Published at 11th of May 2022 06:02:11 AM

Chapter 243

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It took only 45 minutes since Xiao Yunhai posted his post to finish 100000 Luohan. It took fans to do it.

Xiao Yunhai didn't expect his fans to be so awesome. He naturally wouldn't get away with it. He posted a new post on his homepage.

"Ah, one failure is a thousand years of hate. Yes, I don't sleep tonight. I do a little bit of work overnight. I will do the accompaniment tomorrow morning to ensure that we can hear this new song. OK, I'm busy. "

Fans cheered at the post.

"Ha ha, we succeeded."

"It's great to win the song of the cloud emperor's Xinhua summer wind through our own efforts."

"Cloud emperor, don't let us down."

At 7 o'clock the next night, there were two hours before the live broadcast of the "jiangqin meeting guest room". The studio was busy working together.

"Give me a little bit of spirit, and check it over again. Is there any problem with the stand, the sound, the wiring? "

"No problem."

"Good, eh, what's the matter with the sofa? Didn't you tell you to change the new one? Hurry up, what are you still rubbing there? Change. "

The scene of the "jiangqin meeting guest room" was directed by the director with sweat.

Today, the arrival of cloud emperor Xiao Yunhai has given all the photographers a strong mind. Everyone is full of strength and strive to be the best, and also prepare to receive the talented artist with the highest standard.

Jiang Qin, who was full of intellectual beauty, saw this situation and smiled and said to the director, "guide Wang, you can be serious enough this time, and you have to start your hand in person."

"No way. This is the order of vice president Zhang, so we can not make any mistakes."

"I heard that the emperor of cloud is very nice to people, so don't be too fussy about it."

"That's not good. If there is a problem here, I think vice president Zhang killed me. I'm still doing the old and honest work. "

Jiang Qin smiled and didn't speak. Actually, she was curious about the cloud emperor. She was very young and made amazing achievements in so many fields. It was just a monster.

Meanwhile, the evil man was driving to the building of Henan South television station by car.

"Yunhai, remember what the host asks you to answer. Don't make any new tricks. This is live broadcast. If there is a problem, it is losing face in front of the people of the whole country, which is very unfavorable for your development. "

"By the way, you should hold your character down and don't be as foolishly as usual. Last happy Sunday talk a little casual, this is not a good thing, will give a feeling of frivolity. "


all the way, Su Yingxue, like a nanny, constantly charged Xiao Yunhai, but he was not afraid of his nervousness. People like xiaoyunhai don't know what tension is.

She was mainly afraid that in the show, Xiao Yunhai would say something inappropriate.

It's live and it's impossible to deal with it twice.

"Snow sister, when I ask you, can I not nag? It's not just an interview program. Rest assured, no problem, no need to make a fuss. "

Su Yingxue turned a white eye and said, "you are really a dog biting lvdongbin, and you don't know the good people. Who am I doing this for? How much pressure I have been under as a broker, especially your unruly star agent. In terms of advertising, the agency almost calls me every day. I...... "

OK, snow sister. When the "step by step" is on, I will definitely get a big price rise. Then I will shoot you two advertisements. I have Haoyu clothes now, and I don't need to buy them later. Next I will take the shoes and watch ads, so that everything is solved. Well, this business is not a loss. "

Su Yingxue, with a bright eye, seemed to see countless Chinese coins waving at himself and said, "this is what you said, I didn't force you."

"Don't worry, are not two advertisements? I can do it without a day. Ah, I got the music for the night last night. I was sleepy. I took a rest and called me somewhere. " Xiao Yunhai yawned and lay in his seat.

Maybe it was too tired last night. Xiao Yunhai was lying down and fell asleep. When he was wakened up, people had already arrived at the TV station.

The TV station had arranged a staff to wait for him at the door, and saw Xiao Yunhai coming down from the car and ran over.

Led by the staff, Xiao and his team went to the back room of the jiangqin meeting guest room.

Jiang Qin had long been informed and was sitting there waiting for him.

Seeing Xiao Yunhai coming in, Jiang Qin hurriedly stood up and smiled, "our big star is here."

Xiao Yunhai and she shook hands and smiled, "sister Qin can leave her in a moment."

"Rest assured. Your family called me six times before you came here. He told me that I must take good care of you. I don't know what magic you have, can turn the proud Miss Zhao fan's mind upside down. "Xiao Yunhai fart said: "this is the charm of men, ordinary people do not understand."

Jiang Qin chuckled and said, "she's right. You really don't have a right line."

"Well, I know she didn't say anything good about me." Xiao Yunhai sighed and said.

Jiang Qin smiles and doesn't speak.

As one of the famous hosts in China, Jiang Qin has met numerous young stars. Every see her, either respectful or polite, like Xiao Yunhai such a casual real star, she is the first time to see.

Jiang Qin handed Xiao Yunhai the copy in his hand and said, "you can have a good look. If there is any inappropriate place, we will discuss it again."

Xiao Yunhai said, "OK, I'll make up. I'll see you later."

Under the leadership of a staff member, Xiao Yunhai came to the dressing room arranged by the TV station. Under Zhao Yan's skillful hand, Xiao Yunhai soon finished painting.

It took another five minutes for Xiao Yunhai to finish reading the script, but there was nothing to change.

After a while, Jiang Qin knocked on the door and came in. After discussing the details with Xiao Yunhai, it was time for the program.

Jiang Qin walked to the stage with ease and started the official live broadcast.

"Good evening, everyone. Welcome to the guest room of Jiang Qin club. I'm the host, Jiang Qin. Let's talk less. The star we invited today is a household name. His debut time is less than a year, he is a complete new actor in the entertainment industry, but with his amazing talent, he has successfully established himself in the entertainment industry, and his fans have reached tens of millions.

Now he came to our "guest room of Jiang Qin club" with his self compiled and self performed "step by step". Tell me, who is he? "

Already can't bear the scene, the audience yelled in unison: "cloud emperor."

"Let's welcome Xiao Yunhai, our cloud emperor, with the warmest applause."

With the cheers of the audience, Xiao Yun stepped on the stage with a smile.

"Hello, everyone. I'm Xiao Yunhai." Xiao Yunhai first bowed to the camera and the audience in front of the TV set. Then he shook hands with Jiang Qin and said, "Hello, sister Qin. I've wanted to come here to talk with you for a long time, and I've finally got my wish today. "

Jiang Qin showed a playful smile and said, "can you leave it a little bit more?"

"Ha ha ha."

The audience laughed.

Xiao Yunhai is famous for not participating in variety show interviews. Even when he publicized his "fairy tale" album, he only held several press conferences around the country.

The only time he left a deep impression on the audience with his humorous words on Happy Sunday.

Today, his Xiao's quotations are still being talked about with relish, and have become the oral language in people's daily life.

Xiao Yunhai pretended to be wronged and said, "sister Qin, I'm really wronged. You see, it's going to snow in the sky. "

Jiang Qin said with a smile, "Dou'e, it's snowing in June. We're in winter now. It's normal to snow."

"Well, I'll come back in June. Let's see if he can get down

The audience was amused by the two and burst into laughter.

"Well, let's not be poor. It's said that you did something last night that the fans couldn't get down? "

"That's right."

Before Xiao Yunhai spoke, the audience began to shout.

Jiang Qin said: "you see, there must be a lot of fans from last night. "

Xiao Yunhai said:" in fact, I just want to make a joke with you. I think it's impossible to accumulate 100000 posts in two hours. Who knows everyone is so powerful that it took only 40 minutes to finish the work. Oh, I can't help it. I have to record songs all night. "

The fans were laughing.

"This shows the fans' expectation of your music on the other hand," Jiang said

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "yes, so I am very grateful to you. Fortunately, I just wrote a Chinese wind two days ago, otherwise it would be really troublesome. "

With that, Xiao Yunhai thumbed up at the camera again and said, "you... Cattle."

Hearing the praise of the idol, the audience and fans in front of the TV set are greatly satisfied.

Jiang Qin nods secretly. Xiao Yunhai is really not simple.

"What's the ratings?"

In the monitoring room of Yunan TV station, Zhang Heng, the red faced vice head of the TV station, came in from the outside.

Today, leaders from above came down to inspect, and he accompanied him to drink wine all night. Fortunately, he had a good amount of wine, otherwise, he would have been lying under the table.

The director of the monitoring room is very clear that Zhang Heng is interested in Xiao Yunhai's program, and he has been here for a long time.

He said happily, "Mr. Zhang, you are really smart. It's only five minutes from the beginning of the program, and it's over three percent. ""Three percent?" Zhang Heng's face turned more red when he heard this. This time, it was not because he was drunk, but because he was stimulated by the ratings.

Seeing the ratings curve, Zhang Heng cheered. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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