Published at 11th of May 2022 06:02:12 AM

Chapter 242

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Zhao Wanqing exclaimed, "you want to use the price of 200 million yuan to exchange their advertising share."

"Yes. If you want to play, play a big one. We want 60% of the advertising cost. What do you think, uncle? "

Zhao Mingsheng took a cold breath when he heard Xiao Yunhai's words.

That's crazy.

If at that time, "step by step" ratings problems, then their own blood.

"Are you taking too much risk?"

Xiao Yunhai gave a smile and said, "I can't bear the child, I can't catch the wolf. At the beginning, all of my three martial arts novels were signed gambling contracts, which increased my income by several hundred million. Why don't we dare to gamble because the movie is so good-looking

Zhao Wanqing nodded and said, "yes, Dad, I support Yunhai. I am the leading actor in this play, and I am confident in the quality of the film. "

Zhao Mingsheng looked at their firm eyes, shook his head and said with a wry smile: "let it be. Anyway, I, the Hanhai group, will be handed over to you sooner or later. It's better if we succeed or lose. We'll let you go crazy."

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "don't worry, uncle. The audience rating of "step by step startling" will certainly exceed 10%, making it a legendary TV series. We'll just wait for the money. "

"I hope so."

At the beginning of the negotiation, the three came to the five vice directors who were chatting.

Zhao Mingsheng said with a smile, "we are all old friends, so I'll get to the point. After research, we decided to hand over the first round broadcasting right of "step by step" to Henan TV station. The others, I'm really sorry to let you go for nothing. "

Maybe this kind of scene has been seen a lot, and everyone is very calm about the result.

Only song Longqi of Hebei TV station changed his face slightly and said, "director Zhang, it seems that your station is sure to win this play. I thought my price was very high, but I didn't expect you to bid harder. "

Zhang Heng said with a bitter smile: "no way. You don't know the ratings of our southern Henan TV station. If we don't introduce some high-level TV series, I'm afraid we won't be able to afford to eat. "

Qian bin stood up and said, "well, now that the matter has been settled, we will not disturb you in discussing the details of cooperation. Mr. Zhao, we'll leave first. "

The others followed.

Zhao Mingli said, "take out four small bags of respect and send them to them."

Several people feel inside is a bank card, all hit ha ha, took over, smile way: "Zhao general polite."

Xiao Yunhai secretly said: "it's the hidden rule again."

After seeing off the four, Zhao Mingsheng invited Zhang Heng to the reception room.

Zhao Mingsheng asked, "thank you, Mr. Zhang, for paying so much attention to our movie step by step.". Seriously, the offer you made is really hard to refuse. "

Zhang Heng gave a bitter smile and said, "no way. Our station's capital has been in trouble. We can only improve our competitiveness by selling advertising expenses. Ah, let Zhao always laugh

Zhao Mingsheng said with a smile: "in the entertainment industry, which company and TV station have not encountered difficulties. I believe it is only temporary. However, Mr. Zhang, I have another immature plan. I would like to discuss it with you. "

"Mr. Zhao, please say that Mr. Zhang is all ears."

"Since there are some problems with your funds in Taiwan, I think we can cooperate in another way. We don't want any money from you, but you have to give us 70% of the advertising expenses. In this way, you can avoid the risks and make more profits. Why not

I have to say, ginger is still old and spicy.

Zhao Mingsheng is very familiar with the operation of the TV station. He raised the advertising share to 70%, just stepping on the point where the TV station can't get up and down.

Although Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing are extremely clever, in this respect, they are far less than Zhao Mingsheng, who has played in the circle all his life.

After listening to Zhao Mingsheng's words, Zhang Heng was obviously stunned for a moment, and said: "the total heart of Zhao is very big. However, it is also a way to get the best of both worlds. You are confident that you will be able to achieve greater success and greater benefits, and we do not need to spend a cent, do not need to bear the slightest risk, we can get the first round of "step by step" broadcast rights. That sounds good. "

Zhang Heng closed his eyes, weighed it, and said, "wait for me. I'll report to Director Liu."

Ten minutes later, Zhang Heng finished the phone call, sat back again and said, "we can agree to your terms. But 70% is too much. We can give 60% at most. "

Zhao Mingsheng thought and said, "take an average, 65%. After all, we are taking too much risk. "

Zhang Heng shook his head, firmly said: "the highest 60%, this is our bottom line."

"65 percent, that's our bottom line."

Zhao Mingsheng also said seriously.They looked at each other, no one spoke, and the air around them seemed to solidify.

Xiao Yunhai coughed gently and said, "I think we can talk with ratings."

Zhao Mingsheng and Zhang Heng were relieved at the same time and asked in unison, "what do you mean?"

Xiao Yunhai smile: "director Zhang, I don't know what's the highest ratings of TV series you introduced last year?"

"Less than five percent."

Zhang Heng's face turned red. In fact, they reached the highest of 3%.

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "well, we will take 5% as the boundary. If the audience rating of step by step is more than 5%, we will distribute the profits according to our requirements. "

Zhang Heng's eyes brightened and said, "if we can't reach five percent, we'll calculate the profit by 60 percent."

"That's right."

Zhang Heng said with a smile: "OK, this is a good idea. I'm sure even our director will agree. Mr. Zhao, what do you say? "

"Of course. What else does Zhang Tai want? " Zhao Mingsheng said.

Zhang Heng said: "the next requirement is very simple. We hope that Mr. Xiao can attend a live talk show on our TV station. Of course, we will pay you according to your price."

Zhao Wanqing asked, "is Chang Taichang talking about Jiang Qin Hui's guest room?"

"Yes. If our TV station has a show that we can get, it's only "Jiang Qin Hui guest room."

I've heard of "Jiang Yunqin".

Among all the variety show interview programs in the entertainment industry, if we say that "Happy Sunday" of mango TV station is the emperor on the top, then "jiangqin Club guest room" should belong to the king who has real power.

Last year, the average audience rating reached 1.6%, second only to happy Sunday and higher than CCTV's literary life.

The reason why she was able to achieve such a good performance is entirely due to her host Jiang Qin.

Today, she is twenty-eight years old in the media, and she likes to study in Huaqin University. After graduation, he has been hosting "jiangqin Club guest room" in Henan TV station.

Her hosting skills are very deep. Although it is a live broadcast, she always gives people a natural and fluent feeling. Her communication with guests is cordial and in place. Her language is witty and humorous, and her questions are both level and deep.

Therefore, as soon as "jiangqin Club guest room" was broadcasted, it quickly gained the favor of Chinese audiences.

"Director Zhang, we have a lot of celebrities in our crew. I don't understand why you have to let me participate."

Zhang Heng said: "because they have already participated. Like Miss Zhao, she and Jiang Qin have been very good friends for a long time. Since he became famous, Mr. Xiao has never participated in an interview program except for a happy Sunday. I believe that if you can participate in the guest room of jiangqin club, it will cause a strong sensation among your tens of millions of fans. At that time, our "step by step" will naturally become a big hit. "

Xiao Yunhai laughed and said, "I didn't think I had such a great influence. Well, I agreed. It's live on Saturday night, isn't it? "

"Yes, there are two days left."

"Well. I'll get the agent to contact you. Well, I just came back from my hometown. I didn't expect to go back so soon. " Xiao Yunhai said helplessly.

"That's why I can't leave my hometown, ha ha."

Zhao Mingsheng asked, "do you have any questions?"

"No, we can sign the contract according to the consensus we just reached."

"That would be great. Yunhai, Wanqing, you can have a good chat with director Zhang. I'll find someone to print the contract. "

Zhao Mingsheng stood up and walked to the door.

Soon, everyone signed the contract.

The next day, we sat together again and discussed the details of cooperation. In the afternoon, Zhang Heng returned to Henan TV station with the contract.

Xiao Yunhai and his team are sitting in the plane that night, also secretly flew over. After arriving at the hotel secretly, Xiao Yunhai asked Li linger to announce that she was going to attend the guest room of Jiang Qin club.

Good guy, as soon as the information was uploaded, there was a strong reaction from fans.

"I was wrong. It's amazing that the emperor would participate in the interview program."

"I was just wondering if there was something wrong with my eyes?"

"It's not easy. Our fans are looking forward to the stars and the moon. Finally, we hope that we can really understand the cloud emperor."

"Jiang Qin is indeed my goddess. She can invite the emperor to go, cow."

"I wanted to play games tomorrow night, but I decided not to."

"What do you think of the strong demand for emperor Yun to sing a song in the program?"

"Yes, support. The live version of emperor Yun is really hard to come by. In any case, let him do it. "

"Strong support upstairs."

originally, it was just a news release, but in a flash it became a petition of fans. In just half an hour, the number of petitioners reached 6300.

After Xiao Yunhai got the news from Li linger, he made a post on the home page.

"As long as you can accumulate 100000 petition posts before 0:00, I will sing a new Chinese style song in the interview program tomorrow evening."

"Ha ha, that's great. What are you waiting for? I'll send someone to come here and repeat them."

"I'll call my classmate."

"Come on, there's two hours left. You'll be all right." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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