Published at 11th of May 2022 06:02:04 AM

Chapter 247

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On the Ninth Night of the lunar new year, with 10 minutes to go before the premiere of "step by step", the data monitoring room of Yunan TV station is already overcrowded.

Liu Qingshan, director of Yunan TV station, Zhang Heng, deputy director of Yunan TV station, Meng Linghui, director of "step by step", Chen Qingqing, and starring Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing, all sat here.

From time to time, there are only a few people in front of the computer who are tapping into their eyes.

At 20 o'clock sharp, the theme song of "step by step startling" begins to play.

The staff in the monitoring room are staring at each other for fear of any problems. You know, the people sitting behind are all TV station bosses with the power of life and death.

At this time, Xiao Yunhai suddenly asked, "what's the audience rating now?"

“1.2%。” The monitor's voice was loud.

Xiao Yunhai asked, "what is the audience rating in this period of time

The monitor did not speak and looked at Liu Qingshan.

Liu Qingshan frowned and said, "tell the truth."

"0.6% of the last TV show."

"That is to say, it has doubled," said Zhang Heng


Xiao Yunhai nodded and felt good about the result. After all, before the drama started, it attracted so many people. It was already very good.

Two minutes later, a monitor suddenly stood up excited, almost staring out of his eyes.

"What's the matter with you?" Monitoring room director Meng Linghui angry way.

The monitor pointed to the screen and said, "leaders, the data is rising too fast. It's only three minutes since the start of the story, and our ratings are over three percent. And the data is still soaring, it can't stop at all. "

"What? That's three percent. "

Liu Qingshan, Zhang Heng and others stood up at the same time, flushed.

For them who have always been at the bottom of the ratings, it is very good to break 3%. Last year, when it was launched, none of them got this result.

But for Chen Qingqing, Xiao Yunhai and others, the audience rating of 3% is not in their eyes at all.

Chen Qingqing's "Emperor Kangxi" had a ratings of 6% at the beginning, and then soared all the way, with the highest ratings almost breaking through 20%.

But Xiao Yunhai's heart is too big, with the ultra-high quality of "step by step", becoming a legendary TV series is his bottom line. Failure to achieve this goal is failure. It's just three percent. It doesn't interest him at all.

Zhao Wanqing followed Xiao Yunhai's example. Without moving, she naturally sat there drinking tea.

Liu Qingshan was so happy that he saw that Chen Qingqing was indifferent to the audience rating of 3% and didn't even lift their eyelids. However, he stood up excitedly and almost clapped his hands to celebrate.

The contrast between the two sides makes Liu Qingshan's face a little bit hot, and feels a little humiliated.

He coughed twice, reminded Zhang Heng and others who were ecstatic, and sat down quietly.

Zhang Heng people where also can't see the form, also hastily astringed the expression, sat back to the original place.

"You report the data every two minutes," Liu said to the monitor

"Yes, director."

At this time, several people have completely put their hearts down, drinking tea and waiting quietly.

Idle, Xiao Yunhai took out the mobile phone directly and played the game.

Zhao Wanqing saw that Xiao Yunhai still had leisure to play games at this juncture. She was speechless and made a sorry expression to the people who cast their eyes on him.







in only 10 minutes, the data rose to 4.7%, and Liu Qingshan and others looked at each other with a look of excitement.

"Is there going to be a classic TV play in Yunan TV station?"

At the same time, such an idea came into the minds of the people.

But when they saw the three members of the crew's expression of indifference, they did not perform too well. They could only suppress their inner excitement and try to pretend to be indifferent.

"Damn it!"

At this time, the monitoring personnel suddenly screamed, stood up again, pointed to the screen with trembling right hand, turned his head excitedly and yelled to everyone: "leaders, classic TV series has been born. More than five percent. "

His second gaffe has long attracted everyone's attention. The director of the monitoring room wanted to teach him a good lesson, but after hearing the news, the words just about to come out were immediately stuck in the throat and nothing was said.

Liu Qingshan didn't care about his status any more this time. He went to the monitoring machine and saw the figure of 5.25%. When he saw the figure of 5.25%, his wrinkled face finally showed a brilliant smile and his eye frame turned red.As the head of Yunan TV station, Liu Qingshan's life has not been easy these years. The long-term low ratings made him unable to hold his head up when he went to the film and Television Bureau for a meeting.

Now, my own TV station out of a classic TV drama, watching other station directors dare not secretly laugh at themselves.

Looking at the smiling Zhang Heng, Liu Qingshan nodded secretly.

At the beginning, he advocated to buy the TV series on the phone. Although it cost a lot of money, he achieved remarkable results.

At this time, Chen Qingqing, Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing also stood up from their seats.

When he came to the monitor, seeing that the ratings were still rising slowly, Xiao Yunhai nodded with satisfaction and asked, "director Liu and vice director Zhang, from the experience of both of them, can our ratings break through 10% tonight?"

Liu Tai Chang was stunned when he heard the speech. The excitement that had just arisen and the excitement disappeared in an instant. In his heart, he said, "the original goal of others is legendary TV series."

Looking at the ratings curve on the computer, Mr. Liu seriously considered it and said, "I can only say that it is possible, but it's not big."

"As long as there is hope." Xiao Yunhai nodded and said.

As time went by, it soon came to Zhang Xiao's drama of crossing to the last year of Kangxi of Qing Dynasty. The audience rating fluctuated greatly in this plot, from 5.67 points to 7.69 points.

By the end of the first episode of "step by step", the highest ratings reached 8.84%. Although the performance was good, Xiao Yunhai was still slightly disappointed.

Seeing Xiao Yunhai's appearance, Zhang Heng said with a smile: "brother Xiao, the first episode of the TV series can reach 8.84% of the audience rating, which is very amazing. From this form, it is absolutely certain that step by step thriller will become a legendary TV series. We don't have to worry too much. "

Chen Qingqing nodded and said with a smile, "vice director Zhang is right. He he, I Chen Qingqing how lucky, two years actually can direct two legendary TV series, said, I do not know how many directors will envy me. I also want to thank you and Wanqing for finding me

Zhao Wanqing said, "don't say that, director Chen. We should thank you. Without your super high directing level, we "step by step startle" will not achieve such a result

Chen Qingqing ha ha smile, was about to speak, the cell phone in the pocket suddenly rang. Turn it on. It's Huang Peiqi's phone.

As soon as Chen Qingqing was connected, Huang Peiqi's impatient voice came over.

"Mr. Chen, the first episode of" step by step "is over. What's the ratings

Chen Qingqing sighed deliberately and said, "the ratings are not good. It's still 1.16% away from the legend."

Chen Qingqing's voice is very low. Huang Peiqi seems to have only heard the last 1.16% of the number. After a long silence on the phone for a long time, Huang Peiqi said, "don't worry, old Chen. Maybe we can attack back."

Chen Qingqing held back a smile and said, "I hope so. Lao Huang, don't be discouraged. We are 1.16% short. "

Huang Peiqi listened clearly this time and said, "what do you mean by that? Didn't you say that our ratings are 1.16%

Chen Qingqing pretended to be puzzled and said, "no, when did I say that. What I just said is 1.16% less than the legendary TV series? Are you old enough to have a bad ear

Speaking of this, Chen Qingqing couldn't help laughing.

Huang Peiqi didn't know that he had been made fun of by the old man. He was so angry that he said: "you don't respect me. I'm scared to death by you. I was just wondering how a drama like "step by step" has such a small audience rating. It turns out that you old guy is playing tricks. "

after scolding Chen Qingqing, Huang Peiqi couldn't help but confirm again:" what you said is true? "

Chen Qingqing said with a smile: "yes, the highest rating of our first episode is 8.84%. As for when it can break through 10%, it depends on the will of heaven. "

"Ha ha ha." Huang Peiqi's hearty laughter rang out over the phone: "I remember the ratings of the first episode of Emperor Kangxi seem to be similar to it. We seem to have succeeded again this time. "

"Yes, we did. Everyone's efforts have not been in vain. Well, I don't want to talk to you. The second episode is about to start. Let's wait until it's over. "

Chen Qingqing finished and hung up the phone.

Soon, the opening song of the second episode began to play.

"Gee, how come the ratings are only 5.8% Xiao Yunhai saw the data on the computer and asked with a frown.

"It's a normal phenomenon," Zhang Heng said casually, "just after six minutes of advertising, everyone went to see other programs. In a moment, they'll be back. "

Sure enough, less than five minutes after the second episode, the ratings soared to more than nine percent, which slowed down slightly.Meng Linghui, director of the monitoring room, sipped his lips and said, "director Liu and vice director Zhang, do you think the second meeting will not break through ten points?"

Meng Linghui's words shocked Liu Qingshan and Zhang Hengqi. In fact, they have just thought about this problem. However, the ratings of the TV series have been at the bottom of the audience rating for many years, which makes them feel that the legendary TV series is somewhat unattainable, and some dare not to be extravagant.

Now, when they heard Meng Linghui's words, a strong desire suddenly burst out from the heart. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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