing. He wants the audience to enter the artistic conception he wants to express as soon as possible.

"What a monster."

Han Shilei knew Xiao Yunhai's talent deeply, but he never thought that Xiao Yunhai was so talented.

"Younger martial brother is only 20 years old! It's so amazing Looking at Xiao Yunhai on the stage, Li Xun completely overturned his views on young people nowadays.

Xia Chengfeng, who is not used to Xiao Yunhai, is slightly moved by the corners of his mouth. He wants to say something but finds that he can't say anything. This kind of song can't find any criticism.

Soon, Xiao Yunhai began to sing the next section.

"When you snap your finger at the years, the smoke disappears in an instant. Qingshiban street, look back and smile at you. Hate, you shake your head and sigh, who makes you frown, and boudoir, leaving Rouge flavor

"The wild geese fly to the South and turn around to see you are in tears. A month, hand holding memories how to sleep. How can you, heart close sewing embroidered shoes, needle needle resentment, if flowers blame butterfly, who will you blame

Each sentence and every word of this song written by Zhou Dong and his colleagues has a feeling of being a pearl in every word. This is also the characteristic of the Chinese style they created, which has a kind of beauty of classical charm.

As a famous songwriter, Chen Huan has not fully understood the song, but his exquisite lyrics and melodious style of music have completely conquered him.

"Today he is destined to soar and even become the founder of a music system." Looking at the dazzling Xiao Yunhai on the stage, Zhao Wanqing's heart is filled with an indescribable feeling.

She was gifted and intelligent since she was a child. She worked hard both in study and in other aspects. She never felt inferior to anyone in terms of appearance or strength. But today, hearing Xiao Yunhai's song, she understood the gap between herself and the real genius. Looking at Xiao Yunhai, Zhao Wan's beautiful eyes reveal a trace of strangeness.

I have nothing to do with you. Calligraphy is worthy of no fear of human rights and wrongs. Rain hit banana leaves, and Xiaoxiao a few nights. I'll wait for Chunlei to remind you who you love. "

after Xiao Yunhai sings, he returns to the table again and continues to write.

The whole scene was silent, afraid to miss something above, and their eyes were on Xiao Yunhai's body and on Xiao Yunhai's dancing right hand.

When the last note fell, Xiao Yunhai just put down his brush, and the whole scene fell into a dead silence.

Xiao Yunhai returned to the center of the stage and bowed deeply to the audience.

In an instant, the applause came like a storm.

"Great. Where did this young man named Xiao Yunhai come from? Why have I never heard of him before? "

"From today on, I am a fan of Xiao Yunhai. Idol, quickly upload this song to the Internet, I must download it. "

"That's right. It's a divine song."

The audience whispered, clapped and discussed with each other.

After the applause calmed down, Xu Jun stepped onto the stage and said with a smile, "Xiao, you are just a miracle. This Orchid Pavilion preface is the most ancient song I have heard in these years. That's great. "

Xiao Yunhai said in a hurry that he did not dare to be.

"By the way, would you like to see what Xiao Yunhai wrote?"


"Well, photography teacher, please help me type this picture on the big screen."

Soon, a line of words written by Xiao Yunhai appeared on the big screen.

[today, there is a play called Emperor Kangxi, which is extremely wonderful and incomparable. I am extremely honored to participate in it. With the song "preface to the Orchid Pavilion", I wish the audience of this play a new record and sweep the world. ]A total of 51 characters, such as dragon, stroke by stroke, dignified, majestic, is indeed a good word.

Chen Qingqing was too happy to close his mouth. It was really right to ask Xiao Yunhai to come over.

Half an hour later, with Xu Jun's next goodbye, this literary life also came to an end.

Xiao Yunhai followed the crowd to Wenhe hotel next to the TV station to participate in the social reception of Emperor Kangxi. This is also a tradition. After each premiere, such a reception will be held to thank the stars who came to support the show, and to provide a platform for people to communicate.

In addition to the queen of heaven, the time of the stars is usually arranged by the brokerage company, so many stars left directly because of something, but most of them stayed and went to the banquet hall on the second floor to communicate with others. The communication in the entertainment circle is a very important factor!

The banquet on the second floor of "Emperor Kangxi" is similar to the Western reception. Each person holds a glass and gets together to talk and discuss some issues.

As soon as Xiao Yunhai appeared, she was caught by Yao Na, and Zhao Wanqing was also caught by her. They followed Yao Na to her circle.

"Brother Huan, I brought this boy here." Yao Na said to Chen Huan, who had just rushed over.

Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing quickly say hello to Chen Huan.

Chen Huan was very easygoing and said with a smile, "hello. Wan Qing, we are gone some days. I heard that you have made a new record and sold more than 6 million copies. It's really the wave behind the Yangtze River pushing the wave ahead. It's time for us old people to retire. "

Zhao Wanqing said modestly: "teacher Chen Huan flattered me. My singing level is still far from you. I still have this self-knowledge."

"Ha ha, your singing skill is outstanding among the younger generation. What you owe is just a little heat. Don't be too modest. Mr. Xiao, I went home to have a rest. But after listening to your preface to Lanting, I couldn't stop. So he had the cheek to come over again and was ready to learn from his teacher. You can't hide yourself. "

”Ha ha, I can't imagine that our king of songs will have a day to learn from his teacher. " Han Shilei, who just came by, laughs at Chen Huan's words. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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